Birth chart

How to Read Lagna Birth chart?

How to Read Lagna Birth chart?

Birth Chart Prediction

A birth chart reading or Lagna chart prediction is also called Reading the Horoscope. A Horoscope the mapping of planets from a Geo-centric point of view.

A vedic horoscope is sidereal, taking into account the Ayanamsa or precession of Equinox.

Using a good software one can create a horoscope using accurate birth information namely date of birth, time and place of birth.

Read a horoscope as per vedic astrology as follows

Ascertain Lagna or ascendant and its lord, Chandra and Surya sign lord.

With the above one can ascertain the personality of the person, by applying the gunas of ascendant, its lord,grahas in lagna.

Gunas of Chandra sign, its lord and grahas, to be read, for the person’s mind and emotions.

Gunas of Surya sign, its lord and grahas in that sign, to be read, to know the ego of that person

To read a particular house, eg. 2nd house. This house signifies wealth and speech. The sign, its lord and grahas in it, to be read, to knows ones wealth.

6th, 8th and 12th sign lords and its placement adversely affect the house they are in and associated with.

Special drishti of grahas to be applied to read properly. eg. Guru looks at 5th, 9th and 7th.

The different balas has to be ascertained. eg. Exaltation and Debilitation.

Combinations of grahas (yogas) to be ascertained.

The malefic and benefics for the lagna, to be noted for reading.

The above is just of one house. This has to be repeated for all houses.

For more detailed analysis, I use the nakshatra in which the grahas are placed. This gives more insight into the intricacy of the house lord.

To get more accuracy of the lagna chart, divisional charts has to be read.

Navamsa (eg) is for karmic power of each graha and spouse. This gives a deeper understanding of spouse related information, which is generic in lagna chart.

The relationship of 7th lord to navamsa should be read to know accurately about spouse.

The above is just of one divisional chart. This has to be repeated for all houses and its connected divisional chart.

Once the understanding is got, with experience, data and intuition, one can predict events.

For a experienced astrologer the horoscope is just a map, Mundane Predictions comes out of intuition, guided by the analysis done as above.

Timing from your horoscope.

Many astrologers follow different methodology. The true test of an astrologer’s Mundane Predictions is the timing part with the Mundane Predictions happening.

I find on many methods which are absurd, as below

Jaimini and its karakas which are house based are mixed with nakshatra-base vimshottari dasha.

Some use Varshaphala or Annual Solar Returns, to predict events. Varshaphala is for transit predictions, not for fate related, which is from Dasha and Antara timings.

Some use natural karakas like eg. Shukra for spouse. Natural karakas is for common understanding of the gunas of different grahas.

Percentage house based predictions with nakshatra based vimshottari dasha.

Using Vimshottari dasha as it is, which is based on Chandra, but predictions from house-based grahas, which is approximate.

For quick reference of house significance

First House Birth, head, physical body, limb, physical features, livelihood

Second House Wealth, food, right eye, what one eats or drinks, face, eye, speech, family, property

Third House Courage, firmness, bad thoughts, breast, ear, especially right ear, prowess, brother or sister - younger one, heroism, mental strength

Fourth house House, home, land, relation, mother, vehicle, happiness, water, learning

Fifth House Intellect, children, son, belly, traditional law, virtuous acts previously done

Sixth House Debt, wounds, disease, enemy, sin, a wicked act, fear, humiliation

Seventh House Desire, love, passion, cohabitation, partner, public, wife or husband, dowry

Eighth House Life, longevity, mental pain, defeat or insult, sorrow, scandal, ill-repute, death, impurity, obstacle, danger

Ninth House Guru or preceptor, father, auspicious, previous life , worship, penance, virtue, grandson, prayer, spiritual initiation, noble family, fortune

Tenth House Livelihood, kingdom, work, commerce, trade, business, rank or position, good conduct, honor, sacrifice, command, quality, wealth, occupation

Eleventh House Profit or gain, income, all kinds of receipts, acquisition, gain, desire, passion, fulfillment of one s desire, wealth or riches, brothers and sisters - elder one, friends

Twelfth House House of disappearance, bondage, loss, negation, bed, sin, poverty, penury, loss, decline, misery, left eye, leg, defect.