Vedic Chart

Vedic Horoscope

Birth chart or Horoscope

Birth chart is based on your accurate Date of Birth, Time and Place of Birth.

If you want a very detailed and professional birth chart, reach us at

It will look like below.

A pdf version of your birth chart, can also be made available.

Here are some basic technical details of a vedic horoscope.

Vedic horoscope is made according to True Lahiri Ayanamsa (Chitra paksha) (Precession of Equinox), using Sidereal solar years of 360, and Vimshottari Dasha Timing system.

To predict life events, your birth horoscope will be read as per Parasara system and Timing using Vimshottari Dasha system and Samaya Amsa or Kaala timing technique.

To know more about how our Astrologers read a birth chart, read this blog,

Know more from books

Vedic Astrology is a vast subject with different techniques. To know more about Vedic Astrology books.

For Marriage Compatibility

For Marriage - Horoscope and Nakshatra matching of to be Bridegroom and to be Groom, stevehora dot com .

Accurate Predictions

Accurate Vedic Horoscope Predictions using a Mundane Predictions technique from Tamil Nadi Grantha or Palm Leaf reading, the Timing and Predictions are accurately given.

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Shri Chakra Meditation for horoscope remedies

Personalized Shri Chakra as per your horoscope. Personalized mantra, yantra and tantra as per Vedic traditions.

Prasna Marga

Get questions answered according to the time of the question.