Quora - Astrological Question and Answers by Steve Hora
No. As per Nadi Astrology, each individual is unique at the time of birth. So the generalized predictions in newspaper, is not correct.
It depends on Venus. Venus being 4th and 9th lord in 12th means loss of both parents, when the time comes.
The time can be delineated using NadiAmsa.
Change of name does not change the horoscope. Rather your question is valid. You can change your name as per your star (nakshatra).
Your Rasi chart has to be analysed for 7th house and its lord. And with it the Navamsa chart should be analysed.
Please provide details
Rasi chart gives an indication that Jupiter is debilitated.
Need to know Jupiter is which house lord and where in Rasi, without which prediction cannot be made.
Where is Venus and Mars situated ?
Wear any stone except 6th,8th and 12th house lords. But the effectiveness will be increased by Rasi stone only.
Both Kundli should be matched before proceeding to match by nakshatra.
But unfortunately all follow nakshatra-matching first and end up in problems later.
Depends on the astrologer and the methodology used for timing.
All astrologers are on an average will be accurate in telling what can happen, BUT fail in timing it. So you can find an astrologer’s accuracy and competence by his timing.
Contact for predictions and accurate timing
Depends on Jupiter, which house lord he is?
Need chart to analyse.
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
The person will be have all round benefits.
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Can I have full birth details for accurate timing and predictions
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
There are other houses other than 7th for second marriage.
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need to analyse the full chart
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Can you provide DO, TOB and POB for detailed analysis
Need full birth details to predict
Vedic Astrology
For Mesha Rasi, anytime Saturn will play havoc. Why? Simple.
Saturn is neecha in Mesha. But Mars the lord of Mesha is aucha in Makara (Saturn house). It is common-sense for anybody to be treated with respect in somebody’s house, but saturn is not treated that way in mesha. But Saturn respected Mars in his house.
So whenever Saturn becomes powerful (Ashtama Sani) it inflicts pain to Mars (Mesha).
So it is just your karma. Find out who you disrespected and pay obedience to them. Given time (saturn need too much), saturn will test you and forgive you.
And so the Karmic circle moves on ……
Ask any questions about your life with birth details. Predictions will be given with accurate timing and solution. Your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
You can also become an expert astrologer like me, with the help of below link and read and predict your chart.
Need your birth data to analyse fully this above question.
Send to vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need your birth data to analyse fully this above question.
Need your birth data to analyse fully this above question.
For Mesha Rasi, anytime Saturn will play havoc. Why? Simple.
Saturn is neecha in Mesha. But Mars the lord of Mesha is aucha in Makara (Saturn house). It is common-sense for anybody to be treated with respect in somebody’s house, but saturn is not treated that way in mesha. But Saturn respected Mars in his house.
So whenever Saturn becomes powerful (Ashtama Sani) it inflicts pain to Mars (Mesha).
So it is just your karma. Find out who you disrespected and pay obedience to them. Given time (saturn need too much), saturn will test you and forgive you.
And so the Karmic circle moves on ……
Need full data of birth for predicting using NadiAmsa.
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need full data of birth for predicting using NadiAmsa. More so, need also Ashtamsa chart.
Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Simple. It is human quest to know what will happen or happening
10th lord in Lagna, its position in D10 and Navamsa will reveal the strength.
In D10 you can get insights of position and its nature.
Mind that Amsa charts DO NOT have lordships over houses.
eg: Take 10th lord in Lagna, check the strength in D10, position. Check strength in Navamsa and position. Analyse together Lagna, D10 and Navamsa.
7th and 8th house lord saturn is in 7th. More than this one needs navamsa and saturn position to predict.
What I find here in quora is, people ask these kind of questions, and expect elaborate answers, which should NOT be the case. There are so many things to analyse as a horoscope, to give meaningful predictions.
Also I find many persons answer like “Me to know the answer” type and give generic answers with no specificity to the chart.
First stop analyzing your own chart for prediction. This will have a negative psychological impact on you. And also asking like this does not help your cause.
Go for personnel consultation
Give details of birth to make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
Give details of birth to know the position of Rahu and Guru and make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
Give details of birth to know position of Moon, Guru and Venus make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
Jagannatha Hora
NadiAmsa is the key to Naadi Shastra. A Rashi is divided into 150 parts (equal or unequal). Each part corresponds to one of the 16 varga division.
Making the NadiAmsa is tricky and needs verification from the subject, life events.
Tamil Sage Agasthya is the exponent of Naadi Shastra.
Give details of birth to make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
Give details of birth to make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
Give details of birth to make NadiAmsa and predict accurately
8th and 1st lord in Rasi and Astamsa will reveal akala and kala marana.
Need the placement of planets in nakshatra, for actual prediction.
Rahu and Ketu move anti-clockwise against planets. Rahu position in rashi and nakshatra will let know its effects - bad or good. Rahu’s bad effects can be mitigated at the right time in that bukthi of that planet as per rashi chart.
This question (marriage to boyfriend) falls under present action (karma) or action by will power of the individual. But the content of the question can be based on past birth karma also.
So the astrologer has to delineate as below
- Asertain the question and its content and clasify it as past karma or present life action (will power)
- If it is will power action, use horary astrology to predict
- If it is past karma, predict based on vedic chart.
Addendum : One cannot ascertain that this is the boyfriend that one would marry. Why? Because one can have many boyfriends and many to marry as per “Natural Law”. So which boyfriend to marry cannot be told 100% in vedic chart. One can give an indication based on present Dasa-Bukthi running and whether one will marry now.
Please provide birth data to know nakshatra positions of planets to predict
Daily forecast is like rain fall, which is for everybody and a common indicative prediction. This is cyclic due to normal movement of planets with respect to Rashi or Sun Sign, which reflects a person’s mental or ego state ONLY.
A person’s birth chart is the one which reveal the true predictions based on uneven-based timing of Dasa-Bukthi.
As Mars is AtmaKaraka, his dasa would give profit from job or business.Based on its position in NadiAmsa, one can delineate its power intrinsically also.
Your Rasi chart is flawed. How come 12th house has Ascendant in it :(
Saturn time namely - sadesathi or ashtamaSani or Bukthi or dasa might have started. Check your horoscope. Not a good time.
Need details of Lagna chart
Vedic Astrology will give accurate fate and destiny predictions with timing accurately, provided the astrologer uses the right technique, like NadiAmsa.
Western Astrology is good at psychological and dynamic influence of planets on a person.
Your past karma and present action (will power karma) together will decide your life happenings.
For your age use your will power to do good things for yourself and others, then past karma will be good.
Its like a tied goat which can graze the grass to the length of the rope (fate and destiny).But one can optimize the grazing if one uses the will power.
Addendum : Unless you would not know your destiny from a vedic chart,it is futile to go forward.
Depends on your Rashi, one should wear a stone
Fate and Destiny can be predicted accurately with timing using NadiAmsa.
There are many astrologers on Quora including me, a vedic one.
Marriage and time can be predicted accurately with using NadiAmsa
Is this a western or vedic chart,to begin with for analysis
Health problematic. Education will have failures.
Travel if related with 10th, need to find from full chart
I do not know Hindi, send birth details to vedicastrology123@gmail.com
This is a Muchanti (ending) nakshatra, so Moon in this kind of a place give problems in a person’s mind, that they cannot overcome hurdles. But with will power, they can
Based on Guru’s lordship and position, one can tell. Send details to vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Based on Guru’s lordship and position. Send details to vedicastrology123@gmail.com
For better prediction of married life need NadiAmsa
For better prediction of married life using NadiAmsa, you may contact on my email: vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Whether you match or NOT, fate and destiny would have taken over, by your very decision to marry this person.
7.5 years - total. 2.5 years in 12th, 1st and 2nd of one’s Rashi.
When transiting
12th - Previous birth karma is judged by Saturn and does its karmic action good or bad on that person
1st - Karmic actions on the body of the person
2nd - Karmic action on the wealth and speech
Addendum : Saturn’s karmic actions can be nullified in each cycle, by doing good karma before it crosses 11th of one’s Rashi. Hint : 11th is opposite to 5th (Punya).
For free horoscope prediction,
Provide accurate birth details eg.: 6th March 1989, 21:35 PM, New Delhi,India and vedic astrology chart with vimshottari dasha.
Ask any questions about your life with birth details. Predictions will be given with accurate timing and solution. Your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
You can also become an expert astrologer like me, with the help of below link and read and predict your chart.
Kundali (Horoscope) matching is NOT done in most cases. ONLY nakshatra compatibility matching is being done.
More so, by destiny and fate,both get married, to go through the karmic actions between them.
Astrology is NOT to match persons. It is to know one’s good and bad karma and do corrective action.
Without ascendant and other positional details, one cannot analyse and give accurate predictions.
Nakshatra position of planets are needed. Contact with birth details
Nakshatra position of planets are needed. Contact with birth details
Vedic Astrology is based on karma (past and present), which is governed by planets.
Need birth details, to make D10 and other Amsa charts. Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Need birth details, to make D9 and other Amsa charts.
Need birth details, to make D10 and other Amsa charts. Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
In Vedic chart it is possible to tell this. But by “Natural law” one can have many boy/girl friends or marry many.
7th house denotes marriage and 1st lord position in particular house will tell love is there for many, girl/boy or spouse.
From moon, it will be mental attitude. So it pertains only to the person, not in relationship with spouse. Said that only Moon sign is matched for compatibility with spouse.
So Lagna chart is the one for Manglik definitions.
Need birth details, to make D4 and other Amsa charts. Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
7th house has problems. Ketu in 7th makes the person think and reflect about oneself, too much.
You can register at VEDIC ASTROLOGY for free predictions
Need birth details, to make D10 and other Amsa charts. Contact vedicastrology123@gmail.com
Depends on Moon’s lordship and his position and also his relationship with 11th house lord.
What interpretation ?.You mean prediction
If your 2nd, 5th, 11th, 9th and 6th are in good position in vedic chart.
Yes you can
Ayanamsa is the only difference as far as chart making is concerned.
Vedic has timing - Dashas and Varga charts, which Western (poor cousin) lacks terribly.
As per Nadi Amsa, From Oct 2014 to August 2017 is your marriage time. Before August 2017 you will get married.
Mars exalted in Saturn’s house. Mars fire and fiery. Saturn cold and introvert.
Both sworn enemies. Saturn water and Mars fire. Saturn will nullify Mars in Capricorn. Mars will bestow yogas out of fear for Saturn and being a guest in saturn’s house.
The above yogas will be good or bad will depend on the lordship of saturn and mars.
I predict accurately for myself and for others, and NOT for FUN.
SadeSati is transit effect of Saturn.
Maha Dasha of saturn is particular to that chart.
Moon is emotional and saturn introvert. Based on position in the chart, one can predict traits and remedy
Give the positions of Moon and Mercury, then one can ascertain, any yoga by placement in house, will ever happen.
You can.
The very decision to marry a person, had decided the fate, so seeing and matching manglik dosha is futile.
Interpret what. You mean prediction of your whole life?!?
Based on Ketu’s nakshatra position one can predict moksha, or hidden carnal pleasures.
“kettavan kettidil kittidum rajayogam” is the dictum in tamil, when reading horoscopes which means “When a bad graha is in a bad house,it gives raja yoga”
So your Ketu in 12th will give raja yoga. If the placement of Ketu in which nakshatra, navamsa, nadiamsa is given, one can say about good and bad antardashas.
BTW there is film by this name “kettavan kettidil kittidum rajayogam” to be released. Simbu being the hero.
6th and 8th in 10th, better get ready for rude shocks on job.
Need nakshatra pada positions with DOB details to predict.
Need nakshatra pada positions with DOB details to predict.
Is this a vedic chart, to interpret. What is the prediction you need.Write to vedicastrology@gmail.com
Cannot give a generic answer for such an important question. Is this a vedic chart, to interpret. What is the prediction you need.Write to vedicastrology@gmail.com
Do you want a vedic chart, to interpret.Write to vedicastrology@gmail.com
Give position of 1st house lord, to tell about this conjunction.
Where is Sun - Leo house owner situated ?.
Where Moon Cancer house’s lord is situated ?
Prediction for US Presidency
We will look at Mrs. Hillary Clinton chart from a Vedic Astrology perspective
Born: October 26, 1947, 8:02 AM
In: Chicago (IL) (United States)
10th lord (job) is in 5th house (Punya) and 5th Lord Saturn is in 10th. So exchange of houses between 5th and 10th, a raja-yoga for power. 7th lord (spouse) is in 10th with arch enemy saturn,but bestowed power through husband previously.
If she keeps away from husband for the nomination-campaign and as well the election campaign, that would be the best.
If nominated,she will win the election.
On Nov 8th 2016, she will be running Sun Dasa Rahu Bukthi. Sun being 11th lord in 1st and Rahu in 8th will bring success.
10th lord (job) is in 5th house (Punya) and 5th Lord Saturn is in 10th. Refer Mrs. Clinton analysis in this Forum.
With Saturn as the democratic planet Very Well Placed in Mrs. Hillary Clinton chart AND the same Saturn is in 10th house in the horoscope of USA (Declaration of Independence horoscope), Mrs. Clinton Will Be Nominated to stand as the President Election Nominee from the Democratic Party.
So taking into account, the chart of "Declaration of Independence" of USA, and the above nominees vedic horoscopes.....
The clear winner will be Mrs.Hillary Clinton.
Best Wishes to the coming President of USA, the people of USA.
Refer : The Vedic Astrology Forum
Saturn in Libra as per Vedic chart, is good for co-borns. These sacrifice their life for the benefit of the public.
Check out this 2016 US Presidential Nominees
A good religious mind
Navamsa indicates the karmic power of a planet. If Venus is in same sign both in Lagna and Navamsa chart, it denotes excellent karmic state of Venus. Based on his lordship in lagna chart, he will bestow the karmic effects.
2nd and 7th Venus combined with 10th and 11th Saturn in 10th for Aries ascendant, signifies changes on job, in appropriate Dasa-Bukthi as per Nadi Amsa prediction.
Get general astrology predictions for about my finances, the best time of my life, business that suits me, everything from astrologyandme.com - Free Horoscope .
For specific predictions consult an astrologer
You have too many planets in 7th, so married life is confused.
Mars as 6th house lord and Rahu in 6th is very good to fight out enemies and win court cases.
Dasha Bukthi timing as per NadiAmsa can be accurate for the above prediction.
Ketu, Sun, Moon and Venus-conjunction in 2nd house means 12th lord is in 1st, 1st lord is in 1st and 3rd and 10th lord in 2nd. Speech to be controlled.
You will change job frequently when Sun Dasa or bukthi is running in Nadi Amsa chart.
Your future life specific to your career can be read from Rashi, Dasamsa and NadiAmsa chart.With Dasa Bukthi timing one can know the best times in one’s career.
Consult a practicing astrologer for predictions
Can I have the South Indian version of the charts and also the NadiAmsa chart to predict for you.
Which year you were born. With that one can find the star (nakshatra) in which one is born
Sun and Mercury combination is good, but saturn is not good as he is lagna-ashtama Shani for Leo.
Get your vedic chart using “Jagannatha Hora” software. In that you can see the yogas for your chart and then consult here for your marriage.
Gemini Sun sign person’s ego is to show off their intelligence at macro level.
Virgo Sun sign person’s ego is to show off their intelligence in details.
Parivartana means exchange.I do not find ANY exchange of house lords. Not applicable.
Just because Guru is retrograde DOES NOT qualify for it to be in 10th, for any meaningful parivartana.
If you are Female, Swati star is Rahu’s star and it is one of the Maha nakshatra, with no dosha for marriage. So you qualify to marry any other nakshatra, without any compatibility check.
The above is NOT applicable to Men.
If it is a male frog, then it would have thought that your front-door knob was a female frog, and jumped over it for obvious reasons.
Make your chart with “Jagannatha Hora” software and come back to me for prediction.
6th lord in 7th lord is bad
Astrology is real science and true.
Alas but Quora had tagged it under pseudoscience topic ontology
Your year of birth is wrong. You may be not live, as of now. Check out.
Forget about the rationalists. If you give your proper DOB, one can predict when the good time will come for you to get job. Till then go on try.
From my experience, the market is very limited for the following reasons :-
1. Most of the users want free predictions, because they do NOT believe in astrology, BUT still want a free reading.
2. Too many fake astrologers, so it is difficult for users to find the real one.
3. Only 25% success rate for payment.
4. Other 75% are not bothered to buy.
5. Lastly, when I did right free predictions, most of them never even Thanked Me.
Not great
Too generic data to predict the question
Do not analyse your own chart and ask for prediction.
Consult a practicing astrologer
Read the below
“Accurate Timing of an event is the essence of prediction from a horoscope.”
[math]\huge\color{green}{\ddot\smile}[/math]The best things in life are always free[math]\huge\color{green}{\ddot\smile}[/math] ... as on quora.
For a accurate horoscope prediction on quora:
- A2A request me on quora with a question.
eg. “Predict when I will get married”. - Ask a question, your personnel birth details,
- e.g. “My birth details : 4th Sep 1986, 21:34 PM, Mumbai, India”.
- A real horoscope prediction answer for your reference. There are many.
From my experience, the free consultation is very limited for the following reasons :-
1. Most of the users want free predictions, because they do NOT believe in astrology, BUT still want a free reading.
2. Too many fake astrologers, so it is difficult for users to find the real one.
3. Only 25% success rate for payment.
4. Other 75% are not bothered to buy.
5. Lastly, when I did accurate and correct free predictions, most of them never even Thanked Me.
Do not go by Dasha Bukthi prediction as it is given in text books. Need to look at Moon, Rahu position in the chart and for what significance, its house, lord and amsa.
That is called fate.
One should understand what is manglik. Manglik is Mars. So a manglik girl will have maritan (fierce) qualities which may not be suitable to married life.
I heard of a black widow spider, a female spider will eat away the male one after having intercourse. That is a worst kind of manglik.
There are solutions to these problems. Astrology is meant to correct these bad karma, after it gets predicted by the right astrologer.
If there is love between opposite mangliks, they should know these things and live accordingly.
Irrational and non-believers will advice in a “very scientific way”, but they are the ones who would have consulted or will run to consult astrologers.
No. This is decided by God. Also Nadi will come into play, and the time will come into play. Time fixes the Nadi lagna based on the previous karma of this birth.
There were famous and multi millionaires by shear good karma (action) from past birth. So find out whether you have that in your chart.
Or do good karma (action) in this birth to become one NOW or in next birth.
There are many genuine astrologers in Chennai including me
Astrology is a geometrical interpretation of the planetary positions in a horoscope.
Geometry is the science behind Astrology.
Yes, Indian Astrology can predict death using Rashi, Astamsa and NadiAmsa for timing.
But traditionally it is forbidden to predict.
Kaala (timed) and Akkaala (sudden) maran (death) can be told from a chart.
Who is the best astrologer in India
I do free accurate prediction here on quora. If a public question is asked with private birth details. Read my profile for details. It will come true. I could be the best, by my own standards as below.
I do not know of any other best astrologer in India, who will predict your future accurately and take his fees later if his prediction comes true.
Funnily, on quora, free service is taken for fun, not thankful, taken for granted or commanded.
By doing free service to the very needy, I had reaped the good karma for me and my heirs, and those, who had taken free prediction from me, will be indebted to me and my heirs, in this and next birth.
it is due to the fact that Punya-Sthana and Children is 5th house, and whatever punya (good karma) done, goes to the children and to me.
For thorough Analysis of your question, need birth details
- Ask a question on quora.
Or the prediction will be as below, with so less data. Expect your answer accuracy as below
- Prediction will be 10% approximate and with no time predictions.
- With nakshatra pada positions of the said grahas is made available, expect another 25% accuracy.
- With navamsa positions of the said grahas is made available, expect 50% accuracy.
- With other divisional charts are there, expect 75% accuracy.
- With Vimshottari dasha details, expect 85% accuracy.
- With full chart and accurate birth details, it will be 95%, from me.
- I use NadiAmsa where time (Vimshottari) and Space (Graha-House owners) meet, which is 95% accurate.
- 5% deviation - I give it to cesarean births, your Time of birth can be not accurate within 5 minutes or wrong, ayanamsa not correct, software I use, year duration I use.
Check out my answer on Manglik
Yes, there are many including me a vedic astrologer
Sun Rahu combination is not good. Take care of your stomach.
When you say Horoscope matching it has two things
- The matching of the both charts - matching at karmic level. This is seldom done, with failures latter in married life.
- The matching of nakshatra compatibility - mental, physical, psychological matching.
9th lord moon with 4th lord saturn in 2nd, good finance. But saturn as 3rd will have losses.
There are many online astrologers on Quora including me
By looking at Rashi, 10th lord, placement, Dasamsa and NadiAmsa
Science is used to do forecast. Eg.Weather forecast
Good for father
Given the south Indian chart with Nadiamsa chart, your question can be answered accurately.
Not some. Many astrologers like me can do that, with knowledge, experience, intuition and guru dakshina
Means nothing without lagna
When you do not believe, how do you think it is affecting you and your business. Quite silly.
You are the one who is pseudo Rationalist who runs first for consultation.
Married life from Navamsa & career and big business from Dasamsa and Timing from NadiAmsa can be predicted for you.
As this is a private question, why not consult privately.
Is that fine, or want free prediction publicly
None, as you do not have a lagna
If you know all of vedic astrology
Life is full of options and one is born with freedom to choose. Some options below (not exclusive)
- Fight against all odds to live.
- Run away and become a sanyasi
- Find the root cause for each of your problems and start afresh. Do not repeat the same mistakes
- Get your horoscope analysed by me and know your SWOT
Technically yes, Fatefully no. Why ?
It is like adjusting your watch to a different time zone. Thats it. It does not change you fundamentally.
People in India do this on some fake astrologer’s advice.
I had followed those children for nearly 25 years. What I found was, these children live in a fool’s paradise or have a self-reflecting megalo-maniac syndrome.
Basically like Duriyodanna of MahaBharatha fame, as this King was born of a caesarean operation, when his mother gave birth 100 kauravas, by hitting her womb with a big barrel, out of jealousy at the Pandavas children.
For astrologers like me, cooked-up caesarean children’s horoscopes are a great challenge. That is why I use NadiAmsa to know the exact and real birth time and correct it.
Karma is delineated in the horoscope in Vedic astrology. It is like Karma-map.
With that you navigate life by enjoying the good and suffering the bad karmas.
Only YOU have to solve by doing good karma and not Astrology will solve for you. That is the purpose of Vedic Astrology science.
Search my answer for manglik
Suffer the bad karma and keep away from enjoying good karma.
Like Lord Gautama Buddha did. Nirvana is the only way, not to indulge in bad or good karma.
Wealth does not show up in a horoscope, as you had asked. There is a 11th house which governs profit from 10th house. That has to be checked with Dasama and NadiAmsa to ascertain your wealth.
Contact a local astrologer and invest some money to get predicted, for such a large returns.
Search my answer on Manglik
Which house Sun owns, need to be known, to tell any useful remedies.
Even a weak Sun can bestow yogas based on his house lordship, position and NadiAmsa timing.
You got a weak ego. That is what can be predicted with limited data.
All others answers and comments without taking Sun’s house lordship, are “me to know advice and remedies”.
Nadi Astrology is based on Nadi Amsa, which is 150 division of a Rashi. The divisions are equal as per Chandra Kala Nadi book. But modern astrologers use unequal division which is logical, mathematica and scientific. In unequal division all the 16 vargas fall in place in each Rashi.
On a space-time-scale a nadi is equal 12 min of an arc with 48 sec. Each birth or event is separated by this nadi and makes it unique. That way even if two births have the same lagna, the Nadi-lagna will be different, making the birth unique. This is true for twin or multiple births of the same womb.
Nadi Astrology is based on this Nadi Amsa.
Ascertaining the Nadi Lagna is tricky, but Sage Agasthya had given a simple way to dileneate. I use this lagna to predict and time accurately events.
For free horoscope prediction, Add to your question.
Provide accurate birth details eg.: 6th March 1989, 21:35 PM, New Delhi,India and vedic astrology chart with vimshottari dasha.
Ask any questions about your life with birth details. Predictions will be given with accurate timing and solution. Your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
You can also become an expert astrologer like me, with the help of below link and read and predict your chart.Learn more about accurate prediction techniques, astrology remedies, NadiAmsa - timing of life events, Pancha Pakshi, Mantra and Yantra.
Know more about your Nadi Palm Leaf Astrology predictions.
I support Greenstone Lobo, views.
By hand it is error prone, one need to keep all the printed panchang of each year.
As an astrologer I will downvote this question.
Anuradha Nakshatra is ruled by Sani, falls under Virushika Rashi. This is a Maha Nakshatra for girls only, with no dosha for marriage.
Anuradha girl can be matched with any other nakshatra-boy for marriage.
Yes anytime.
Saturn is lord of 8th house (makara), so Astama-Shani by default, which makes Simha Rashi (Leo) suffer at the hands of Shani.
This is due to the fact that Shani is son of Surya and Chaya Devi (Shadow). Shani hates Surya ( his father), as his mother Chaya did not like the brilliance of Surya.
I am a vedic astrologer and give free predictions. But NOT a western astrologer.
You can find free western astrologers on quora.
Good Analytical generic question.
But your problem is not generic so Dasha and Gochar Phal has to be applied.
Generic Free predictions available at my site.
Spouse and Children will love you. You and your spouse will dominate each other.
Use Jagannatha Hora software a free one.
If you want the program, try searching for widgets php astrology
Venus dasa had just now started who is 3rd and 10th in 1st.
Message me to know in detail about business or job.
This question is too personal. Message me
Consult an astrologer.
Many so called “rationalists” and “scientific-minded” persons will advice you that astrology cannot foretell.
These are persons are the ones who will run first to consult when in trouble. All pseudo-advice they give, thinking that they can plan their own destiny. As if that, they asked for or planned their birth on this earth. Got it.
Not anyone can tell about your career and education.
May be an astrologer can tell. Or you can know by your interest, that way destiny will lead you to study that particular field of interest.
Well destiny can be told by an Astrologer with proper Guru Dakshina.
How do you know 7th house is about married life.
If you know, then you should know what Rahu will do to any house.
Something cannot be told by someone for no-body question.
In astrology everything has to be analysed, NOT WITH half-BAKED knowledge or asking such.
Who told you that you are immortal or for that matter this whole universe.
You will die irrespective of whether Ketu is in 8th. With this HALF-BAKED knowledge and question as such, do not test others.
FYI, 8th in Ketu do you know what it means, message me with Guru Dakshina
Is this the greatest challenge you are throwing for free to astrologers. What a shame.
I can for a fee.
I can help you, message me
Life is full of problems. Who said it is not. If it is not then it is not life.
In your horoscope the karma of your past birth is what creates problems now. You enjoy and suffer karma.
This is chicken-egg question.
If the man has a good horoscope for marriage, he would not have married this woman in the first place.
BTW who said that a woman with a good chart, is not a problem after marriage…
What a simple question, which needs complex analysis, but with very less data.
You want a smart answer for a smart question, right?
Go for cesarean.
BTW Are you testing astrologers for free, huh
I will give you a free business idea and challenge.
Make pay quora users who ask for free astrological advice.
I will predict accurately and we can be in business
What kind of a person you are?, who do not know about yourself.
Message me, I will tell you according to Vedic Astrology
Some numbers and short form of planet names. Other than that it tells nothing. A professional astrologer like me need birth details, to tell anything from a chart, not from your silly dumb looking chart and asking freebies in a highly non-polished and non-eloquent way.
You think you had asked a very highly intelligent question. For a professional astrologer like it looks silly and stupid.
To know your horoscope and yogas use “Jagannatha Hora” software.
To let know your career direction, check lagna, dasamsa, 10th house, its lord, navamsa and by giving Guru Dakshina.
Kundali can be got done using FREE software - Jagannatha Hora.
For free predictions come back to Quora
Karmic predictions can be given from this horoscope.
I do not use North-Indian style chart. Give me a South-Indian one with Lagna, All vargas and NadiAmsa charts.
Also do not forget to give Guru Dakshina for free predictions
D6 is used for analyzing physical illness and bodily accidents.
Take Lagna chart, its 6th lord and position, and read with D6’s lagna. Beware no varga charts has house-lordships.
Vibareeta means sudden and fortunate or lucky by fluke. Only 6th, 8th and 12th will be involved in this Raja Yoga.
Being in same house DOES NOT constitute Vibareeta. Rather it nullifies all the bad effects of said house.
Spoils speech and wealth
You two got married is Fate or Destiny, due to past Karma. Suffer the karma by living together, so you will NOT carry forward.
Or decide now and take action (karma) and face the consequences.
Both ways karma will have its way …
There is no point talking about compatibility after living so long together. It is silly.
Vedic Astrology is meant to read your karma, and then you have to correct your life, NOT Astrology
Rahu-Ketu as an axis moves in anti-clockwise direction as compared to other planets.
Different names are given when Rahu-Ketu axis has all the other planets on one side of the zodiac, starting with different houses. Rahu being the head of a snake gulps the planets and Ketu being the tail expunges them.
So it is a kind of Dosha, which can be called as a Special Yoga of Rahu-Ketu.
If you remove the dosha, by doing puja, you may escape the suffering, but the yoga WILL NOT happen, as Rahu-Ketu is an axis/one snake.
Successful and famous people have this KS dosha/yoga but their rise was after struggle and suffering.
For free horoscope prediction,
Provide accurate birth details eg.: 6th March 1989, 21:35 PM, New Delhi,India and vedic astrology chart with vimshottari dasha.
Ask any questions about your life with birth details. Predictions will be given with accurate timing and solution. Your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
You can also become an expert astrologer like me, with the help of below link and read and predict your chart.
Lagna means the first house, which has the rising/ascendant deg of your birth.
So it signifies you, as creature of birth, your health and overall lookout of life.
Rahu creates problems. Where is Lagna lord and other planets and Navamsa chart. Also I need NadiAmsa chart.
Yes it is possible
English only understand Quora on question, answer no. English write, yes answer
If you are a man and life is boring now
If you are a woman and curious now,
You will be disappointed after Marriage.
Marriage lord, Foreign travel lord has to be analysed with timing.
Send a message on quora for further analysis
Make it work by all means. Then happiness will come.
As stated by you - She told YOU, NOT to Irritate.
So Do NOT Irritate her. That’s all.
Will you irritate yourself and allow others. If so what you will do to yourself to stop that. Do that to her
Tell her “Ok, I will not irritate you from now on”, and walk away without seeing her
What is very important in your life, NOW is …
Are you missing enjoyment and thrill of love in this present marriage. Think of it and LIVE in the present and get GOING…
Message for personal predictions
Profound question to be answered by oneself. Not to be quorafied
Should be Leo, as he son of Sun, who is Leo's lord
Where is Saturn and Venus placed. Cannot predict with just 5in5 and 9in9.
Who is your lagna lord, which house he occupies. Who are these Mars, Venus as house lords.
Without these, all others answers are “me too know” answers
Lucky for father. Profit for you from service.
Thanks You
Any Amsa chart has to be read in relationship with Lagna Chart. Only thing is, in Amsa chart, there is NO lordship over houses.
I use all the Varga charts. In my own D16 chart, I found to my astonishment that my vehicle will have problem till Sept 23rd from Nov 2015. This was found just two days back by me . And it is true.
I can predict accurately the marriage detail and year
Satrun exalted in Libra
Business partner will be based on 10th, 7th
Oh you mean wife or husband not at home. 7th house is spouse and marriage.
How do you know it is Guru Dasha ?
Happiness is how you live together in this life. This is present karma, done by both.
Longevity is based on individual horoscope.
By the time you do matching, Fate and Destiny would have matched you with that girl, so horoscope matching is just for fun, like asking for freebie horoscope predictions on quora.
Yes, it is possible
Panchamsha and NadiAmsa can tell Fame and its time of happening
Kundali (actual horoscopes) matching and Nakshatra matching are two different things.
Kundali matching is seldom done, nowadays.
Only Gunas or Porutha matching (Nakshatra) matching is normally done, which is just compatibility between two persons.
Gunas of a individual person will change everyday with respect to Moon position (nakshatra) and with respect to the spouse’s nakshatra. So relationship changes will be dynamic, even with very high/less Guna-matching.
Kundali (Horoscope) will reveal everything about a person and in relationship with an another Horoscope, especially in marriage (Navamsa).
BTW, if humans try decide by matching and make things good, what is the hand of Fate and Destiny…..:(
Sanyasa life
Analyse 4th, 5th, 7th and 12th house lord with their positions in Lagna and Navamsa, a local astrologer can help you tell.
Which Hyderabad, in India or neighboring country’s
Is it 6th Sept or 9th June your DOB
I do believe in astrology and astrologers.
There are instances in life that will happen,which will make one to believe in Fate and Destiny.
No, you cannot. Even the degree of Rahu Ketu matters within a house.
Ah ha. What a family-tree astrological prediction, this can be.
The time of birth are not to a minute.
I will take this family prediction challenge for a free
So it is Rishabha lagna.
Budha in Meena as 2nd and 5th lord, neecha and vakra.
Where is Guru situated. Without Guru’s position, it is not possible to predict.
Guru in 2nd house exchanging house with Mercury in 11th.
Ketu will give Guru result.
Mercury will not bestow it's yoga, as being debilitated and lost to Guru.
Only Guru will bestow yoga. And being 8th Lord in 2nd, again reduced effect in 2nd.
None, as Guru or for that any planet cannot be studied in isolation in a Amsa chart, without Rashi chart.
Are you learning astrology, or an amatuer or acting on proxy for some of your client
Who is first house lord
Doing MBA can be read from 4th. Doing freelance from 10th and 7th.
All charts will have good and bad things (karma). Without which nobody can take birth. We are here to enjoy and suffer our past karmas.
Have a smiling face, go out to help others, make others happy. These will bring a Vashikara (attraction ) in your face. Like Mother Therasa had.
That is the best Vashikaran Mantra.
All others Vashikara are given to make money out of you.
This is normal
Saptamsa chart with Rashi/Lagna chart to be analysed. But no house lordship in Saptamsa.
According to Vedic Astrology,the 10th house, its lord, the planets occupying it, Dasamsa, its lagna, play a very important role in your career.
If it is business then another set of houses and its lords come into play.
To know your karma, you are the best person to know it. As you would be enjoying and suffering YOUR KARMA.
This karma is read from a horoscope based on Vedic astrology.
Whether you get read for FREE and by the most renowned Astrologist for FREE, STILL you will be suffering and enjoying YOUR karma.
So why you take the pain to know it for FREE, and that too from the best.
You should be a pathetic optimist.
Depends on Guru's house lordship. Guru in 5th is not good for progeny and stomach.
Funny that a Lord of 1st and 10th in 5th, creates this problem. When can be told from Nadiamsa. Other than this, Guru bestows punya yoga, and it's accrual based on Guru's placement, in other amsas.
Shahana Shaikh - You know astrology, then why you are asking this
Lagna nowhere. Why this incomplete way of giving data. Is your client data so private to you. Or you did half-baked analysis and asking this question.
Where is your natal chart or birth details.
With no chart or birth detail, it is very difficult for Any astrologer to study and tell why you are a failure.
I think you need to give proper input to your life itself by yourself.
Anyone can predict as you asked for. True. But I need birth details for analysis. If possible send and with Nadiamsa for accurate predictions.
Which is your lagna, 10, 5 and 2 significants.
Need the Nadiamsa chart to advice on career
First you should know whether is there ANY Dosha for Marriage in your chart. Then go for it.
It is like taking medicine for a disease which you DO NOT have.
25% .
Eg. This week I had 10 enquirers on quora, 8 persons pleaded with problems, but for free.
2 persons had real life problems, paid and got accurate predictions and are very happy.
I can show proof of the above. And my rates are abysmally low.
Search my answer on a related question.
That is karma. Best is do no good or bad karma (action or work), then you will be free of planets and destiny.
The ultimate decision you make is what matters, which becomes your fate or destiny.
Life is full of options. Astrology (Matching two Horoscopes) is a science you use to see the matching. It is not the deciding factor akka fate or destiny.
It is like travelling from one place to an another. There are many options to choose to travel. Like that, one can love many and marry many (Nature’s law). So what you choose is done by you and that is your karma and fate.
What you chose is your fate and destiny. Simply put YOU are the fate and destiny. Astrology helps to read it for you.
I need Vedic Kundali for reading and to describe you and your personality. I need also Nadiamsa with Lahiri Ayanamsa based Kundali. The Guru Dakshina has to be given for telling about you.
the effect of other aspects and plants on you in vidic is good and bad karma, according to their placements
Need your birth details to know your purpose of life. Or you can do Palm-Leaf Nadi reading from TamilNadu, India
Message the details with Guru Dakshina to use my precious knowledge.
Is it your date of birth April 10th or 4th October
Search my explanation on each of these.
Astrology is above trust or faith….
Where is your lagna. Who is your Guru as house lord. Also Budha’s. Who is the Bukthi lord operating.
Shani as the Karmic planet takes around 2.5 years in each house starting from 12th, 1st and 2nd - totally 7.5 years called Sade sati.
12th house crossing - previous birth karma teachings by stick - good or bad
1st house crossing - present birth karma (30 year cycle) teachings by stick - good or bad
2nd house crossing - give back goodies, if any good karma done for this birth (30 year cycle) or none.
Before completing 11th house for a 30 year period, give back to society and earn punya and store it in 5th. That punya will be re-cycled for this birth and next one and so on…
And so the karmic circle moves on ….
For Vedic Astrology books by B.V.Raman are the best to learn from
Astrology is above belief.
Vedic Astrology is based on karma from births (previous and current).
Karma means action (work) good or bad which reaps its reward as good or bad karma.
The prediction part is still dependent on Intuition, Experience, knowledge and the technique used by the Astrologer, due to which it is subjective, not repetitive and verifiable.
Transit effects of planets are not in tune with the Birth chart prediction.
Remedies are not based on Time, Place, Energy, Conscience and God. Old ways of Tantra, Mantra, Yantra and Puja is followed, which are not effective, a make-believe process, where many gullible are swindled by YouTube flimsy Astrologers. I have proof of a person swindled for 3 lakh rupees, with top names involved. Some use modern behavioral change style of remedy which will NOT correct the bad karma.
Still Vargas and NadiAmsas are not exploited fully by vedic astrologers. Due to which none of the astrologers are able to predict properly that aspect of life from Lagna or Amsa chart.
Vimshottari Dasha is not properly interpreted to time events. This is again a great fallacy. Due to which timing is in a generic way.
Some use a percentile effect of planets in each adjacent house, and percentile Dasha time for different houses, which is a make believe mumbo-jumbo style of analysis. No event timing is given, just some astrological axioms are quoted, and when a particular yoga or event will happen is not told.
Added to which Astrologers use reverse-proof to claim from astrological text, and prove their reading is correct. One such is, a prominent person horoscope is taken, and each event happened, they ascribe to their own type of interpretation and claim that, that it is the best.
Added to these things software generated answers and reports are cut-and-paste type predictions which is inaccurate and stupid.
Vedic Astrology as of now is accurate in telling about yogas (events) in a chart.
I had researched Vargas (Amsas) and NadiAmsa with Vimshottari Dasha, found a technique for predicting accurately.
Watch out for more…
It can be done. Message me confirm lagna.
Your questions are not clear.
Not all will be bad. We are all born with good and bad karma.
Place of birth is not mentioned. Need Vedic Horoscope with Amsa especially NadiAmsa to predict
Can you provide the kundali data of your spouse also. Message me.
There is no malefic or benefic planets. Only by lordship of house(s) from lagna, they become benefic or malefic. Ketu and Rahu will act according to the house they are in.
After deducing your malefics from lagna, if they are placed in 6th, then these malefics act best.
But not in 3,10 and 11 as you had said. These Upachayas houses increase the occupants power.
6th is Upachaya and as well Dustana, so it can be considered negative.
Read my answer on Sade Sathi
There is substance in Indian Astrology and my experience is excellent with it.
Depends on house lordship of Mercury from lagna.
It is not comple nonsense, as you had asked.
It makes sense, with it being real and it is all above belief or trust in it.
I can give a reading to prove that and ….
Can you message me to analyse your chart
Not ill effects. It is a slowing down of their effect, whether it is good or bad
From your chart it will be 1st and 9th.
In your father chart it will be 1st and 5th.
To find relationship between you two.
Please send a South Indian chart.
Can you message me with your DOB data, to keep track of your request and reply back. There is a long queue of request waiting for me.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora. Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy
I would use Vedic Astrology for analysis. Is that fine with you. Also need the birth details.
I had answered this to a similar question
Western Astrologers tend to be skeptical about Indian knowledge of anything.
Some went to the extent of saying Parasara’s works on astrology are from west.
Very few have the open mind to admit Vedic Astrology’s diverse and deep understanding and knowledge.
All said Western astrologers are at wits ends, when they come across Amsa charts and Dasha systems for timing of events. At this point Western Astrology and its Astrologers flounder and accept Vedic’s superiority.
But Western Astrology has its place for dynamic analysis of personality and the psychological influence of planets.
What is your lagna, 4 and 9 lords
Can I have a South Indian chart with NadiAmsa, for accurate predictions.
Can you message me with this data, to keep track of your request and reply back. There is a long queue of request waiting for me.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora. Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy
Can I have a South Indian chart.Message me
What is your lagna, Which house is Mangal in?
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Not anyone can tell the marriage predictions. Astrologers like me can. Message me.
Somebody cannot predict, only astrologers like me can. Message me.
Send your Vedic chart with Nadiamsa on message.
When your 7th and NavaAmsa karaka decides, you will get married. The exact time can be found using NadiAmsa. Message me
Read my answer on matching for marriage
Just a Navamsa chart will not suffice.
Can you message me with this data, to keep track of your request and reply back. There is a long queue of request waiting for me.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora. Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy
If this question is asked to a girl, she will say Herself.
If you ask a boy/man, he will say his girlfriend, Till he finds the other one…
Why ask for a “scientific basis” to believe.
Astrology is above belief and trust.
You can get a reading from me to prove that Astrology is “scientific”
Can you message me with this data, to keep track of your request and reply back. There is a long queue of request waiting for me.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora. Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy
Please send a South Indian chart for analysis of your career and married life
Please send a South Indian chart.
Can you message me with your DOB data, to keep track of your request and reply back. There is a long queue of request waiting for me.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora. Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy
Check my answer on this
12th in 10th - Not good
6th in 6th -Very good
Not necessary.
Allow fate and nature to take course of your life. Do good karma so much that it will deduct previous and current birth’s bad karma and accumulate the good deeds (karma) for this birth and coming births…
So this good karma will stand in good stead when in bad times.
For Predictions, please message me with birth details.
Tracking on questions or on comments is difficult on quora.
Messages on quora are one to one, so tracking is easy for me, to reply back on your request.
There is a long queue of request waiting for me, so bear with me for any delays.
For General predictions on your horoscope go to Vedic Astrology Predictions | Instant Astrology Predictions
This is a classic twins with same lagna. So most of the astrologers here had answered, and told the same yogas for both births.
Births are at 1.02 am and 1.05, so two different Nadi lagna, as per NadiAmsa. So yogas will differ and prediction to be made accordingly.
Please provide details and read my profile.
Where is Mercury situated?.
3rd lord is in 2nd. Ketu gives Budha results
2nd lord is in 3rd.
A parivarthana happens between 2nd and 3rd house lords
For Predictions, please message me with birth details.
Tracking questions or comments is difficult on Quora.
Messages on Quora are one to one, so tracking is easy for me, to reply back on your request. There is a long queue of request, so Please bear with me for any delays. If you are in a hurry and want General predictions on your horoscope go to Vedic Astrology Predictions | Instant Astrology Predictions
In Vedic Astrology, the Dusthana houses and its lords cause problems like this…
6th house brings about diseases, accidents, fight, theft, court case and separation.
8th house brings about sudden death
12th house brings loss and sudden shifting to an another country
Please read my profile to get help
As per Vedic Astrology your ascendant lord is Mercury is in 3rd house, with 3rd house lord Sun. So not much to worry about.
6th lord (disease) Mars is in 6th and having aspect on 1st house, with his 8th eye-aspect. So the problem came around 2005 when Mars was ruling.
1st house indicates head, brain and related diseases. Take care of your head in future.
Can I have the Navamsa chart and birth details. Please read my profile for help
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
TOB: 6:12am, POB: Kakinada, DOB: 4th September 1993
Need birth details for making Navamsa to make predictions on 7th.
All other answers are not detailed and accurate, only “me to know answers” .
Read my profile for help.
Where is Sun situated.
For your prediction help, read my profile.
What is that you want to know about your future. Please read my profile for help.
Career : 10th lord (job) Surya is in 7th, creating a Kendra Adipathiya Dosha. You need to do parihara for this. Over confidence and slighting the jobs that come your way, should be stopped. No job is inferior to you. 10th is always powerful than 1st (yourself).
8th lord (bad) Budha combined with 10th will create sudden change or dismissal from job. Also Ketu in 10th will bring downfall.
For timing of all the above doshas(yogas) and remedies, you need to message me.
Do a SWOT analysis of yourself, skills and skills needed for making a lot of money, whether here or abroad.
Check your Fate and Destiny with an astrologer.
3D printing can be one skill,I can think off, as lacking in you. And also an open mind for any advice, when it is free. You should be having a strong 1st and 3rd house lord, so not to hear.
Means Kuja is in Makaram and Lagna is Thulam. Where is Shani situated?.
Shani is in Vrishika with Budha.
Neha Verma and Gayathri : Whose chart’s info is this?. Is that you two are learning astrology. If so, What a way to learn it, with these ping-pong objective type Q&A way.
Is the date of birth available. Pada is given, so an estimated error of 5.5 hours can happen, which is too much of an error.
Is remaining Dasha-Bhukthi available, then, a reverse calculation can be done to find exact Moon position and birth time.
It is like measuring a length as 5 feet and accurately as 5 feet 3.34 inches.
Rashi and Nakshatra - both play a role in astrology, but in different perspective.
No Kalasarp dosha/yoga.
Please read my profile.
Can I have the birth details and Navamsa for predicting about wife and marriage.
Please read my profile for help.
Can I have the birth details for predicting about studies like CA (Chartered Accountant) for you.
Please read my profile for help.
Can I have the birth details and Navamsa for predicting about your combination of planets in 10th. Is 6,8 and 12 in 10th?
Please read my profile for help.
12th and 6th are in 10th, not good for profession
What is the prediction you want?. Please read my profile for help.
Download “Jagannatha Hora” for horoscope and all yogas present in your life.
Give your birth details and read my profile for help.
In Vedic Astrology Shani has special 3rd and 10th aspect, and it aspects his own house. So…..
Guru as 6th in 4th can be a bad effect. So how cancellation occurs ….
What is that you want and driving at… Bit confused.
In which aspect of life, you have bad time. Help is available for you, please read my profile.
Your question needs input data. Help is available on my profile.
Your career is 10th, love life is 5th, and to become a billionaire it is you. Free help available, read my profile.
As Jupiter and Mercury combine to give you a positive and intelligent personality.
The compatibility to a mercurial Venusian is far fetched.
Read my profile for help.
Yes it can be done accurately using NadiAmsa. Click on my name and read my profile for help.
Which place in Punjab. Also read my profile for help.
Please provide TOB and POB. Read my profile for help
Star is a constellation.
Star sign is not in Western astrology. There is only Sun sign., i.e. Sun being in one of the 12 signs, at the time of your birth. Each sign is roughly 30 degrees of an arc.
If NASA introduces, it is for astronomy, not for astrology. Still the 12 signs holds good to explain and predict.
Very good, each male/female part of the each other is balanced well.
Search my answers to questions on similar lines.
Relationships are “in relation” with something. Your Sun sign is needed to tell about the comparability with Cancer.
Partner Relationships: Relationships are “in relation” with something. Your Sun sign with the other person’s Sun sign compatibility. - This is static.
Sun signs change every month. So both of your Sun sign will come under the influence of that Sun sign. This is dynamic.
End result : Dynamic changes has influence on the person and as well on the relationship (static), due to which observations and predictions changes drastically.
A scorpio will act as it is very caring, but it is not the real nature. Beware of the sting, which surprise at the wrong time.
Your Sun sign is as important as his, to get clarification.
Partner Relationships: Relationships are “in relation” with something. Your Sun sign with the other person’s Sun sign compatibility. - This is static.
Sun signs change every month. So both of your Sun sign will come under the influence of that Sun sign. This is dynamic.
End result : Dynamic changes has influence on the person and as well on the relationship (static), due to which observations and predictions changes drastically.
Saturn is a good friend of Jupiter, with their own social and religious beliefs.
Partner Relationships: Relationships are “in relation” with something. Your Sun sign with the other person’s Sun sign compatibility. - This is static.
Sun signs change every month. So both of your Sun sign will come under the influence of that Sun sign. This is dynamic.
End result : Dynamic changes has influence on the person and as well on the relationship (static), due to which observations and predictions changes drastically.
This person will be sickly, leaning towards sadistic tendency, with emotional setbacks. But there will be sudden rise in fortune.
Shani as 2nd and 3rd Lord in 1st. Venus as 6th and 11th Lord in 7th. Hates his own tribe. Not happy in married life.
2nd Lord is wealth. 1st health with 6th for any disease. Please click on my name, to read and get help.
As 3rd and 10th Lord shukra in 8th exalted in Pisces, can bring down your energy levels
Click on my name, to get help.
I will use Amsas charts and NadiAmsa chart to ascertain whether and when the yogas/doshes present in Rashi/Lagna chart will happen.
When one can win a lottery can be told, provided that vipareetha wealth yoga is there in the chart.
Amsa means Perspective. so Navamsa is 9th perspective of Rashi chart.
It deals with spouse, marriage and karmic strength of planets.
I do not how you judged it is stronger, as Amsa’s do not have house lordships.
Please read my profile for help.
Can you message me and read my profile for help and astrological advice.
Read my profile and send your birth details for accurate analysis
Read my profile and send your birth details for accurate analysis
Western Astrologers tend to be skeptical about Indian knowledge of anything.
Some went to the extent of saying Parasara’s works on astrology are from west.
Very few have the open mind to admit Vedic Astrology’s diverse and deep understanding and knowledge.
All said Western astrologers are at wits ends, when they come across Amsa charts and Dasha systems for timing of events. At this point Western Astrology and its Astrologers flounder and accept Vedic’s superiority.
But Western Astrology has its place for dynamic analysis of personality and the psychological influence of planets.
Vedic Astrology as of now is accurate in telling about yogas (events) in a chart. The timing part is done using Vimshottari Dasha.
Still Vargas and NadiAmsas are not exploited fully by vedic astrologers. Nor theVimshottari Dasha is interpreted properly to time events.
I had researched Vargas (amsas) and NadiAmsa withVimshottari Dasha, found a technique for predicting accurately.
This is as per Vedic astrology. Mars as 1st lord (yourself) is fierce but in 6th, so sickly and unlike Mars. But you are lucky in times to come.
Read my profile for help.
The question is incomplete without birth details to analyse.I need the Dasamsa, if you are particular about 10th house.
Read my profile for help.
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or send across one.
It should be Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn.
Can you provide birth details for analysis.
Read my profile for help.
Your Vedic Moon sign in Kataka (Cancer) and nakshatra (star) is Ashilesha .
Read my profile for help.
Name is used in Numerology.
For Vedic Astrology birth date, time and place of birth is required, to make a horoscope called Rashi/Lagna chart. From that chart events are predicted. The timing of events is done using a unique algorithm called Vimshottari Dasha.
Please provide time and place of birth for making a horoscope of yours, and then your personality traits can be told.
Please read my profile for help.
Individual planet position is not enough to know the effects
Where is 7th lord Surya situated?
Where is 1st lord Shani situated?..
Simple. After all Astrology is a geometrical analysis
From Rishabha, Shani is 9th and 10th lord. Also he being a friend of Shukra, Shani leaves alone Shukra, except to curb all your Venusian misadventures. But when it comes to Sade Sathi, it is a different ball game altogether.
Who is Shani and Kuja. Which is your lagna. Where is the Navamsa chart.
If it is Thula lagna, Shani will be 4th and 5th lord in 8th.
Kuja will be 2nd and 7th lord in 8th.
There is a saying : A whole thing can be broken into pieces, But bits and pieces cannot become whole.
This applies to this question and many such on quora.
Is this a Western astrology based chart data.
If it is Vedic, which is your Lagna, Shani which house lord. Where 9th lord is situated. Navamsa chart is needed. DasaAmsa needed to know the travel is for job.
Also NadiAmsa chart for timing the foreign travel.
Without which Vedic Astrology cannot predict your question.
Philosophical discussion around Shani in 9th is futile.
5th lord is your love life.
Who said that your decision will solve the problems.
In the very next birth, the present unsolved problems and the punishment from Allah, will be too much, for you to solve.
Better clean up the present life karma.
Help is available. Read my profile.
What aspects of your life, you want to know. Read my profile.
Not someone, only Vedic astrologers can. If you can read my profile.
This combination is good. With Jupiter as ascendant giving a religious bend, an intelligent mercurial sharp intellect and motherly ego.
Where is the DOB etc. Read my profile for help
Good for you as Rising and Sun, but not as Moon sign
Check my answer on this
Are you asking for a static or dynamic compatibility. Refer my answer on this
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or send across one.
Are you asking for a static or dynamic compatibility. Refer my answer on this
Hello Quorian, Namaste,
Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile of how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Failure indicates bad karma due to 1st house lord. Specific life questions can be asked to answer your query
Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to go Pray will solve your problems. Consult for it.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Similar question answered
Please provide birth details
Depends on placement of Venus and Ketu in Lagna chart. And which aspect of life the question is asked for.
Where is Rahu situated. Is he in 6,8 or 12th in Lagna chart?
Generic Dasha results is just an indication. Need the birth details to predict. Bhukthi lords placements play an important role to predict within Rahu Dasha time period.
When 7th Lord in Lagna and Navamsa karaka decides, the time will come for marriage
Finance is governed by 11th and 2nd house and its lords. Work is 10th house.
Refer this Space Post
Lord Krishna was born in this Nakshatra, so the question right? . This is folklore.
The chart of Lord Krishna had a fourth house yoga, which made him grow away from his natural mother. And 3rd from 4th which is 6th - brother of mother (uncle), was his enemy.
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or send across one.
Can you get me a horoscope made a horoscope or send across one.
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or send across one.
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or send across one.
Transit influence is generic. Dasha Bukthi is more accurate for your predictions.
Read my Shani' s transit Sade Sathi
Can you get me a horoscope made Free Vedic Horoscope by date of birth
or message me one.
Where is your Jupiter ?
Jupiter (yourself) and Mercury (courage and quick) both in 3rd. Jupiter influences Mercury’s quick thinking. Both are not great friends, so that brings slowness.
Message me for more details
Read my profile for help
Please message me for help and read my profile
Do horoscope (kundali) matching. Nakshatra matching is secondary
Yes you can
Message me
Please read my profile for your astrological help
10th house (profession) lord and 6th house lord (allegations) to be analysed. Message me.
Which Rashi you are?. What Dasha is running.Which planets are weak or having planetary fight?. Message me
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me
Check my Quora blog post on this
Can any one predict my career line via Vedic astrology?
Read this Quora blog post
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
Horoscopes are true. They are made out of astronomical positions of the planets.
Astronomy is science.
Most of the answers were talking about Astrology.
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction.
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
Before reading astrological answers to your questions, read below
- Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
- Lengthy descriptive answers and discussion, tells the predictor is wish-washing and not accurate and with “me to know answers”.
- Using your Lagna and Amsa chart for that aspect of life, timing the event using NadiAmsa, with solutions and remedies, makes a full satisfying prediction.
- Message me on quora.
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
Before you read answers on quora, read below
Software generated reports are nice to read, but highly GENERIC and Cut & Paste predictions.
Lengthy description and discussion tells the predictor is not accurate, wish-washing and with “me to know answers”.
Using Lagna chart, the Amsa pertaining to that aspect of life and timing with solution and remedies makes a full satisfying prediction. Message me on quora.
No. Depends on Rahu and Ketu' s placement in Lagna chart
Ascendant, Sun sign and Moon are three aspects of a horoscope.
Quora comes closest as a better social networking for Astrology.
It is democratic for the questioner and the astrologer.
Read my observation on this
Can any one predict in astrology? by Steve Hora on Vedic Astrology
Can I have a South Indian chartt
Change the job.
Navamsa karaka and 7th Lord in Lagna decides your marriage
Need your Navamsa chart with pada details and also NadiAmsa for delienating the time
Apache Camel is Messaging System, not a web server or an application server.
It is used EI - Enterprise Integration.
I had used it extensively
Rahu will give results of Kuja for Simha lagna. Where is Kuja?. Rahu spoils 9th house significance.
When 7th house lord in Lagna chart and Navamsa karaka decides. If there is no Love yoga, then it will be Arrange marriage.
Where is Guru situated. Generic Dasha predictions are indicative not specific to your chart.
To clear
- Lagna /Rashi chart
- Navamsha - 9th Amsa
Ketu in 7th house in D9 is not good and give bad results
As per Vedic Astrology, YES
Rahu in 4th for Thula lagna is not good for mother.
You will have backlog of exams to clear till Oct 2017.
Shani in 12th with Rahu makes you a defiant person, which brings about loss and failure.
Which is your lagna and Which house Shukra, Budha and Surya own and where they are situated.
You will support your wife at any cost….
In Thula, Shani, Surya is good, but will fight. Others neutral or good.
9th and 10th lord Shani is in 3rd. 11th and 8th lord Guru in 3rd.
No benefit to you.
Where is Kuja for me to give accurate indication
Depends in which house they are in, to be bad.
Anyway they are weak in Lagna chart ONLY
Yes, both Ketu and Shukra are in a bad position
Which is your lagna, who is your 7th and 6th lords , where they are situated
Rahu and Guru for Mesha Lagna is double trouble as far as marriage is concerned
Which is your lagna, 12th lord and its placement
Which is your lagna, 7th, 5th lord and its placement
Yes, sure
Budha-Adithya yoga. Depends on placement and planet house lordship of both
There are. But how that would make a difference for you. Your karma, you will go through, irrespective of it being told or not.
Prediction in a sense means “in the future”.
An element of surprise in the future is there even in day-to-day life.
The acquired knowledge of Astrology till now by the humans has to have sufficient data and invent correct algorithms to predict rightly. This is the case in science also like Weather forecast.
Finding a person who has all knowledge, intelligence and predict for you FREE, is calling for too long a shot….
Surya is in Dhanur house. Where is Guru situated?
Before reading asnswers to your astrological question, read this
Steve Hora's answer to How would you describe me by my astrological chart?
In Vedic astrology, even between twins or multiple births, the Nadiamsa lagna is different, so predictions will be different. Read my Nadiamsa question, to know more.
And the NadiAmsa is nothing but finger-print reading, but it is shrouded in mystery and secret, which is still not yet divulged.
Excluding dependencies in maven
This is a project, by itself. Give it to freelance
I will help you. Before that read the link below
If you like it upvote me
Before you get your prediction, read the link below
If you like it upvote me
Yes, The plan for you to be born on this earth was planned by God and written as a fictional story in the karmic archaic (book) called your horoscope.
Nobody including you or me, can plan one’s birth, destiny and fate and gotten this birth in this beautiful universe
Prediction in a sense means “in the future”.
An element of surprise in the future is there even in day-to-day life.
The acquired knowledge of Astrology till now by the humans has to have sufficient data and invent correct algorithms to predict rightly. This is the case in science also like Weather forecast.
Finding a person who has all knowledge, intelligence and predict for you FREE, is calling for too long a shot….
POb is needed
Check my predictions on US Presidency elections http://vhora.freeforums.org
Before reading asnswers to your astrological question, read this
Steve Hora's answer to How would you describe me by my astrological chart?
Before reading asnswers to your astrological question, read this
Steve Hora's answer to How would you describe me by my astrological chart?
Before reading asnswers to your astrological question, read this
Steve Hora's answer to How would you describe me by my astrological chart?
Before reading asnswers to your astrological question, read this
Steve Hora's answer to How would you describe me by my astrological chart?
Read my blog posts
Is the Moon position based on Western or Vedic Astrology. Please clarify.
One person’s nakshatra cannot decide somebody’s longevity. This is folklore.
Check my Quora blog on this
In Vedic astrology, the ascendant and Moon sign plays an important role in personality. The placement of the ascendant lord and Moon sign also dictates this attribute.
It depends….
Sin is defined as “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law”
What is divine law ?. This should have been spelled out by divinity itself. Did it happen or any proof of it.
Astrology came out of Astronomy + Logic as a product of human thinking.
Once upon a time and now also some religions said and say “Science is sin”. Does it mean then …
Prediction of any aspect of life for any person is based on their horoscope not on their nakshatra.
Grahas (Planets) are designated to control the destiny and fate of births.
Planets report to Hindu Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.
Without appeasing the planets with their own pujas, the Lords would not be able to help a person with their tabas (prayers).
As knowledge evolved, Hindus added remedies, similarly as appeasing their Lords with yagnas.
Depends on your 10th Lord in Lagna chart and Dasamsa.
Astrology came out of Astronomy + Logic as a product of human thinking.
The question is NOT clear. Is it Ashtama Shani for Cancer sign.
Saturn in Cancer sign
Your very thinking is your fate.
So believe in you and take action (present karma) and that will become your destiny.
All other information about your fate is just noise about your previous birth karma.
Still you want to get predicted by an astrologer (me) and want to know that your kismat is good for IAS and then only you will put hard work to pass the exam, then that is childish.
Give a shot at it (present karma), if you win, be happy. If not think that you had at least gave your 100% and be happy
Depends on 7th 10th Lord placement in Lagna
Please read my profile
Can I have the South Indian type chart of Lagna, Navamsa and NadiAmsa
We should
Message me your place of birth
Please see my blog post on sun sign compatibility
Please read my profile and message me
Where is the horoscope
There is lordship in Amsas charts
Search my answer for a similar question on Quora
I can predict from your horoscope, but not one as you had asked for
What is your lagna. Who are Saturn and Mars as lordship of houses.
Message with details the pada of all planets
Can you donate Quora some funds to answer all your questions FREE
Career is good for you. Love life is ok.
Boyfriend - Who sees her, but will drop her anytime…
Husband - Who sees all other girls except her, but will hang on to her…
Where is your horoscope
Read my profile and message me
Message me with NadiAmsa details
I am not a Western Astrologer to answer astrology as per that astrology.
Is it fine with you, if I use Vedic Astrology. Read my profile.
Kal sharpa Dosha is also a yoga. What type, matters for delay in marriage
Planets control you as per your chart. They keep track of your karma. God in turn control planets. You can pray to God, directly, but still the control is with planets.
The popular belief might be “unscientific” as in other answers.
Shuka was the son of the sage Vyasa, who compiled all the Vedas and composed the Mahabharata. Shuka means parrot. There is a Nadi grantha called Sukha Nadi written by this great Sage.
As time passed his name became synonym to reading one’s future using the Nadi.
So the Parrot Astrology came into being.
Any yoga will fructify when the time comes. The time period is 120 years. What if your Sanyasa yoga comes after 70, and your Ayush is less than 70.
Profession is 10th. Health is 1st and 6th. Message me to know more
That can due to bad karma from your previous birth. 2nd lord problem.
Fierce ego and great intelligence combined is good for a balance.
Message me to help you out
Read my profile for help
7th lord and its placement and Planets in 7th causes delays. The timing as per NadiAmsa would not have come at the right time…..
2nd and 11th lord financial matters. Foreign trips from 12th and 7th for married life. For the timing of these using NadiAmsa
Problems in love house and 7th lord leads to this situation. This can be corrected.
There are remedies for this if it is for marriage. Give your birth details
Only Dara karaka can be read in Navamsa. Your research approach is wrong. Do not make a statement and go about proving it, statistically. Go as per astrological rules.
Even going by your thing what you are going to infer and how you will apply to an another chart
Give birth details of Yours
Search similar question answered by me
Message me for personal response
Yes , I can. Destiny and fate cannot be ascertained by probability of happening. Astrology is a science of geometry, not of probability.
Do you want a Western or Vedic astrology I interpretation
Good or bad for the current time for which aspect of life, is needed, to be ascertained. Generic Dasha Bukthi prediction will be not specific.
Answer: A retrograde Saturn in 9th for a Aries, is not good for father, and for your job
Where Guru is situated
Message me to know about shani's effect
Message me to know about.your career
Please message me, for private prediction. Read my profile
Read my profile for help
Both are right.
Human effort is karma or action in the present time.
Fate is karma or previous action from previous times (births) and its rewarding now or pay back time.
To know your time of marriage, accurately using Nadiamsa technique, message me
Message me
Simple. Take Sun position on that day, at sunrise. From that house, count roughly 2 hrs for each house. Just approximate only
1st and 6th can tell that.
Free Will is still there, you create your own karma, for now.
Horary (Prashna) Astrology can help
POB is needed
From 5th house
10th house Lord. Message me
Message me your birth details
Hello Quorian, Namaste,
Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile of how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
As per your birth chart, here's my answer to your query:
Marriage: Before 2021 you will get married. Earlier than this can be deducted using NadiAmsa, NavaAmsa and Lagna chart.
Occupation: Before 2020 you will get a job. NadiAmsa, DasaAmsa and Lagna chart can be consulted for more accurate timing.
Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to go Pray will solve your problems. Consult for it.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Accurate predictions can be given for marriage and career using NadiAmsa from your chart, from 10th for career and 7th for marriage.
Please provide birth chart
Give full birth details for analysis.
8th lord in 11th, not good and with no karmic power and with arch enemy. Loss of profit.
Which is your lagna, Who is Shani as house lords.
Shani looks at 5, 9 and 12 from 3rd. He will give losses.
Do a SWOT analysis of your skills, interest and choose the job, now. 10th lord (job) is anytime powerful than 1st (yourself) in astrology.
They are division of time in Dasha system of Vedic Astrology
What is the prediction you want for this combo. Message me for confidential predictions.
8th and 12th in 3rd is not good. Rahu in 3rd gives defiant courage without any reason
No answer to anonymous requests
For accurate predictions of your marriage, wife and timing, NadiAmsa is used
Some of the gunas or porudha can be applied to other relations also.
Not all.
First Horoscope matching and then Nakshatra matching is to be done.
Career is read from 10th house in a horoscope, with NadiAmsa technique for timing
Which house Moon owns. Where is the lagna
An accurate prediction using NadiAmsa technique, the good time can be deduced
With a fake dob, tob and pob, yes.
I had replied in an another question of yours. This is a duplicate,I think
- It makes sense
- If somebody knowingly drinks poison, then one has to suffer the consequence
- There are solutions to these karmic problems
- Astrology = Astronomy + observed Logic. It is based on geometrical interpretation
- Live together like married people without marrying
Great to ask a simple question. To answer, need the birth details.
Astrology was invented by humans.
Humans were invented by God
A big fight between Mars and Saturn, with Guru trying to pacify both
Which is your lagna. Who are 6 and 9th Lords, where they are situated.
This parivarthana is called Dainya Parivarthana yoga.
Refer this for more….
Message me your POB
Contact a local astrologer for detailed analysis and predictions
All is fair in Love and War.
Nature’s law - One can love/marry many
Marriages are made in Heaven, but couples make it hell for themselves.
First love always stays in the heart
It is your karma to get separated …………
Search my answer on Sade Sathi. Sade Sathi is transit effect.
Shani Maha Dasha depends on his placement and lordship of houses in Lagna chart
Skills are acquired ones.
What is in the horoscope, came as a package with your birth and karma.
POB is not mentioned. D10 chart is needed. Message me.
Can be solve by Vedic Astrology
What is your lagna.
3rd house is co-born, courage and neighbors . 12th house is moksha and loss.
Deduce for yourself
Whose house is Rahu situated. That house lord who and where is he situated
Marriage is read from 7th house of your horoscope
Please read my profile and message me. What relationship?
The questions are not clear. Message me
Not a good match for marriage.
According to astrology your career (10th), financial condition (2nd and 11th) and love life (5th and 7th) can be predicted. Message me and read my profile
Career is 10th. So any problem related to that can be read accurately.
POB is needed
It depends on Rahu's placement in Lagna chart
Hi Anonymous,
Please find your Vedic Horoscope as per Lahiri Ayanamsa.
About spiritual life of this person
From the chart, I find your the 9th lord governing religiousness is in 12th. This can be read in two ways.
1. Religiousness is for salvation in this life and will do all practices like Yoga and Meditation.
2. Or this person will be inclined to change his birth-religion to an another on to find solace, for the losses in life.
9th and 7th in 12th with 12th assures salvation, in this life.
Follow me on Quora Vedic Astrology Blog - Steve Hora
In your horoscope , there should be the following for your queries
- Love yoga
- Find the Time of the above yoga to happen
- Will the time come when in youth
All can be answered with give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events.
Steve Hora's answer to Do soul mates exist? Are they real or fictitious?
Not necessary. Fate and Destiny would take care of that, through your emotion and action
Not true. Fate and Destiny would take care of that, through your emotion and action, when you fall in love.
Zodiac is not pseudo science as it is based on Astronomy (science). Compatibility uses a logic (science). Just that the compatibility logic you used was wrong.
Astrology = Astronomy + Logic
Is this a western or Vedic astrology planetary position?.
Which house Mercury, Saturn and Sun own(s)?.
Which is ascendant house?.
Where ascendant lord is placed?
Where 10th lord is placed?.
What is the time period running, to see whether this combination will be effective now or never in your life?
When your 7th lord in Lagna and Navamsa karaka operates, you will get married
Which house Saturn own(s)?.
Which is ascendant house?.
Where ascendant lord is placed?
Where 10th lord is placed?.
What is the time period running, to see whether this combination will be effective now or never in your life?
Which house Saturn own(s)?.
Which is ascendant house?.
Where ascendant lord is placed?
What is the time period running, to see whether its effectiveness?
Is this a western or Vedic astrology planetary position?.
Which house Saturn and Sun own(s)?.
Which is ascendant house?.
Where ascendant lord is placed?
Where 10th lord is placed?.
What is the time period running, to see whether its effectiveness is there now?
Which house Saturn own(s)?.
Which is ascendant house?.
Where ascendant lord is placed?
What is the time period running, to see whether its effective now?
If you love and decide, it will be love marriage.
If you arrange, then it is arranged marriage.
It can be deducted by prediction
Read my profile
It has answer to your questions
Can I have a South Indian chart
Good for you
Time of birth and Place of birth is needed
When your 10th Lord in Lagna chart and Dasamsa karaka decides and operates in that time
Depends on the nature of the 10th Lord in Lagna chart
Again 7th house
7th Lord decides your marriage
Hello Quorian, Namaste,
Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile of how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
My Answer: Ask specific Life questions to answer.
Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to go Pray will solve your problems. Consult for it.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
No answer to anonymous user and request
The decision made by you and your bf is this birth karma (action) . Why you want to see a previous birth karma from the horoscopes.
Accurate predictions can be made for career from 10th house, health from 1st and 6th. Timing can be done using NadiAmsa
The very “soulmate” word and its meaning had created an emotional additive aura and illusion in everyone’s mind that such a thing exists.
Is it the emptiness in oneself makes one search outside for a soulmate.
Empty yourself and consider the other person as one another person and talk.
Finding a karmic excuse to sacrifice your soulmate, keeping your reasons and arguments aside.
The very “soulmate” word and its meaning had created an emotional additive aura and illusion in everyone’s mind that such a thing exists.
Is it the emptiness in oneself makes one search outside for a soulmate.
Empty yourself and consider the other person as one another person.
To get Eternal solace or relief, by blaming their stars
Some say something which they don't like or never had a FREE reading
Where is Mars and Venus situated?
The Nadi granthas of South India are predicted accurately with sidereal system only.
Ernst Wilheim was and is diverting the attention of Vedic Astrologers and put them on a wrong path, by reading and interpreting Sanskrit terms wrongly, giving a “unscientific” twist.
The whole of Western Astrologers and Astrology are not able to digest the Amsa charts and the dasha systems of Vedic Astrology.
See my post on this What is the opinion of Western Astrologers about Vedic astrology?
The question should be: Why Ernst Wilheim got confused and switched from Sidereal to Tropical charts but interprets with Vedic system ?
Answer: Because he is a western who cannot digest eastern spices.
Soulmates do exists. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi united as Lord Ardhanarishvaran as pointed out by Mehek Kapoor.
How to find from an astrological chart?, How and When?
- Your chart will tell from 5th and 7th house lord and NavaAmsa karaka
- Mars and Venus position in the chart
- NadiAmsa will tell the timing, by which one will come to know whether you would meet the soulmate in this birth
- If destined to meet, the soulmate will come to you.
Back-link to an another question : Is your spouse also your soulmate?
10th carrier, 7th marriage and 11th, 2nd wealth can be predicted for your chart using Nadiamsa technique.
Not a mangalik. Generic predictions by software will be like that.
What to tell from the chart???
Not mangalik
10th career,
7th marriage,
11 and 2nd wealth
Check my answer on this
Simple, Capricorn is the natural 10th house in the zodiac and 10th house signify job.
2nd and 11th lord in 11th. 1st lord is in 11th.
What effects in Budha Dasha, you want to know on which aspect of life?
7th house lord in Lagna chart and Navamsa karaka will decide your marriage and married life.
5th lord Guru in Lagna chart and Saptamsa karaka will decide children.
1st lord, 8th lord in Lagna chart and Ashtamsa karaka will decide your life span.
10th lord in Lagna and Dasamsa karaka will decide your carrier.
In Brahmin same gotra cannot marry. Same gotra is sagothara (brothers and sisters).
Gotra goes by the saint or sage varna. Surname is immaterial.
Manglik is only for horoscopes not for Manusmriti based varnas.
10th lord in Lagna chart and Dasamsa karaka will decide your success in career
I have answered this in an another Q&A
I have answered this in an another Q&A
Not a good match for marriage
I cannot read hindi charts and need South Indian chart
7th house lord in Lagna chart and Navamsa karaka will decide the time and how will be your spouse. This can be predicted using NadiAmsa
SUN Mahadasa - 6 years
1) Sun antardasha :(0-3-18 days):
This is not so much a favourable period. Royal displeasure, quarrel in family, ill health, travel, mental uneasiness.
Note: Generic predictions for Dasha/Bukthi given in Panchang and in astrology software and books are highly generic.
Can have same horoscope NOT horrorscope as you had asked
Marriage from 7th, career from 10th can be predicted. - Steve Hora
Raja yoga is life benefit read from your horoscope. Use 'Jaganatha Hora' to find all your birth yogas.
To bring joy back in family. Boy is heir apparent, to continue family tradition
Need a South Indian chart
10th is Career and 7th for marriage partner can be predicted
Yes there is
Problems in marriage can be read from 7th and 2nd and Navamsa karaka
No it will not
Good for profession
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa. Education and Exams are not attributed to D10 or D9.
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa.
Soulmates do exist. Refer my reply Steve Hora's answer to Do soul mates exist? Are they real or fictitious?
In that answer, I had explained, there are two houses and its lord involved. If 5th is not involved, then 7th only decides spouse and marriage.
The answer is Spouse need not be a soulmate.
All your birth yogas can be seen using the software “Jagannatha Hora” .
10th lord and Dasamsa decides your career
Is this a real person’s horoscope details.
Career and job prospects would have been decided by you long back for your age.
When job will be gotten, will be decided by 10th lord in Lagna chart and Dasamsa karaka. Timing will be by NadiAmsa
Marriage is predicted using 7th lord and Navamsa
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa.
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa.
In Vedic Astrology, it is forbidden to predict death, as it is in God’s hand.
Also, one can extend life using tapas and yogic exercises.
Technically it can predicted using 1st and 8th lord in Lagna chart and Ashtamsa karaka.
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa.
What are your life questions to be predicted from your chart?
12 zodiac signs are contained in a horoscope
Jupiter owns two houses as per Vedic Astrology . In which house is he?
Career is predicted using 10th lord and Dasamsa
When Shani’ crosses over to dhanur rashi
It is real. To prove it, I can predict for you from your chart
Need to write software or reverse calculate
7th Lord in Lagna chart and Navamsa karaka decides the marriage. Nadiamsa decides the time of marriage, when 7th lord is operating in his Dasha Bhukthi time.
Give your birth details for analysis.
What is the problem in life for which you are asking remedies?. Please clarify
Dasamsa chart needed for analysis of your career question
Rahu MahaDasha will always be trying. Where Guru is situated
One will have many soulmates.
Which one you will meet in this birth is determined by your karma and time.
See this link for more Soulmates: Do they really exist?
One will have many soulmates. To find out read more…
Which one you will meet in this birth is determined by your karma and time.
See this link for more Soulmates: Do they really exist?
See this link for more Soulmates: Do they really exist?
One will have many soulmates.
Which one you will meet in this birth is determined by your karma and time.
See this link for more Soulmates: Do they really exist?
Celibacy is th effect. Can be solved with Nadiamsa
Pleas give your Place of Birth : City, State, Country
Yes, There is true love. One can find it by analyzing one’s soulmate vedic astrology chart
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Your data is insufficient to answer your question. Can you give your birth details
To know more about marriage predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Career has problems that needs your atmost attention, in the near future
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to go Pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste. Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: It means many things for different lagnas
Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to Pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: It means many things for different lagnas. Moksha house is 12th, so the affectations will be complicated.
Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to Pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Business will prosper very soon
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to Pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Please read my answer
Steve Hora's answer to Do soul mates exist? Are they real or fictitious?
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Saturn in 10th is good for career
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events, simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile of how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Marriage is good in birth and Navamsa chart
For more details of marriage analysis and prediction, refer this quora blog post . Simple Remedies like Parihara puja, Gem Stone, Temples to Pray will solve your problems. Consult for it.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
See my answer to this
Soulmate concept itself is ideal.
An ideal soulmate can be left alone for one’s own imagination to define.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: You may go for abroad for studies, but will not settle there.
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events, simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: You should study well (present good karma) to pass your exams, such that you complete your education and then think of career
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. Timing of the event using NadiAmsa, simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Astrologically possible. See my answer to it, in below link
Steve Hora's answer to Do soul mates exist? Are they real or fictitious?
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Ketu in 1st gives Veeriya. May be your time is not good
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog. Timing of the event using NadiAmsa, simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Detailed Analysis of your whole life in a simple Quora Q&A is NOT possible
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Depends on your chart. Which house Venus owns and where it is situated, tells whether Venus Maha Dasha is lucky. NadiAmsa decides the timing of luckiness.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Place of Birth is needed to make a horoscope and then it is possible to tell anything good in your horoscope
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Get your horoscope made and consult an astrologer for guidance. Quora is there to ask questions. Read my blogs to know the details of Astrology
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
How do you know it was your Twin Flame?. It could be your own imagination.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: I do not find Gajakesari yoga in your chart. There can be any number of yogas, but that, happening at the appropriate time and age matters a lot.
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora
I use my laptop for the below
- Top end Astrology software which has features for analysis and research, with NO software generated reports
- Excel sheet for my Pancha Pakshi deductions
- Manage my Astrology website
- And off course to answer on Quora
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India, Thank you for your question. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Not good for a Leo ascendant.
To know more about career predictions refer quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Numerology is based on a language. There are thousands of language.
Vedic Numerology based on Sanskrit is the best. Why? . It is based on sound not on letters.
Read more on this at Vedic Numerology - Secret of Sanskrit language
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Astrology and Kundli (Horoscope) will tell about anybody’s future and marriage.
As an example to know more about career predictions refer my quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please make a horoscope for your ready reference. Read my profile on how to make a free horoscope online. One need NOT pay for horoscope or software generated reports which are inaccurate.
Answer: Vedic Astrology and Kundli (Horoscope) will predict from past karma ( from previous births). Your present karma (action / good work) will change that. Your statement “Predictions made by experienced astrologers” who have intuition, knowledge and the right technique are true.
As an example to know more about career predictions refer my quora blog.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa and solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life. Simple remedies like parihara puja, Gem stone, Temples to pray will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
In Vedic astrology, a full moon is called Pournima.
People born on a Pournima day, will have the full effect of Chandra (Moon). As Chandra is also a Graha (Planet) and lord of a house in a horoscope chart, its governance gets limited to that house only.
For transit effects, this is to enjoy and also to suffer, and do great karma for this birth. E.g. Lord Gouthama Buddha born on a Pournima, enlightened on a Pournima and attained Nirvana / MahaSamadhi (immortality) on a Pournima.
Peace be with you and all,
Steve Hora, India
It is not Sun moving. The earth tilt on its own axis is what creates tropic of cancer and capricorn
Answer : From your birth star dasha, one can find out whether Rahu Dasha will come in your life time.
Steve Hora,
Note : I do not answer to anonymous and artificial requests.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Software generated answers and reports are inaccurate. Make a free horoscope online for your ready reference.
Answer: Vedic Astrology and Kundli (Horoscope) can predict marriage and timing. Your astrologer is experienced and has intuition and knowledge.
Please read my profile for free horoscope and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Simple Do-It-Yourself Vedic puja rituals in Temples will solve your problems.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
No answer to anonymous questions.
By lagna ascendant. But the transit effect of planets will be studied from Moon-Sign in Vedic Astrology.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Software generated answers and reports are inaccurate and wish-washing. Make a free horoscope online for your ready reference.
Answer: Vedic Astrology and Kundli (Horoscope) can predict marriage and timing using Navamsa and NadiAmsa.
Please read my profile for free horoscope and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
I give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: Go ahead and save your marriage and family. Previous birth karma manifests as good or bad in this birth. And it is in our hands to rectify it. Do not go by what bad is told in your chart.
Please read my profile for free horoscope and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: Colors play an important role in remedial measures for planets in Vedic Chart. Gem stones were derived from color. Vedic India based astrologers recommend color, gem stones and Var-Hora timing for wearing these, which are very effective.
Western based behavioral change and psychological advice will not change karma. No where in old astrological texts like Brihat Samhita, these kind of advice is prescribed.
Please read my profile for free horoscope and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: The effects are Sun - good, Mars - neutral, Moon - good, Ketu - not good
Please read my profile for free horoscope, predictions and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours
Steve Hora, India
Both Wealth and Family life has problems in the chart.
Technically all permutation is possible 12*12*9. But not possible as some planets are slow and all planets combining together is rare.
Likewise you can calculate for 2,5,8,11 for wealth
Please add me to your question. When you find the answer let me know.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: When Guru by transit enters 8th house from your Moon-sign (Rashi), then it is called Ashtama Guru. For each Rashi, Ashtama Guru’s affects differently, so remedy depends on your Rashi.
Please read my profile for Free Horoscope, give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: Place and Time of Birth is needed to make a horoscope and then I can tell about you.
Please read my profile for Free Horoscope, Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life
To know More about Vedic Astrology.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Generic predictions for Vimshottari Dasha /Bukthi given in Panchang and in astrology software and books are highly generic and cannot applied directly to a chart.
For Generic Dasha predictions see blog-post
Vimshottari Dasa is a cyclic one with 120 years. It starts again after 120 years for a person, if that person lives so long.
Lord Krishna lived more than 120 years. His Dasha started with Chandra, as he was born in Rohini nakshatra. Chandra being inimical in his chart, he was born in a jail and got separated from his mother.
After 120 years, when the same Chandra Dasha repeated, he got separated himself from kingdom, and died in a forest alone, killed by a Hunter.
From above one can see how Chandra dealt with separation.
Western Astrology DOES NOT have Timing Analysis nor Amsa Charts. In this scenario it is inferior to Vedic Astrology.
Western Transits analysis is used for psychological analysis and effect of planets.
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: The effects of Mars in 5th house for Pisces ascendant, as per Vedic Astrology, is very good. Present Dasha period will help in manifesting the benefits of Mars.
Any planet will affect only the house it is in. There is no partial or percentage affectations where it is in and the next or previous house. No Vedic astrological text like Brihat Samhita has reference to this kind of interpretations.
Note: Generic predictions for Vimshottari Dasha / Bukthi given in Panchang and in astrology software and books are highly generic and cannot applied directly to a chart. For Generic Dasha predictions see blog-post.
Please read my profile for free horoscope, predictions and quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Anonymous question so anonymous sign
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India. I am happy to respond to your query.
Answer: Rahu in 9th is not good for father. Uranus and Neptune are not considered as part of Vedic Astrology. Sage Vyasa talks about these trans-Saturn planets, but no codification or drafting into Vedic Planets was done.
Please read my profile for free horoscope, give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions is there for your specific life questions from Lagna and Amsa charts for that aspect of life.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Abhinav,
Yogakarakas are beneficial planets for a given lagna.
Read my profile for horoscope, give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Place of Birth is needed
No answer to anonymous
Namaste Lakshman Gupta,
Sun sign is followed in Tropical Astrology (Western). Moon sign is followed in Sidereal Astrology (Vedic). The difference between these two astrologies is a technical thing called Precession (Ayanamsa).
Sun sign governs your Ego Personality. Moon Sign governs your mentality, emotion and how you react to a situation.
Read my profile for horoscope, give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Your Sun sign is as important as his, to get clarification.
Partner Relationships: Relationships are “in relation” with something. Your Sun sign with the other person’s Sun sign compatibility. - This is static.
Sun signs change every month. So both of your Sun sign will come under the influence of that Sun sign. This is dynamic.
End result : Dynamic changes has influence on the person and as well on the relationship (static), due to which observations and predictions changes drastically.
Namaste Kanay Rice,
Refer below quora Q&A for your answer
On a space-time-scale a nadi is equal 12 min of an arc with 48 sec. Each birth or event is separated by this nadi and makes it unique. That way even if two births have the same lagna, the Nadi-lagna will be different, making the birth unique. This is true for twin or multiple births of the same womb, provided it is a natural birth.
Read my profile for horoscope, accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Soli Negasi,
A Horoscope is the astronomical map of the planets, for a person born or an event. From a horoscope, one can predict the future happenings in that person’s life.
Read my profile for horoscope, give accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Lavanya Bavurothu,
Sade Sati effects for Dhanu Rashi are
- When Shani transits Vrishika it will affect one’s longevity, Father and Paternal side relatives.
- When transiting Dhanu, it will affects one’s religiousness, career and one becomes unlucky.
- When transiting Makara, Shani gives back position and respect in society
Using Panchang’s Var, Thithi, Nakshatra, Karana, Yoga, one can protect from Shani’s effect. Doing good karma, helps a lot.
For horoscope prediction,
Provide accurate birth details eg.: 6th March 1989, 21:35 PM, New Delhi,India and vedic astrology chart with vimshottari dasha.
Ask any questions about your life with birth details. Predictions will be given with accurate timing and solution. Your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
You can also become an expert astrologer like me, with the help of below link and read and predict your chart.
Namaste Anukrit Sharma,
Vedic Astrology has Amsa charts and Dasha systems for timing of events. Western Astrology has none.
Vedic is for fate and destiny. But Western Astrology has its place for dynamic analysis of personality and the psychological influence of planets.
Vedic is sidereal and Western is tropical.
Read my profile for horoscope, accurate reading with Vimshottari Dasha and Kalaa (Timing) technique of life events with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Prithvi Am,
There is Gajakesari yoga, combination of Chandra and Guru. It would be slow to manifest and depends on the time of Dasha running.
Read my profile for horoscope, accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Rehan Shahid,
Venus Ketu conjunction in 8th for Mesha Lagna is not good. If Kuja position can be given, it will be better to predict.
Read my profile for horoscope, accurate predictions with timing using NadiAmsa with solutions for your life from Lagna and Amsa charts.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Ashiq Aras,
Good question. Well birth time in a cusp is a difficult thing to ascertain Lagna. Using a reverse-proof, one can fix the lagna. OR reading palm-leaf astrology from South India, will confirm the Lagna.
Do not waste money with scrupulous astrologers who swindle your money saying that they can correct using Tajaka system etc…
Read my profile for horoscope, Accurate predictions with Timing using NadiAmsa, from Lagna and Amsa Charts with solutions are available for your specific Life Questions.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
Namaste Vishnu Pati,
Multiple planets conjunction in ascendant will have multiple influence of the planets. The overall effect would depend on the Sthana bala of all planets and present Dasha or Bukthi.
Horoscope, Accurate predictions with Timing using NadiAmsa, from Lagna and Amsa Charts with solutions for your specific Life Questions are available. Click profile.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
, India
Hi Anonymous,
Horoscope matching and Guna Milan is required and should be done for any marriage. To know more, click here.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
, India
Hi Amrit Kadel,
Combust means one that is lost in the radiance of Surya, अस्तंगत . Geometrically the said planet gets closer to Surya, not physically. So no energy is transferred to Surya.
As observed from Earth, the said planet is close to Surya, in degrees.
Each planet’s proximity to Surya, defines its combustion. The interpretation vary for each planet’s combustion and in which house it happens. To know more, click here.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
Hi Abhinav,
Navamsa is used to measure the karmic power of each planet from Lagna chart. E.g. Vargottama and Pushkara Navamsa. Navamsa is used to know about one’s spouse. To know more, click here.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
Hi Anonymous,
Guru Bala is a blessing by Guru Graha when in transit. His transit into certain positions helps to make or to perform of marriage and other auspicious ceremonies. To know more, click here.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
Refer quora blog post below
Steve Hora's answer to According to the Hindu astrology, who wins the 2016 US elections this time?
Hi Subinoy,
Birth chart is for prediction from previous karma.
Prashna chart is for prediction for the query asked.
Both are accurate in its own right and serve two different purposes.
I can give a scenario. Birth chart, let us say predicts that you will love a person and love marriage will happen.
Whether is this that person whom you are loving NOW will be your spouse, can be answered by Prashna.
For any clarifications, ask me.
Astrologically Yours,Steve
Answer: Each birth or event is separated by this nadi and makes it unique. That way even if two births have the same lagna, the Nadi-lagna will be different, making the birth unique. This is true for twin or multiple births of the same womb. On a space-time-scale a nadi is equal 12 min of an arc with 48 sec.
Blog Info tells about twin birth nadi lagna, which has explanation.
Nadi Astrology is based on Nadi Amsa, which is 150 division of a Rashi. The divisions are equal as per Chandra Kala Nadi book. But modern astrologers use unequal division which is logical, mathematical and scientific. In unequal division all the 16 Vargas fall in place in each Rashi.
On a space-time-scale a nadi is equal 12 min of an arc with 48 sec. Each birth or event is separated by this nadi and makes it unique.
That way even if two births have the same lagna, the Nadi-lagna will be different, making the birth unique. This is true for twin or multiple births of the same womb.
Nadi Astrology is based on this Nadi Amsa.
Astrology is not trash. People believe in astrology, to hope that their dreams would come true and problems will vanish.
Anonymous people do consult anonymously Astrologers.
Psychological behavioral changes do help in changing the bad karma, provided it is done with sincerity.
Hindus were doing it in a traditional, cultural, spiritual and socially, by way of Parihara, Pujas and donations to poor for good karma.
Parihara are a subtle Hindu way to ascertain oneself that something that which is preventing an event not happening, be removed.
Pujas by praying to the Lord restores the faith in oneself to achieve one’s goal.
Donations to poor to create balance of karma.
And when the time comes, the event fructifies with divine grace.
Steve Hora
Shani in its own sign Makara is good and a yoga. Overall life benefits will accrue. But Shani’s influence on one’s own sitting house, is slow and lethargic. Due to which one would be en-downed with all the skills and has to find one’s own recognition and marketing.
For more personal clarification message me and read my profile
Astrology = Astronomy + Logic.
Astronomy gives position of planets for a birth or event.
Logic is intelligence applied on those positions.
Prediction given based on that intelligence.
Best is to give a free reading of that person’s horoscope by an astrologer who predicts accurately.
The below is a legitimate reason to believe….
Astrology = Astronomy + Logic.
Astronomy gives position of planets for a birth or event.
Logic is intelligence applied on those positions.
Prediction given based on that intelligence.
Vedic Astrology predicts based on past-life karma. In this life, one has free will to do any action (karma). Based on this present karma, the older karmas are modified, nullified, suffered, enjoyed or carried-over.
All aspects of life are controlled, only the person is unaware. Astrology helps in revealing it. Once revealed, one can take control of it.
Some fixed karmas will manifest for one to enjoy or suffer. There is no escape from that.
When somebody mentions that to me, I would say, I will give a free reading of their horoscope. When accurately predicted, that person becomes happy.
I feel that it is normal for anybody who had not seen the truth, so it is fine to call it subjectively.
Sun sign is followed in Western Astrology which is tropical. It deals with Ego and Psychological effects of planets.
Moon sign is followed in Vedic Astrology which is sidereal. It deals with emotion and karmic effects of planets.
Both are followed by many.
B.V. Raman’s books on Vedic Astrology are good.
According to Vedic Astrology, consideration has to be given to Sun-sign, Moon-sign, Mars and Venus to ascertain the soulmate.
Going by western sun-sign for Aries, it is Libra and Leo.
You can check my credit-ability of my accurate prediction in the below Quora Q&A
I think Leos are a proud and egoist person, a leader by birth.
The downside is over-confidence and autocratic.
Leo means Lion and represented by that.
Overall career is governed by 10th house in a vedic horoscope.
Four wheeler and own house is governed by 4th house.
Mars as 3rd placed in 6th with Rahu, indicates irrational behavior. And debt problems.
Mars as 8th in 6th is a yoga, which will fructify in a particular dasha and bukthi, which is beneficial to you.
Steve Hora's answer to What is meant by kala sarpa dosha? What are the kala sarpa dosha remedies?
This means your 7th house is Pisces, ruled by Guru. Manglik as per traditional Vedic astrology.
No answer to anonymous questions. If you still want a private answer, then read profile and message me.
My creditability of accurate predictions
Wikipedia does this on knowledge.
Quora is just a question and answer, with anybody can give any answer, provided it is within the question’s context. Here Quora is not democratic.
Guru in Upachaya house and in his own house is good.
Your first house starts with Kataka - ruled by Chandra.
Followed by Surya, Budha, Shukra, Kuja, Guru, Shani, Shani, Guru, Kuja, Shukra and Budha.
No answer for anonymous requests. My creditability of accurate predictions
As a geometrical and logical analysis of astronomical position of planets (horoscope), represents the different aspects of a person’s life.
Shukra as 2nd and 9th lord sitting in Kanni lagna, is good. 3rd and 8th lord Kuja in 10th is not good.
No answer to anonymous questions.
No answer to anonymous questions.
Rahu in 12th, is actually good. Here I find advice given based on your own data and effects.
So why and how, Rahu MahaDasha is bad? . Simple Rahu is in Shani’s house reflecting his qualities. Shani is in 10th retro, so downfall in status. Other effects as mentioned by you are due to Guru and Shani.
Guru and Shani Dasha will be good, especially Shani.
Introvert Intuition by conjunction of Mercury and Venus is possible provided both are powerful but not in good house.
Same as in Birth chart judgement
In their own house is best. In an another dusthana house , is a yoga but at the cost of some other aspect of life, which is not good. They should not be in a Upachaya house.
No one can forget in the inner conscience of one’s mind.
It does matter in marriages. It helps to understand the compatibility of both party in marriage.
From a technical point. Destiny decides, whether you had matched or gone against astrology matching, before marriage.
It is important how the couple lives together knowing the mismatch. That is how karma of both has to be action-ed (karm-ified).
Before Jan 2018, you will get married. This is as per NadiAmsa calculations.
Ketu in 10th will affect only career, not your success in share market. Rather he will affect badly. In your case he is fine with your career.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Leo is by Sun. Both are very good friends.
That is folklore. Some observation made by some astrologer made it as a prediction. There is no reverse-proof to it.
There are software on websites which generated reports, which is cut-and-paste type and highly generic and not accurate.
Visit this site for authentic ones.
Ashtaka Varga is not deemed of importance in predicting a native’s kundali, due to the following reason.
Ashtaka Varga Table which measures the placements of the 7 planets from each other, for different houses. Rahu Ketu is omitted.
That means it is highlighting only the clockwise measurement, but not the effect of Rahu and Ketu, which is anti-clockwise, which have a greater say in the karmic effectiveness of the overall chart.
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I agree to Guha Prasaanth view
There is no such thing as Maha Shani dosham, for 19 years. It is MahaDasha of Shani for 19 years as per Vimshottari Dasha System.
Give your birth details to analyse your present Guru Dasha and the coming Shani Dasha.
Answer: Life will become better as Shani Dasha ends.
As Rahu and Ketu are Enemies of Chandra, like Shani. Ketu and Shani are friends in a way, for a common cause, but not directly.
Parivarthana Yoga
Parivartana means mutual exchange. When two house lords exchange their places in a horoscope, it is called Parivartana Yoga. Unexpected and sudden events will happen in life.
Different types of Parivarthana Yoga
- Maha Yoga: Both the lords are lord of auspicious house. Excellent Yoga. Person is fortunate and achieves all comforts in life. Gets political power, prosperity, name, fame, status and authority.
- Kahala Yoga: The mutual exchange is only between lord of 3rd house and an auspicious house. Good Yoga. The person will come up in life against all odds and be prosperous with own effort and hard work. There are 8 possible types.
- Dainya Yoga: The mutual exchange is between a dusthana lord and the other an auspicious house. Bad Yoga. Dainya means poor or miserable. There are 30 Dainya yoga, 6 are Vipareeta Raja Yoga, and remaining 24 are Dainya Yoga.
Timing using Nadi Amsa
The mutual exchange house’s Amsas e.g. ShashtyaAmsa plays an important role in delineating the strength and timing of the results and continues throughout life. Consecutive effects will happen in subsequent Dasha periods. The timing will be delineated using NadiAmsa accurately.
For more info on this refer Parivarthana Yoga
Guru’s transit is good for Meena, as it looks at its own house from Kanya.
This person will be lucky, with a soft tongue but a task master
From Vedic Astrology, it is Saturn, Jupiter, followed by Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) are the important transits to consider
From Vedic Astrology stand point, all houses are important. But more weight-age is given to 10th, 1st and 7th in this modern age. 10th job, 1st oneself and 7th spouse.
All Amsa charts can be important, provided those charts are cast accurately. For pratical purposes Lagna and Navamsa is good enough.
I recommend and second Shachindra Rajavaram opinion
There is only 12 signs. 13 sign is not there, someone at NASA cooked it up
As many times. Astrology obeys Nature and its laws. Nature’s law states that one can love / marry many, for progeny to continue.
Yes. Opposite Moon signs show a high attraction of emotions.
If the time of birth, is known approximately within 2 hours, it eases to find out both Lagna and Moon sign.
More than that it is a lengthy process, and for that you need to consult an astrologer locally, a well versed one at that.
It is true.
Even if the universe was formed out of chaos (big-bang), it tended to become normal and formed stable systems like stars, planets, etc and off course living things like humans.
This was possible only due to statements like yours “whatever has to happen, happens” . This is Nature’s nature.
Platonic-ally attracted to each other on an another plane. Could be Sapiosexual
Depends on your ascendant lord. Rahu will reflect the house where it is sitting.
Normally Rahu aggravates and gives an irrational twist to the house significance.
The best and knowledgeable Astrologer will be known to the Seeker, when the time comes in one’s life. That is called Destiny. Not self-promotion.
In this order
- Lagna chart of both boy and girl
- Navamsa chart against Lagna chart of the other
- Saptamsa chart of both
- Then only Nakshatra Matching based on Nakshatra - Guna Milan for North India and Nakshatra Porutha for South India.
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Hinduism is Vedic Religion. But some modern researchers, separate it, and say as Vedic Religion different from present day Hinduism. Th archaic Vedic God is Indra only. All others are claimed as part of Hinduism.
To keep purity or oneself as more Vedic, Vedic Religion tended to alienate itself,and was lost in the past.
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Astrology = Astronomy + Logic
Astronomy is position of planets. Logic (Intelligence) is applied on it, to do a geometrical analysis, to deduce predictions.
A free reading for you can prove to yourself, that it is not mind tricks.
In Vedic astrology, Moon is considered as the pivot for all other planets to influence earthlings. And on a super Moon, when it is near, its power will increase the good and bad significance of the respective houses. The impact on that day, would be according to the present time running, namely Dasha period.
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In Hinduism, and in particular Jnana Yoga and Advaita Vedanta, neti neti is a Sanskrit expression which means "not this, not this", or "neither this, nor that" (neti is sandhi from na iti "not so").
One can be an Atheist and still call oneself as a Hindu, as per above Hindu philosophy, by denying the existence of God.
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In this order
- Lagna chart of both boy and girl
- Navamsa chart against Lagna chart of the other
- Saptamsa chart of both
- Then only Nakshatra Matching based on Nakshatra - Guna Milan for North India and Nakshatra Porutha for South India.
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Shani is lethargic and slow. Where it sits, it tends to give the significance accordingly, even in his own house.
There are two things to any. In Astrology there is fixed and dynamic.
Fixed is like the shape of your nose,and the given one cannot be changed. What you bring from previous birth karma, determines this.
Dynamic is your free will for this birth, which can be used to change, modify and create new karma.
Provided you know the exact fixed karma, when it will happen and how strong is your will power. For the former, for you to know, need a good astrologer and for the later it is yourSELF.
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This is a good sign, that both will have similar aspirations and emotions. As a couple, the relationship will be platonic, not the soulmate kind of attraction, one aspires for.
There are. See below
Numerology is based on a language. There are thousands of language.
Vedic Numerology based on Sanskrit is the best. Why? . It is based on sound not on letters.
Read more on this at Vedic Numerology - Vedic Astrology
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When can be predicted from your birth chart. But is that, this is the person is not possible. As Astrology obeys Nature’s law. Nature’s law states that one can marry / love many, for progeny to continue.
Using Prashna Marga, one can know, is this the present lover, who will become life partner.
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From your data, it looks like you would like to get Western type astrological analysis. I am a Vedic one.
Good, no loss of money
Just casting a horoscope can be done freely on web.
Also many sites will ask you to pay for reports, which are cut-and-paste software generated ones, which are totally inaccurate.
Read the below
From my experience, the free consultation is very limited for the following reasons :-
1. Most of the users want free predictions, because they do NOT believe in astrology, BUT still want a free reading.
2. Too many fake astrologers, so it is difficult for users to find the real one.
3. Only 25% success rate for payment.
4. Other 75% are not bothered to buy.
5. As this is a subject about life, people are scared, that they would get a bad prediction.
6. Lastly, when I did accurate and correct free predictions, most of them never even Thanked Me.
The answer is : Very Few
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You can trust Astrology.
Yes, there are cases when Astrology went wrong.
Science never predicted that a earthquake Will happen on Nov 13th 2016, in and around New Zealand. But earthquake happened.
I find here the answers around Astrologers
, promoting oneself, but selling astrology products online. Do no trust then…
As an Astrologer, I do believe. I predict for myself accurately, then Why not…
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No. Bukthi /Antara lords will modify or change course the happenings. But if Shani is in a pathetic situation, then, it will be
Aries Sun gives a fiery ego and temperament. Cancer Rising gives a mind with full of emotions and softness.
Combined together the above qualities, based on Moon’s position, one can tell with greater accuracy, What you are. Please provide where your Moon is.
This is done by many Indian parents with advice from fake astrologers, thinking that they had “Cast the best horoscope, before the child is born”. Yes, the chart or nakshatra will be good looking.
But Alas, Astrology, God or Nature, fixes another Lagna called Nadi Lagna which is too accurate to be fixed by any astrologer, including me. That decides the fate and destiny of the child.
Nadi Lagna is 150th of a house, which is 12 min of an arc, and time duration of 48 seconds. Nadi Granthas of South India (Palm-Leaf readings) uses that.
In my experience, the “cooked up-chart” children exhibit a self-projecting megalomaniac behavior, with no yoga happening as per their chart, even if present.
Both Lagnachart or navamasam chart is important in interpretation in astrology.
Why. Lagna or Rashi is the one which has all details, and approximate.
Navamsa and other Amsa charts has the specific accurate details.
Yes a strong free will or belief in oneself, can change your karma.
But how do you know that your Astrology predictions, which are done by an another person, is predicted correctly and with accurate timing.
Alas!, Whether you have a strong free will, is reflected in the horoscope.
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I have Shani in ascendant house, Makara. It is Sasa Yoga.
None of the definitions of Phaldeepika or answered by others match me.
Yogas told in Samhitas are references, and cannot be applied ad litteram.
There is something more to it, in a given horoscope. One need to find that and predict.
Sasa Maha Yoga: The native will be well liked by all, equivalent to a king or a minister and is tough- hearted. This yoga is excellent for careers in police and military. They will enjoy all the pleasures of life. On the negative side this yoga indicates a voluptuary inclined to play the role of paramour towards the objects of his guilty love. They may be considered wicked by many . They will be famous & will be the leaders of their family. Fame, wealth and glamour automatically flow to them. There will bel ove for mother and motherland ( Bhakhto Jananyam ). They will be able to know the guilts of other people.
It is not the best way. It is the only way to find one’s future.
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Vedic scriptures does not condemn Astrology.
The Rishis who wrote Vedas, have themselves written Samhitas about Vedic Astrology, like Sage Vyas.
Hymns are there in the Vedas about Surya’s 360 spokes etc…..
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As per Vedic and Western it will be Libra (Thula in Vedic), as your First or Ascendant House, ruled by Venus.
As Mars in 6th looking at 1st, watch your head and be safe.
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Answer: Marriage can be saved by doing prayer to Mars, by your religious ways.
From your chart details,
2nd and 7th in 6th is Mars (not good). 4th and 5th Shani is in 8th (not good). Both not good by placement ONLY.
Mars is in 11th from Shani. There lies the solution to save your marriage.
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The astrological impact for Kataka Ascendant in Navamsa, will be Lagna lord will become Chandra, Virshika zodiac sign lord will become Kuja.
Astrologically Kuja will get posited 5th from Kataka Lagna, which is good.
I might put 2017 forecast for free for each nakshatra on my website, provided I have the time. Watch out the website
The only problem is the birth of a year, in different almanacs are different. And also the birth of an English year like 2017, does NOT have any astronomical significance. e.g. Sun entering Aries.
I will go by an Almanac, where and when Sun enters Mesha Rashi or Aries Zodiac, which is on April 14th 2017, as per Vedic Astrology.
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Put Franch oil on it, it will go away.
120 years is taken as the max age, one can live in Kaliyuga. Vimshottari Dasha uses 120 years.
Sage Parasara advice in Kaliyuga, is the same, so it is the most predominantly used Dasha system.
For astrological remedies,
You can use creative intelligence. Intelligence is creative by nature.
Hear old hindi songs
Recommendation for remedies are done by its rep here, and one can Buy remedies at a vedicstore . com
Precession is an astronomical and technical point, in astrology.
Synastry is the logic applied on both the couple’s chart, which can be Western (Tropical) or Sidereal (Vedic).
Hence both systems are accurate, as long as the each of its axioms are applied correctly and interpreted accordingly.
Therefore Synastry of a couple will be accurate by Western and Vedic, and accuracy depends on the astrologer.
Forums are old.
Quora is the best place to ask an astrology question and get correct answer.
Brahminic tradition does a remedy for Pitru Dosha, which can be done only at Kashi or Rameshwaram.
You have to find out yourself, I would not be able to help in this regard.
A cheater is a cheater, which is governed by 6th house. And its placement and ownership etc and relationship with 7th decides spouse cheating.
That part of your question “Which aspects and planetary positions/relations”, is highly personalized to a chart, and space here is not enough to write about it.
Signs cannot be generalized and identified as such.
It is not fake.
Let me answer from a different point of view.
The world as we see is imperfect and going towards perfection (an assumption). If we apply the same axioms, couples meet to make their relationship perfect.
Astrology Relationship Compatibility tells where it is matching and where not, for us to sort out.
But the present trend (Twin flame and Soulmate) is, let me use this astrology for a perfect compatibility and from there live perfectly. That assumption is fool’s paradise, and stealing away the beauty of living with differences (incompatibilities).
Note: Soulmate topic has a new writer, and within one day, he is at the top of the “Most viewed writer” on Quora.
Twin flame and Soulmate are just that present aspiration and trend in living happily hereafter. Just crap.
There is only 12 zodiac signs. This website talks about 13, which is not correct.
NASA says your Zodiac sign is probably not what you thought it is
You can change your life, even with bad placements of planets.
My birth chart has 6th and 8th in 3rd, which is bad for my co-borns and me NOT good at sports. This is fixed prediction and it is true.
How I change this bad karma, which I call remedy is “I watch blood-sports like WWE” (which I hate) , to remove this bad karma. Simple waste my energy to nullify this bad placement.
So the remedy is there in the chart, only you need to have a good astrologer to find and advice you.
Hear Kaala Bhairava Ashtakam Stotram, for your Karmic Nasanam and Mokshanam.
Astrology is true. For an Aries Sun sign, one can tell how you perceive education, not everything about it.
Give your chart details, then any astrologer can tell you with truth about your education.
Your question needs improvement. And your understanding of horoscope and Sun sign is wrong.
All zodiac signs are created equally, only by placement of the house lords decides whether a particular sign becomes powerful with respect to the others.
Sun sign , Ascendant and Moon sign decide the personality.
People believe predictions made in horoscopes, as it provides a way to know thir fate and destiny.
To know the unknown events that to happen, in their near or far future. and to know their fate and destiny.
Horoscope is the only way one can know future predictions, so there is no other thing to believe.
There is reality in Kundli (Horoscope) and its predictions.
You can have a reality check by having a free prediction from me.
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What makes You unique in this world is your chart, not the zodiac sign you belong to.
One cannot generalize the most uniqueness among zodiac signs.
Each Zodiac is unique, classic, beautiful in its own way.
Yes they do.
Zodiac signs and their lords do influence one’s career choice.
10th zodiac sign and house lord governs that.
It is true to that extent of correct date of birth, time, place. Ayanamsa matters for Vedic. With these as inputs, the astrologer's knowledge, intuition, experience and timing technique matters.
Then horoscope predictions will be true.
A free reading from me or another astrologer, is what, you want, will convince you of the truth of Astrology and horoscope predictions.
Hope you are inspired by my answer.
Steve Hora at Space
Twin flame and Soulmate are just that present aspiration and trend in living happily hereafter in a relationship.
You can use astrology to know a perfect compatibility and from there live perfectly.
Note: Be forewarned that there is a twin flame for you and you can go after it, is living in fool’s paradise, and stealing away the beauty of living with differences (incompatibilities).
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste from India, the Punya Bhumi of Vedic Astrology.
Thank you for asking a question on Quora. I am happy to respond to your query.
Get to know a good local astrologer or Steve Hora for your birth chart and predictions.
- Making the horoscope with software is best and accurate
- Predictions should NOT be software generated one
- Ask the Astrologer to predict
- Ask for solutions of the problem
- If need be, pay Guru Dakshina
Be happy astrologically
Please upvote, follow and share my posts, if you liked it
Have a great day and enjoy your stay on Quora,
Quora is helping you and me to explore this great science.
Steve Hora at Space
Your future is good, as per vedic astrology for Libra ascendant is as follows
Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn and sun in libra - bad,bad,good,good,good in that order
Mars and ketu in Sagittarius - good
Rahu and moon in gemini - not good
Steve Hora at Space
Hello Quoraian:
Namaste and Greetings from India.
Thank you. I am happy to respond to your query.
Please note: This is a free Q&A. Click here, if you need to consult for free life reading. You may learn about Vedic Astrology here.
Astrological Input Data:
- Rahu in the seventh house for a Cancer ascendant
- rahu in 7th, saturn in 6th, mo,ma in 10, ju,ve,su in 12, ke,me in 1st
- The data is not sufficient to give a full and perfect answer to your question “What is the impact in marriage by Rahu in the seventh house for a Cancer ascendant?”
Give full and accurate Date of Birth, Time and Place. e.g. 6-Sep-1977, 20:21, Boston, USA
Predictions for the question asked:
With above input data, only Generic predictions can be given, like others
- Rahu in 7th not good for married life
- saturn in 6th not good
- mo,ma in 10 - good, For clarity, Moon, Mars in 10, good
- ju,ve,su in 12 not good. For clarity, Jupiter, Venus, Sun in 12th not good
- ke,me in 1st - mediocre. For clarity Ketu and Mercury in 1st is mediocre.
Enjoy your stay at Quora.
Steve Hora at Space
I do believe in kundli and its predictions, because it will tells about my life, my bad cravings and dispositions for me to correct.
Steve Hora at Space
Saturn in first or in lagna for Aquarius ascndant or any house, gives its significance slowly, as he being slow moving and lethargic. This is true for Aquarius ascendant also. But he gives significance, as it his mool-tirikona and own house.
Steve Hora at Space
Lagna chart is the present astronomical position of planets with ayanamsa taken into account.
Navamsa is the division or 9th harmonic of Lagna chart. There are many types.
Lagna chart is used for reading about the person, Navamsa about karmic afflictions and marriage,spouse.
Steve Hora at Space
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste and Greetings from India, The Punya Bhumi of Vedic Astrology.
I am happy to respond to your query.
Note: This is a free Q&A. Click here, if you need to consult for free life reading. You may learn about Vedic Astrology here.
Input: The input given by user as a chart is a western one. Clarify whether you want predictions as per Vedic or Western.
Answer: Below is your Vedic horoscope as per True Lahiri/Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa
Going by Vedic your Chandra as 1oth lord is in 1st. Good for your carrier. 6th lord Guru in 7th not good for married life.
For detailed prediction consult your local astrologer or the astrologers who had answered your question, in this Q&A.
Steve Hora at Space
Stars do not reach exalation (exaltation). Only Planets reach exaltation in Vedic Astrology.
Steve Hora at Space
Refer this Q&A
Steve Hora's answer to Do soul mates exist? Are they real or fictitious?
Steve Hora at Space
Astrology matters to know Past, Present and the Future.
Long ago, Humans looked upon the sky to understand and codify astronomical data.
For him, it mattered for understanding the seasons, when to sow seeds and for migration. He applied logic on the astronomical data to understand himself.
From there Astrology came.
So it matters.
Steve Hora at Space
Hello Quoraian,
Namaste and Greetings from India, The Punya Bhumi of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology.
I am happy to respond to your query.
Note: This is a free Q&A. Click here, if you need to consult for free life reading. You may learn about Vedic Astrology here.
Input: Generic question was asked “What can you say about wealth and career prospects?”. Expected specific question of what career, when to get a job etc
Answer: Below is your Vedic horoscope as per True Lahiri/Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa
Your Surya as 1oth lord is in 11th. Good for your carrier, but losses will be there. 2nd lord Guru in 4th retrograde and 11th in 12th is not good for wealth accrual.
For detailed prediction consult your local astrologer or any astrologer who had answered your question, in this Q&A.
Steve Hora at Space
This is a good start.
Try becoming the most viewed writer than going for upvotes and views, such that you get quality audience, wide-spread view, steady growth.
I started on quora from Aug 2016, now I am the most viewed writer in 10 topics. with 30k+ views and 110 upvotes.
Concentrate on your strengths or core area and stick to one topic, than jack-of-all in Q&A.
Choose your question, even if you can answer.
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Last but least, follow and upvote the person who had answered Your Question… :)
Chandra in the seventh house for libra ascendant, will be in Mesha.
For this seventh house effect for Chandra, spouse will be sensuous and fiery.
This quality will be modified by the placement of Chandra in which nakshatra, namely Aswini, Bharani or Krithika.
The effect will differ accordingly, which can be delineated using Navamsa, Trimsamsa and NadiAmsa.
One cannot generalize a lady by just your chart. That person (Lady) chart matters.
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Check the stats on each question, the highest viewed question will give an insight into your topic-where your strength lies.
Answer to those type of questions and create a topic with the key words.
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My answer below fetched 1000 votes in 1 day. And made me to become “Most Viewed Writer” in 10 topics.
My very first answer to an old question in quora went viral, and it is in my top answer and stays there and fetches more views even now
Specialize and narrow down your expertise and answer to those questions only.
If ego boosting is what you need by seeing your story upvoted +K, views +M, then, it is a short run on Quora.
Be a Specialist not a Generalist.
As third Lord Sun in 6th house, Scorpio, your go-getter attitude will fail you.
As 2nd Lord Moon in 11th, Aries, you talk to win and stand to gain.
As Gemini ascendant, the above qualities, will confuse your character to yourself.
Better talk your way out.
Remedies in a chart means, that Graha is bad, so why to strengthen that Graha, namely Guru.
The question is wrong.
Assuming that Guru is good in the chart and the strength is weak due to Shad and/or Sthana bala, then to strengthen Guru, the following can be done.
Use Mantra Prabhava, choose the right time as per that particular chart, and do mantra prayog. Then the Graha will become strengthened.
Check my profile for Mantra Prabhava
Within a fraction of a second, planet position do not change that much, even if you consider the fast moving Chandra, Budha or Lagna.
So the Kundali does not change much.
Generic aspect of Jupiter from Virgo, with its 5th eye on Capricorn Moon is good.
Mercury as such in Gemini is good. Saturn in Aquarius is also good.
The below are generic effects.
Depends on your chart position of Rahu and Mars, and Amsa position to predict for that aspect of life.
Rahu+Mars:(1-0-18 days):
This is a period of test indication, displeasure with officers, failure in court cases, loss through brothers or cousins, bad habits, severe mental agony and decrease of mental power.
If Rahu is in 3-6-10 financial improvements are obtained. The aspect of Rahu by a benefic or his combination in a particular bhava decide the nature of result . It is not correct to say that the entire period of 18 years will give trials in life or the man will roll in wealth. When Rahu is in Aries, Taurus, virgo, Sagittarious, Capricorn gives favourable results. In Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces gives rather unfavourable results especially in bad bhavas or with evil combination. Sometimes loss of position, imprisonment, abortion, severe loss etc may be the outcome.
It is simple.
Moon takes approximately 30 days to complete one lunar phase of waxing and waning. In a year it takes 12 times. So 12 became the unit for zodiac signs.
For length measurements, you have to ask that expert…
The true reason for success in life is Purposefulness. If it is measured in the amount of wealth earned, then leave me out.
Mars being fiery and Moon being soft and emotional, the conjunction brings a contrasting behavior to the person. Depending on the lordship and house placement, one can say accurately.
Shani and Rahu in same house is bad in good houses. And good in bad houses.
Based on Lagna, Shani can be good or bad. And the house-dispositor of Rahu will be good or bad, based on that Rahu will be bad or good.
Assuming Shani and Rahu-Dispositor is good, then Shani and Rahu combination in that house will do good to that house significance.
If both bad, for example, Shani and Rahu combination in 9th, indicates karmic carry-overs from father side, for which father has to do the dosha nivarana. If not that will affect presently this person in religious matters and such.
Astrology works for me, in many ways.
- I predict for myself and happens according to my own prediction
- I predict for others and it works the same as for me
- I use mantra based on Vedic astrology for Mantra Prabhava and found effective in solving the problems faced
Follow me at Vedic Astrology Quora Blog
One can believe in finding one’s soulmate. Anything that has come into the realm of thought can be imagined or believed and sought after. Whether it is real or unreal depends on one’s own thought imagination.
Instead being an idealist, the beauty of living with differences is what reality is and better.
Still if you want soulmate or twin flame or double twin flame, there is a way out
Scientific base of Astrology is in Astronomy and Logic.
Just because, you do not believe, does not make, it astrofic or not. (Who cares science is astrofic or not, or for that matter scientific or not).
Just because you need a free prediction, for the simple reason that you do not want to believe, is a smart and cheap way to twist some gullible astrologer to give into and predict for you.
To make you believe, I can give a reading…
Refer this :How much your (Vedic) horoscope or astrological chart predictions come to be true? How accurate they are?
Follow me at Vedic Astrology Quora Blog
Astrologers can be just be accurate in their readings. That’s enough.
Predicting events is far fetched as there are many more parameters.
E.g. A Verdict by people is more than Prediction.
Follow me at Vedic Astrology Quora Blog
There is no such thing as bad time. Anyone can analyse your chart, provided they are astrologers. Generic whole chart analysis here is not possible. Check your local astrologer.
Follow me at Vedic Astrology Quora Blog
Once upon a time, science was considered as pseudo, by religious institutions. Now science supporting Pseudo-guys are calling these subjects as pseudo.
These Pseudo-guys are the ones who will consult astrologers when in problems.
Follow me at Vedic Astrology Quora Blog
Mars and Rahu in 3rd house not good for you co-born. 7th Guru is good. 9th Moon is good. Venus MahaDasha will be neutral.
This is what happens, 9th lord sits in 11th and 11th lord sits in 9th.
Good profit with luck. Benefit for Father.
The time has to be delineated for this yoga to fructify using NadiAmsa.
Astrology and Horoscopes are real.
Individual life is related to them through zodiac houses. Example 10th house is related to one’s career.
It does make sense to believe in them.
To make you believe, I can can give a reading of your horoscope.
Follow me on my Quora blog.
4th and 5th lord Shani is well placed for your talent. 10th lord Chandra in 10th is well placed, for excellent career.
10th in 10th creates kendra-adipathiya dosha, due to which one is over-confident and thereby brings downfall. Superiors will envy your position and feel threatened.
Remove this dosha and things will be fine.
Present time has to be delineated properly, not with generic dashas.
Given the situation in TamilNadu, nobody would dare make a statement for that matter predict the event.
As such an Astrologer, has astrological reasons and sentiments, NOT to predict this event for anybody.
Ashtamsa and NadiAmsa can be used correctly to predict this event. Its easy.
“Accurate Timing of an event is the essence of prediction from a horoscope.”
For a free accurate public prediction on quora:
- Ask your question
e.g. Predict from my horoscope, your life question, birth details : 4th Sep 1986, 21:34 PM, Mumbai, India. - A real free horoscope prediction answer.
Yes I can predict your career from your chart, because I am an Astrologer.
Astrology is astronomy + logic, that is the scientific basis
You can know about spouse from 7th Lord and Navamsa. The character can be ascertained from Triamsa
Yes still these planets will control and the space ship
Astrology can predict. And using law of attraction, one can change course. With accurate predictions with accurate timing, the thought can be used.
There is too much science namely astronomy and logic behind astrology and palmistry.
It is Budha. What you mean by highest intelligence, defines different aspects of life. Body also has intelligence, which if and ignored by human brain, gives rise to diseases and conditions.
Maha Dasha is your fixed fate, which is more powerful and effective than transit. Transit is trigger points of fate.
Steve Hora on Quora
Birth location is necessary
Most rarest yogas seen by me is Ashta bhandhana yoga.
Navamsa per see is NOT your chart, it is a derivation from your Rashi to explain your Navamsa which governs your spouse and karmic strength of your horoscope.
7th Bhava of your Navamsa tells about your disposition towards your wife. You want a spiritual and sensuous spouse.
Rahu from Moon chart (assuming in Rashi chart, position from Moon). There is no moon chart. Your Rahu 7th from Moon indicates your mentality towards your spouse.
Moola mantra is the root mantra.
The benefits of chanting is immense.
Choosing proper time as per your horoscope,will attract the planet or deity to you,and one can benefit from it.
Eg. A mantra was given to Devi Kunthi of MahaBharatha, mother of Pandavas, by a Rishi. That mantra had the power to attract any celestial being, for her to conceive. Thus Pandavas including Karna was born.
This mantra was powerful and timeless.
Refer more
Any yoga is applicable to any lagna. The effect depends on the house owned by Guru and Chandra,and placements.
Yes Chinese people do believe in astrology, which is typically Chinese, with each year being governed by animals.
Cancer is governed by Moon which emotional and soft. Capricorn is governed by Saturn, who is pragmatic and sober.
Both do not match at all.
Aries and Scorpio subscribe least to the idea of astrology.
Twins born from the same womb, within 48 secs which is a nadi, will have same fortune.
In nature, this is not possible.
Yes, Astrological readings are accurate.
To be accurate, depends on the following
- Inputs - Birth details which are accurate
- Tested Formula or Methodology - Astronomical position of Grahas and Ayanamsa for Vedic Astrology.
- Process and Procedure followed - How the logic, postulation and axioms are applied to analyse.
- Synthesize - the astrological readings.
I follow the below procedure for Vedic Astrology, which confirms to above
- For thorough Analysis and horoscope reading of your question
- Birth details with life question.
e.g. “What can be read about marriage and when I will get married, my birth details : 4th Sep 1986, 21:34 PM, Mumbai, India”. - A real horoscope reading answer for your reference. There are many.
- If only sun sign, moon sign and ascendant is given
- Generic Prediction with 10% accuracy and no time reading.
- With nakshatra pada positions of the said grahas is made available, expect another 25% accuracy.
- With navamsa positions of the all grahas is made available, expect 50% accuracy.
- With other divisional charts are there, expect 75% accuracy.
- With Vimshottari dasha details, expect 85% accuracy.
- With full chart and accurate birth details, it will be 95%, from me.
- I use NadiAmsa where time (Vimshottari) and Space (Graha-House owners) meet, which is 95% accurate.
- 5% deviation - I give it to cesarean births, your Time of birth can be not accurate within 5 minutes or wrong, ayanamsa not correct, software I use, year duration I use.
Ketu Mahadasha is only the name of the time interval. It is no where connected with your Ketu in 5th house.
Vedic Astrology is real.
For fake people it is fake.
Sun debilitated as 8th lord in 10th is not good for job. Where is your Shukra.
Depends on your Guru and Chandra lordship and placement. Just because Gaj Keshari yog is there means you are not entitled for it.
It could be in 6th house, so a thief, can swindle by talking to you.
Hope and to know the unknown future, for fun. But not serious enough, to really solve using astrology. That is the maya of life. Hope wise people will understand, what I mean by this.
Astrology science is pseudo in nature, because it deals with too varied a subjects like fate, destiny, psychology etc etc and unites them together. This is unique, which science is not able to do.
Astrology unites the known with the unknown future.
So Pseudo is actually a feather in the cap of Astrology, than the normal science.
Yes, there is.
For every scam artist like you, there is one-up scam artist, waiting to swindle you.
And that is called karma.
To nullify karma of previous birth, which if predicted accurately, can be nullified by Thapas. It may be your prayer to Hanuman, which is just a projection of your mind.
One cannot overcome, which is just trying to change what you don’t like or like.
Karma is above likes and dislikes.
You will donate to religious institutions other than you are born in.
Loss of child and name.
Sudden hereditary property accrual.
Inclined to settle in foreign countries.
There is importance to free will in astrology, but that is not against karma.
Let me explain. If gravity is not there on earth, no one can survive here, nor born. So is the case of karma. Without karma there is no birth at all.
Once born out of karma, you do have your free will, to change your karma by doing more karma or none (as done by Lord Buddha).
Vedic Astrology is a science which tells what your situation (karma, or gravity) is.
Try changing it through Your Free Will.
Steve Hora . Serious. Ask my followers on Quora
Astrology is not banned, because it is a science of an individual. You can have your own choice of beliefs to choose from. It is every individual right to believe or not to.
If you mean it is superstitious, then it is your belief and you have all rights to not to read any astrology news from any newspaper or consult any astrologer.
If you want your individual life to be told accurately (not predicted), contact me. I am serious. Then you will believe in Vedic Astrology. Anyway who are You to ban. (Just an another being born with a horoscope). Huh
The answer is NO. Why?
Gu-Ru means Gu-darkness and Ru-remove. So a Guru means one who removes darkness or shows light. That’s it.
A Guru can show the way, it is up to you and your karma to solve your karmic sufferings or for that matter forego enjoyments, to escape from continuous karmic births.
Your explanation is wrong, or some Guru had advised to make a fast bug on you.
Parivartana means exchange of each other benefits, not their power due to exaltation or debilitation.
So the answer is a clear NO.
There are websites - http://www.vedichora.com
and as well an app which is rating based on feedback from users.
One such is VedicHora App
Many people believe.
For the time being, the count would be assumed as 1. That is myself.
Anybody can add by commenting on this.
Why? - Because I am an Astrologer.
Put a horoscope using a good software. In that one can easily calculate the Nakshatra Pada.
Manually - Know your time of birth, month and year ,and from the almanac for that year, find the starting and ending time of nakshatra for that day, in which your birth time falls. Divide the total time by 4. Calculate in which slot, your birth-time falls.That slot is your birth nakshatra pada.
That is called Fate or destiny.
Kundli matching is a science to understand the matching, adjust and live accordingly.
Not that it can be used before-hand for marriage. It can be (or used), but what is then fate and destiny.
If one gets married and not aware of the mis-match, both will bound to suffer the consequence.
Life does not provide a set of options at a given time, to choose from. Rather it is a serial option. Meaning - Only when the first option is used, discarded or time-elapsed, the next option comes up.
Ego .
Political and Strategy
The above are the qualities of Leo.
Each planet makes every person in a different way spiritually inclined.
The yogas of 9th and 12th house lords are the ones which decides this.
Sanyasa yoga makes one spiritually inclined.
Within the present Kali Yuga, the start of it can be considered as Vedic Age. After that one can assume it is Later Vedic Age, when Upanishads came into being.
Yes, a good astrologer can help analyze your horoscope.
Your horoscope is needed.
Yes there are other forms of Astrology, in Hindu Religion
Pancha Pakshi based on Pancha Boothas (Five Elements).
This was taught by Sage Agasthya, a disciple of Lord Shiva.
The 12 houses of a horoscope is based on these Pancha Boothas.
The five elements have definite time slots in a day, when the person born in a particular Pakshi or Bootha becomes strong.
The strong will power is seen in the horoscope as 1st lord. If it is strong enough, one can change karma (astrological condition).
For that, One should know the event what exactly will happen at what time, accurately, and then one can change.
But How do you know? what is that event and time???
Content and Context matters accurately to change coarse of life.
Till then Astrological condition WILL NOT FAIL, EVEN with a strong will power.
There are no rigid commandments of the Vedas, as you mean.
It is a Dharma, a way of life for all living beings.
You can read your horoscope daily, using Progression technique.
Biased opinion would be the result, if you do your own reading of your own kundali.
Intuition will not work if it is for self.
Scrutinizing astrological facts will be lacking and assumptions will be made.
Rahu and Mars in 7th house, your married life is like hanging on a live-electricity wire. Hopefully if you and your partner do not touch the ground, there will be no short-circuit. Better hang on to the wire.
From your horoscope, find the left-over birth dasha period. Add from birth-date, this left-over year and in planetary sequential order the other years for each planet, till you reach the present time. The present planet’s dasha time is your present Mahadasa, that you will be running now.
Ketu as Gnana karaka with no house lordship to boot, will reflect where he sits. Here he reflects Guru who is 2nd lord in 7th. Also He is 5th lord.
Yes, he will help in success in share market.
Which shares is the one to be ascertained from deeper analysis!?
Depends on Jupiter’s ownership and placement.
Results will be more pronounced on children.
This question is too short with very little detail astrologically.
Jupiter is posited in 11th, does not mean he is karaka of 11th. Your question is wrong astrologically.
Where you learned astrology to ask this question, is it from youtube?!?
Rahu and Ketu are ChayaGrahas. Meaning they are Grahas.
The word planet is a poor english translation for Graha in Sanskrit.
According to your so called “Poor english” , Rahu and Ketu are “Planets” and they have no other ruler’s, than themselves.
BTW did you learn or learning astrology from youtube…
Jagannatha Hora is too great and massive software to fit into any android screen (form-factor).
My pranams to Mr. P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, for this yeoman service to humankind.
According to astrology or your horoscope?.
The question is wrong in astrological context.
Unless you ask the right question to the right person with right respect, the right astrological answers will NOT come to you. Because, Astrological science is divine, not Quora free coffee-table answer.
Rahu and Jupiter conjunction is not good in first house,if Jupiter is your 1st lord.
Or even in any other house.
Your question is incomplete and astrologically wrong with less input to any astrologer.
Your question is totally wrong by even ordinary astrological inquiry.
It is from your horoscope details, one can predict your fate or karma.
BTW coffee table answer is not possible in quora questions.
The actual houses start at the inter-junction of Cancer and Leo, which is where Sun and Moon, the most important Graha’s for earthling starts. From there you will find equal distribution of other Graha’s house allocation.
Aries (Mesha) is the start of the March equinox of the movement of Sun through the nakshatras. So from Mesha, Cancer becomes fourth.
For Prashna Marga Astrology, it matters a lot.
In Nadi leaf reading, also it is, in a pre-destined time only, that one will consult the readings.
If good time is now running, that person would NOT normally consult, as that person would be enjoying the good karma, as it was earned by that person.
But if it is bad time running with problems, then that person would be suffering and due to which may consult an astrologer.
So TIME matters…
And Time in a way is dynamic karma.
Yes Astrology should be made illegal. There is no science behind it.
It can be debunked a million times over.
Are you Happy now, take a walk and enjoy.
When you get into some life trouble, come to me, I will debunk YOUR WHOLE life with astrology.
Addendum after a long long time: (Star-Trek dated 29th Dec 2017):
Your life can be debunked, for a fee. Please do not say No to it.
To get best Horoscope predictions, Download VedicHora Android App on Google Play Store or Contact at Vedic Astrology website.
Transit calculation and predictions has to be done with Moon only, as it represents, our earth. (Why because Earth and its earthlings is the focal point, so the nearest satellite or graha is taken for actual calculations).
Transits effects are for transits and in no way replaces the fixed Dasha predictions. That kind of advice is false and shows no deep understanding of vedic astrology.
BTW, Dasha is also taken from Moon calculations.
It is possible. Try the following in that order
- Do a nadi leaf reading in TamilNadu. Atleast your lagna will be found.
- Download VedicHora Android App on Google Play Store or Contact at Vedic Astrology website and get it rectified.
Islamic nations and Christianity Do NOT believe in astrology, so Astrology has nothing to say.
Check out Nostradamus, if possible.
Yes, marriage is denied or delayed or separation after marriage. The concerned person knows about.
These are deduced from the NadiAmsa chart.
Vashi Karan Mantra fall under Mesmerism, not under Hypnotism.
Hypnotism is proven by science, but not Mesmerism.
This Vashi Karan Mantra is an Indian form of Mesmerism using mantras.
Mantra chanting had been proven to give benefits to the chanter, but will IT have effect on an another person, is a question mark.
This Vashi Karan Mantra is therefore black magic, which science or scientist are afraid to prove it.
BTW can you try and prove it…
Yes, one can marry same nakshatra.
Nakshatra compatibility is just a static relationship analysis….
Dynamic compatibility is something to be considered for marriage.
See my answer on similar lines for Sun sign compatibility
Join my website and android App as an Astrologer.
Astrology is limited to India. Getting the trust of clients is in the accuracy and Timing of the predictions.
All able astrologers are welcome.
Steve Hora operates from Chennai, but you can contact online at his website or Android App.
Check his profile.
The truth that why you were born, you will never know
The remedy for any combust house lord is to increase its power.
Yes, as this is a emotional bonding, there is a special attraction, which is recognized instantly.
Mantra is Man + Tra = Mind + Technique.
So anything which you can train and focus your mind is your Best Mantra.
Do not go by dogmatic principles, that it should be given by Guru. It is all told to make a fast money out of you.
Lord Buddha taught Anna-Panna Sathi Yoga which is watch your breadth. This is also a mantra at energy level.
Another latest technique is watch your thoughts.
Some other Guru will come and tell you to watch your steps….
Indians are so obsessed with Astrology, because, the philosophy of karma is fundamental to Hinduism.
From Hinduism came Vedic Astrology.
Also the rigid social structure of Hinduism, made the masses to believe in fate and destiny, so much, it made them docile.
This is one of the reasons, why Indians are exploited in the name of Astrology, by fake YouTube Astrologers, who cannot predict.
Results of Rahu-Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dasha
The planet Mercury or Budh being a benefic planet would pacify some of the adverse effects of Rahu from the native's life and would bring somewhat betterment in their lives. Here the Rahu would bring problems in the path of the native while the Mercury would show him/her the way to emerge out unwounded. Besides this, as the domination of Rahu would prevail for its beings in Rahu Mahadasha, Mercury in it's antardasha would be able to wipe out the negativity to a extent only. So on we won't call it a balanced combination but will call it as a better one.
The person in Rahu-Mercury dasha or bhukti would emerge as more intellectual in this period and would become more sincere & careful than before due to the presence of Mercury and this would help him/her to safely jump over many hurdles. Besides this, the health of the native would also improve and there would be some peace at mind. This period would also bring some positive development in closed relations.
The native in Rahu-Mercury dasha or bhukti would see some growth in his/her financial stature besides which the person would enjoy comforts and luxuries. There would a development in his social stature and dominance of personality as he/she would attain respect and admiration and they would receive the support of governmental arenas. Besides this, his/her treasury of materialistic wealth would also increase
On the other part, the impact of Rahu would lead the person towards some evil and immoral deeds though the planet Mercury won't let it go towards much extent. These would include disrespecting divine presence and affronting spirituality and related arenas, habit of lying, unwanted and unreasonable quarrels besides which there could be fear from government, thieves and snakes in this bhukti of Rahu-Budh
Aquarius ruled by negative Saturn is not amicable with Scorpio, ruled by negative Mars. So the problem.
BTW read the following…
Your Sun sign is as important as the other person’s Sun sign for relationships…
Relationships are “in relation” with some other person. Your Sun sign with the other person’s Sun sign compatibility. - This is static relationship.
And Sun signs change every month. So both Sun signs will come under the influence of the present running Sun sign. This is dynamic.
End result : Dynamic changes has influence on the person and as well on the relationship (static), due to which observations and predictions changes drastically.
It is due to the mind. It wants to prove for itself and follow it. In the absence of proof, it believes.
This is how the brain works in unknown subjects.
BTW, whom do you think, should prove Astrology.
Astrology encompasses many things, so it is a pseudo science, so no one can offer a proof.
Your question is astrologically wrong.
Dasa and Antar Dasha are names of time slot as per Dasha.
It is not connected with your actual Graham as per your chart.
It depends on the lagna. No Graham is good or evil by its own nature.
Retrograde doesn't make a Graham good or evil.
Your understanding is wrong totally.
Due to the eclipsoidal shape and movement of Earth around Sun is not a perfect circle, the house measurements as per placidus is unequal.
Each Astrology follows its own house pattern based on its own methodology, so accuracy is not reliable measure to compare.
No. Guru does not make a person religious suddenly, just because, Guru Dasha has started. Guru is a preceptor of knowledge. Guru in a bad place can make one bad karma.
Guru Maha Dasha's predictions can and will vary from person to person.
The generic predictions cannot be applied ad-dictorum to any chart.
The nakshatra one born in, does not reflect long and married life in astrology.
BTW Nakashtra name is given to a space of 13deg 20min, when Chandra traverses that space.
Like this, there are so many anomalies in Vedic Astrology, which newspaper, websites and fake astrologers propagate (now in youtube also ), to make a quick impression and make a quick bug or fame.
I cannot check as I do not know Hindi.
I can predict your sun dasha.
As no birth details are given, your sun can be any where in the zodiac. So Sun will bestow nothing in his dasha to you.
BTW, downvoting astrologically your question
In normal times, It is not wise to believe in astrology.
When in good times, you are enjoying your good karma. At that time you are NOT wise.
You will believe when you are in trouble due to your bad karma. Then at that time you are wise.
So be it.
Best way to calculate is to have a accurate time of birth and use a proper ayanamsa and a software for making the horoscope. And then one can find the ascendant sign.
It indicates that 9th and 12th house lord is in 10th house.
Saturn is the son of Sun, through Chaya Devi, another wife of Sun. Chaya means Shadow or Dark.
As Chaya Devi was not treated well by Sun, Saturn hates Sun.
But Sun as father of Saturn shows benevolence towards Saturn, which is not accepted by Saturn.
So one will find an eternal dilemma between these two Grahas. Due to which it affects horoscopes as such.
Yes Life revolves around your fate and destiny, irrespective of whether you believe in it or NOT.
Fate and Destiny is like sitting in a train, to travel to your destiny. You cannot push (your free will) the train sitting within the train.
If you can push the train using your free will, you have to come out of the train, but you cannot reach your destiny.
Destiny is not known to an individual. So the person approaches an astrologer for prediction.
Depending on the accuracy, experience and intuition of the astrologer, the prediction might be true.
You should believe in your destiny and the Astrologer WHO PREDICTS it ACCURATELY.
There is truth in astrology as it being Astronomy (Maths related to planets) and Logic (Science).
To know the truth, you need to be an expert in Astrology or your Astrologer should be.
If not, there is no truth for YOU in it.
Astrology is above religion and belief.
Whether you believe or not, your horoscope dictates your life.
Sun and Saturn in 7th is enough to cause relationship problems.
This question has to be downvoted, as it has partial data astrologically.
No. 8th lord is fatal, not dasha of it. If so even antara will also be fatal, which is not correct.
Are you learning from Youtube your astrology….
Vibareeth yoga is formed, if 6th is in 8th. With Rahu in 8th it actuates the cause.
Where is 8th lord and 1st?
Astrology is not pseudoscience nor science.
Nor it needs a definition and verification by scientific or pseudo-scientific standards or methodology.
It is an art to be believed.
Yes, Download Vedic Hora android App, you will get free Astrologer, who can tell about your future.
This chart is of NO USE, to a real astrologer, to tell about your whole life.
Ask specific life questions, with proper data.
The way the question asked matters a lot, to Vedic Astrologers.
If you get response for your question, it is from a fake astrologer for sure.
Shani as 6th in 5th will spoil your name also. 5th in 5th is good.
Nadi Astrologer, as such, is not an astrologer. He reads from the palm leaf. He knows how to read Old Tamil to present day one.
There is no best one.
The input data is partial and not correct. Downvoting the question.
Astrologically the data is partial.
Downvoting the question.
Assuming that your Aries sign means Moon sign, Shani and Kuja should not be having any other connections. If so one can comment.
Alas, by transit, Shani or Kuja can affect Aries sign.
So be it.
I use this technique.
As Aravindan had pointed out, it is NOT FREE, nor the predictions from it, which are accurate.
Go to other fake astrologers for freebies
You had answered your own question,then why the question in the first place.
Simple, fall at his feet
As a practicing Astrologer, I believe.
If you do not, get a free prediction from me, about your whole life.
You can find the best astrologers, if you are really inclined.
If you have an intention, that will be found out by the best one. As you have here one.
To find out the fake one, is simple. I had answered long back, search for it.
I am bored repeating the same answer, nor to search and give you a ready made link.
Quora does not provide that quick searching…
You need to invest your time and energy to find one.
In karmic things nothing comes to you on a plate you ordered, like you are asking here, as if you own all astrologers, to be at your beck and call.
For Simha Lagna, Chandra is 12th lord, in 8th. Where is Guru placed.
12th in 8th is Veeparith Raja Yoga.
Based on Guru, I can comment more. Your comment on an another answer, is totally wrong.
Why do so-called prediction-seekers always ask about fortune in terms of money.
There are 12 aspects of life, as per the houses.
From my experience, these are the questions asked, which reflects the seeker’s mentality
- When I will get married to a rich person
- When I will become famous and make riches
- When I will marry a beautiful rich girl
- Will I become an actor
- When I will get a job,promotion or become famous
None had asked when one will die, which is 8th house aspect of life.
A stubborn and headstrong person, with a clear mind of your own.
Watch out when Saturn transits Aries, you will be in trouble.
It means your chart needs birth time correction.
It is a lengthy process and you have to provide personal information in detail and accurate time.
You would be better off seeing a very good Astrologer in person, and solve your problem.
There are websites for free vedic astrology predictions for Rashi, Nakshatra daily predictions.
Check all newspaper websites for predictions.
Also on TV predictions are given…
M.K.Stalin son of Dr. Karunanidhi, dob details are
March 1st 1953, 23:50, Chennai
10th lord Surya (Political graha) is in 4th looking at its own house.
9th lord (Father, Luck) Chandra is in 10th, creating a RajaYoga for power.
Then what prevents him, to attain the CM post. It is due to Ketu in 9th spoiling it. There is a solution for this...
2012 to 2015 was a bad period.
From Jan 2015 to Aug 2017 it is a good period for Dasamsa (Power/Job/Career/Leader).
In between from Feb 2017 to mid of Apr 2017, it is a trying period.
After Apr 2017 it is very good period.
From Aug 2017 onwards, it is excellent period, when Surya squares his own placement, then Surya and Chandra will bestow the highest RajaYoga, surpassing his father's reputation.
The above predictions were read using NadiAmsa technique.
When favourable
Varied comforts, prosperity, religious inclinations, auspicious celebration, honor in foreign countries, recognition by a foreign ruler.
When adverse
Displacement, mental anguish, loss of wife and child, unclean food, body suffering, loss of wealth. Relatively comfortable during the mid-portion of its dasha.
Above are general predictions, not applicable to individual chart.
Atheists view of anything is skeptical, without any definitive definition of anything.
They will ascribe everything to Nature without defining what Nature itself is.
They want all proof on a platter, to simply deny and claim they are intelligent enough to disapprove.
Same is their view of Astrology is.
Pathetic incorrigible pseudo blank thinkers.
Yes, it is possible using Vedic Astrology.
The choice and outcome of a career can be read from 10th house and Dasamsa.
Sun is excellent and Mars not that good. Mercury and Ketu not good for your 5th house. - Assuming Leo as lagna lord. The question is not clear. Downvoting the question.
Not many use the Divisional charts for predictions. Mostly they use it to show as reverse-proof of their analysis and claim their predictions for famous charts.
D9 chart as Navamsa is a very very important chart to delineate the karmic strength of a planet.
It signifies 7th house significance as spouse.
Reading Navamsa for 7th house predictions is simple.
The key thing is divisional charts have no house lordships nor exaltation or debilitation.
Most of the yogas propounded in classical texts, may not be read or applied to a chart, without reading Navamsa.
Trines and Quadrants in good places in Lagna chart.
And get Amsa in 3 or more divisional charts, make one undoubtedly famous.
You will go to foreign countries, but it would be short travels. No permanent settlement there.
Scientific or psuedo-scientific, it is upto the so called scientific community to prove. Astrologers don't need to bother about it.
In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is a benefic.
In one’s horoscope, it can be malefic also.
The question is not clearly asked.
Rahul Gandhi son of Rajiv Gandhi, dob details are
Date of Birth: Thursday, June 18, 1970
Time of Birth: 21:52:00
Place of Birth: New Delhi
10th lord Sukra is in 7th, becomes powerful, but creates a Kendra-AdiPathiya Dosha.
9th lord Budha is in 5th, trine lord, which is good name and fame from father-side.
Surya as 8th lord is in 6th, a Vipareetha Raja Yoga, so sudden elevation to high posts surpassing other leaders. Surya being 8th, means by hereditary.
1st lord Shani is in 4th, again creating a Kendra-AdiPathiya Dosha.
12th lord Guru in 10th retrograde, denies the real power...
There is a solution for the above two Doshas, for good yogas to happen...
His notion of Love and Marriage and family life is very personnel and peculiar, which can be seen in the chart.
Love and Marriage is not denied, but family life is, due to Rahu in 2nd.
From June 2015 to Sep 2018 it is a excellent period for Power/Job/Career/Leader.
After Sep 2018 it is NOT a good period.
The above predictions were read using NadiAmsa technique.
All the houses represent some part of the physical body, in astrology.
The relationship of Lagna with all other houses is the secret which decides, the importance of that house for that horoscope.
One can genaralize Astrologically, as quadrants, trines and dusthanas, in that order.
MahaDasha means the period of a Graha.
The zodiac 360 deg is divided into 3 equal parts of 120 deg.
Each 120 deg is again divided into 13 deg 20 min arc which is a nakshatra, belonging to a particular graha with a fixed number of years as Maha Dasha.
An arc (Space) of 13 deg 20 min is equated to a particular number of years (Time), and given a name as Maha Dasha is the Hallmark of Vedic Astrology.
This itself proves that Vedic Astrology is far superior than “Space-Time Theory” of Science and Western Astrology.
I had answered in this Q&A
Steve Hora's answer to What is the method to predict from the 7th house of d9 chart?
The logic or science behind astrology is…
- Astronomy
- Pattern analysis
- Logic
- Congruence and Synthesis
- Common sense
- Nature and its laws
Name: Salman Khan
Date of Birth: Monday, December 27, 1965
Time of Birth: 14:30:00
Place of Birth: Indore
1st lord Kuja and 2nd lord Shukra is in 10th, which makes a person actor. Kuja is exalted, makes one conscious of body looks.
10th lord Shani is in 11th, which makes one amass wealth from the chosen profession.
Also 7th lord Shukra in 10th creates a Kendra AdiPathiya Yoga ( Not Dosha), which gives him confidence, to create his own history.
5th lord Surya is in 1/12 position with 7th lord Shukra, due to which failure or self-denial in love affairs, which do not end in marriage.
1st and 7th combination in 10th, he looks for a idealistic partner in life, with love. But Alas, due to above (5 and 7) position, that is not a given thing in his life.
6th lord Budha is in 1/12 position with Surya (5th lord) tarnishing his image in accidents, court cases and imprisonment.
Being in 9th house, the 5th lord Surya, makes him very famous, humanistic and do humanitarian works, to alleviate his bad karma, due to Budha.
6th lord Budha in 8th creates a Vipareetha Raja Yoga, which elevates him to newer heights.
From Aug 2001 to Dec 2002 name was tarnished in an accident case, due to Budha.
From that time the Rahu-Ketu axis from 2nd to 8th house, and with 6th lord Budha, was tarnishing his image.
If this is taken care, the above said Vipareetha Raja Yoga, will come into play and elevate him.
Career-wise Shani is well placed. Till April 2017 it is excellent period. After that till 2020 it will be more of consolidation, than anything of the unusual.
Before July 2018, it is excellent time for marriage.
The above predictions were read using NadiAmsa technique.
There are accurate predictions and free for people in need
Advice negatively with dry wit to this melancholic Mercury. He will change.
Rahu-Ketu axis on 5th and 11th house, and Rahu with Moon, and Shani with Ketu.
Good for profit, but name will be tarnished.
- Because, the prediction seeker wants to know what is in future for fun. So trying it free is good.
- The seeker do not believe in Astrology, but still nothing wrong, to seek it, free on internet, anonymously.
- Many astrologers are fake, so not ready to pay for it.
- Not found a real excellent astrologer, who is accurate and correct in prediction.
- One believes in oneself, than fate and destiny.
Most of the answers are explanations, without defining karma and its laws.
Karma is action which will definitively have a reaction.
Both action and reaction by a person is stored in the memory of that person.
In the cyclic process of life and death (or even within one life), the reaction happens to the action.
Bad or Good depends on the guilt ( right or wrong) conscience of the actor (action-maker). Due to the action taken, whichever or whatever suffered or gained will react as bad or good.
To answer the question.
There is no cancellation of good with bad or viceversa. Nor one can escape karma.
Both bear fruits or suffering based on the cyclic timing of life, which is governed by Dashas. These dashas are many, but Dasha based on NadiAmsa is the most accurate.
No, You do not have a reason to die also.
Unless you do not empty your cup of life, which may be full of sorrow or joy, it cannot be refilled.
Emptying and Refilling with what you want in your life, is in your hands.
Take a walk and come back with empty mind and heart, fully well. Then everything will fall in place.
For Kataka Lagna, Surya as 2nd is in 1st, 4th and 11th lord Shukra is in 1st, Rahu in 1st.
The conjunction is not good for speech,mother and profit if Shukra is combust.
To find out combust, you have to cast a horoscope and find the exact degrees of Surya and Shukra. Also need to check out where Chandra is.
If you are not competent enough to find out combust, ask a professional astrologer, by giving birth details.
For Kataka Lagna, Surya as 2nd is in 1st, 4th and 11th lord Shukra is in 1st, Rahu in 1st.
The conjunction is not good for speech,mother and profit if Shukra is combust.
To find out combust, you have to cast a horoscope and find the exact degrees of Surya and Shukra. Also need to check out where Chandra is.
If you are not competent enough to find out combust, ask a professional astrologer, by giving birth details.
Need to find out combust of planets
To find out combust, you have to cast a horoscope and find the exact degrees of Surya and other planets. Also need to check out where Lagna lord is.
If you are not competent enough to find out combust, ask a professional astrologer, by giving birth details.
Nothing would happen.
As you both know, the low compatibility and manglik, and the thought of its repercussion or its effects may haunt or be ignored by you two, or
Both will blame these things, when you two run into marital problems.
Your accumulated data and the thought on that is what makes your own karma, and based on that the future events happen.
Presently you are trying to justify to yourself that nothing should happen, or take solace in astrology.
If the question is for Western Astrology, then ordinary Astrologers will say it is Sun sign and stop at it.
If it is a experienced Astrologer (Western or Vedic), you need to provide the birth details, for analysis.
This question is more about learning the basics of Astrology, you would be better of learning yourself from a book, or from a Guru, than a Q&A in Quora.
BTW, I wonder why people ask questions on Quora for which answers are lengthy or one can find in books only. Internet makes things easy and simple.
Einstein: “Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler”, as a Quora question and answer…
Panchānga is a Sanskrit word, literally meaning "having five limbs".
In Vedic astrology, meaning "five attributes" of the day.
Tithi, Nakshatra, Rāśi, Yoga, and Karana depend upon Moon's motions, are the five angs.
Let us take nakshatra of today, compare with your nakshatra based on “Nakshatra Tara Chakra”.
Janma ,Sampat,Vipat,Kshema,Pratyak ,Sadhaka,Nidhana,Mitra,Parama Mitra Taras.
2, 4 and 6 are best, better and good nakshatras in above series.
The count 7,5 and 3 in the above series are Not good.
On those nakshatra days avoid doing any good work.
Take your chart and note down all your Grahas and nakshatra position. Do the same nakshatra tara chakra for all planets.
Do actions for that house significance of that graha in a good tara. eg. 2 from the nakshatra position of that graha eg. 10th house graha - job.
Because the “I” in me is God.
Because God does not exists without ‘me’.
Paradoxical, but true at an experiential sense.
Guru as quadrant in 12th with Rahu is not good for mother and wife.
Based on Budha placement, more things can be predicted.
With dob details timing of those events can be predicted using NadiAmsa technique.
Navamsa is as important as the Lagna Chart.
The yogas which are present in a lagna chart can be judged for its strength in Navamsa chart.
The house depositor of Navamsa plays a crucial role with conjunction with Lagna chart, to delineate the Dasha and Antara period, for an event to happen.
For a beginner, these kind of reading is tough to master. One would be better off to learn from a Guru or delineate one’s chart with a Guru.
Navamsa is read with the Lagna Chart.
The yogas which are present in a lagna chart can be judged for its strength in Navamsa chart.
The house depositor of Navamsa plays a crucial role with conjunction with Lagna chart, to delineate the Dasha and Antara period, for an event to happen.
If birth details are given, your chart can be read
Good and bad time of life can be calculated, sensed and also remedied by oneself.
Each aspect of life will go through a rough patch (bad time) as per vedic astrology calculation.
Any human is a product of space, air, matter, fire, water and time.
In bad time, that house energy is lost. By increasing the good energy or balancing the bad energy, good time can be brought into our thought realm, and manifest it.
From the horoscope, that aspect of life is governed by a house and a graha. That Graha would be situated in a particular house. This house denotes a chakra in the body. When that chakra is activated using a particular yogic posture or exercise and with a mudra, That house and Graha will get balanced and energized.
In this process, when body (space, air, matter, fire, water) is actively participating and with prana (life giving energy) also, Time comes into play.
When the chakra is given due attention, then time gets balanced, then new energy and good time is created.
No Grahas in a house, means less external influence.
The placement of 5th and 7th is to be taken into consideration, and how it influences its own house matters.
Children and Spouse will have less influence from outside.
D1 is Lagna chart, which is important. D9 is used to delineate the strength of Grahas in D1.
D1 with reference to D10 is for Career.
D1 with reference to D2 is for Wealth.
When a house is divided into its 16 vargas, all varga division totals to 150 division in a house, and this is NadiAmsa. So a house gets divided into it parts, fully well.
Many astrologers do not use divisional chart and know only to interpret from D1 only.
Lagna Sandhi means the lagna calculation based on time of birth and ayanamsa chosen, will fall at the end of a house or beginning of the next house.
This affects in choosing the first house and from there all 12 houses.
Without deciding the proper lagna, the astrologer cannot do predictions.
To mitigate this, birth time correction is used with past event data with time, and the first house is ascertained.
NadiAmsa helps to accurately position the lagna with past event-timings.
Go for Nadi reading from palm-leaf at Vaidheeswaran Temple in Tamil Nadu.
For male it is right-thumb impression and left for female, is enough to know your chart, your nakshatra, parent names and your whole life predictions, without even giving any DOB details
Navamsa chart is a hormonics of 9 chart of Lagna chart. Mathematically, even if the navamsa house is same for Jupiter and Sun, there is NO combust of Jupiter by Sun.
There is no debilitation for Rahu and Ketu in Navamsa chart.
Nothing will happen, if you read wrongly like this a chart, rather it shows your understanding of divisional charts.
For that you need to analyse all the players chart, captain chart and all oppositions chart.
Performance of a player and a team is based on various other factors, like environment, nature also.
So it becomes a verdict of many persons involved, than a chart of an individual.
You can bet on a team to win, in a different way, using other techniques in vedic astrology.
Read my answer for below question
A lot of confusion is there regarding chakras, houses and activation technique.
You need to consult.
A Chakra is part of the human body. Each body part is represented by a house in your horoscope.
That house which creates wealth for you, should be ascertained,and then energizing this chakra will create wealth for you.
Whichever lagna, Mars is going to create problem, for Shani.
No planets in a house , good or bad, depends on the placement.
Jupiter in or being as 2nd, doesn't make one billionaire or earn as such.
Wealth creating house and Lords decides these.
Applying astrological rules as it is, is totally wrong.
The first and foremost primary skill is to find out FREE-Prediction seekers by their very questions
All others come later.
Why, because, karma seekers should be sincere about their own life, or it is just useless for the Guru to waste his precious knowledge on useless people.
Makes one talk, egoistical way, about their fights and boost about misadventures.
A Don-Quixote character.
No. Vashikaran is black magic, an athervana tantric way.
It is mesmerism in Hindu way.
Not necessarily. An exalted planet becomes powerful, that’s all. Depending on his ownership and placement he can harm also.
I had a case on Quora, who was swindled nearly 3 to 4 lakh Rupees by the best known astrologers in India on Youtube and some websites. I have proof of that.
Lastly he came to me, and I predicted accurately the problem with accurate timing, with solution, for a paltry “Guru Dakshina”. He had even commented on Quora on that. Now he is too busy in his business. He is ready to share his experience with anybody also.
So it is true that there many astrologers or psychics who swindle the gullible.
There is no fault in Astrology as such, only your bad karma had made you lose money to scrupulous people.
So be it…
Karma is a recorded memory of your action and reaction.
There is no reduction of karma, good or bad.
Rituals will not help, nor any justice is done, nor one can free oneself from sins.
Using Mind over Matter, an energy intervention technique, one can short-circuit the memory and thereby removing good and bad karma. One can also selectively, remove only bad karma. How?
One should know the bad karma of which astrological house, then its consequences and the right time when it is operating as bad karma.
Once the time is ascertained, with the help of yoga posture, chakra and mudra and astrological correlation, one can use this energy intervention technique, to free oneself from bad karma. Some temples were build with this technique.
After all this human is a product of the five elements and prana.
There are too many.
The best is “Vedic Hora”
Horoscope is The Report Card of your Karmas.
You have no knowledge of Vedic Astrology and just got confused with the words Karma and Astrology. So you are asking a simple question for a profound philosophy.
Einstein - “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”
Like your question…
A practical answer for a simpler question, you should find out yourself.
Astrology. Because the reference for everybody is in the sky.
There is no debilitation in divisional charts.
Being retrograde will slow down malefic nature, not its power.
Combust will lose its power of malefic nature, depending on the degree.
A capricorn would be better.
Taking Sun sign as the sole parameter for anything is totally WRONG. This myth came from newspapers, Linda Goldman and some Western Astrologers. This made Astrology popular, but in all the wrong ways.
And all Tom, Dick and Harry in the public had become astrologers, and on internet, most of the questions in the western world, it is like this. So be it.
If in depression and nothing happens, do the following
- Go for a long walk, empty yourself psychologically
- Have Chyawanprash or Geriforte to boost your body with vital energy
- Check your financial condition, reduce your spending
- Find ways to earn more and lessen emotional dependencies on anybody
- Go out to help others freely
- Start moving around to find yourself engaged in any activity and plan your near future
- Slowly time will come for things to happen the way you want
“This too, shall pass”
There are many FREE ones. Google it yourself
Normally in Zodiac signs, it is Taurus and Libra ( Not as Sun Signs), as Venus being artistic.
Sun sign is a fallacy of Western Astrology, its culture,Linda Goldman and Newspapers.
Sun sign can delineate ONLY ego and psychology of a person.
Luck is governed by 9th house and its lord in your horoscope.
Your Horoscope is your Report card of your karma ( Bad or Good).
So it implies luck is part of your karma.
Karma is above belief. It means whether You believe in it on NOT, Karma will affect you.
Karma does not care whether you believe in it. That “You” in you wants NO bad karma, but wants only luck. So the question.
This shows your ignorance of karma theory and want ONLY pleasant life, Which is NOT possible.
The Third Law of Karma (aka Motion) states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." recorded in your memory.
Above is the Definition, Law, Framework and Scientific Proof of Karma.
Jyotish was developed with deep meditation, observance, correlation and intuition, by our seers.
4th house is for food and immovable property. For that aspect of life, the 4th Lord placement and strength will decide the drive.
Karma is as below
The Third Law of Karma (aka Motion) states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." recorded in your memory.
Above is the Definition, Law, Framework and Scientific Proof of Karma.
Strong depends on the strength (Drig and Sthana bala) of the planet which governs 6/8/12.
Sudden rise in life by scrupulous means or sudden luck. Rise to power due to a fall of another person.
Sudden and Unexpected events, which bring a windfall change in one’s status.
Planetary combinations depends on which lagna in question, for rejection in love, to happen.
Apart from planetary combinations, rejections or failure in love can happen due bad time for love affairs.
Based on lagna, the house lordship and placement of love plays an important role for success or failure in love affairs.
Rahu, Ketu and Dusthana lords will play havoc in love affairs.
Love before or after marriage is subject to same rules.
Interestingly the best love combination of planets will come under a bad dusthana influence, when rejections will happen for hidden reasons.
How do you know that is good karma.
Karma follows Relativity Theory.
Your Good Karma can be somebody’s bad karma.
In this scenario, actually you had done a bad karma. Better accept with full heart the punishment and go through this, than resisting it.
“This too, shall pass”
A Taurus Sun sign tells more about your ego and psychology and used by Western astrology.
A stubborn person.
Pushkara Navamsa ascertains or boosts what is found in Lagna chart, for each graha.
Sure. As Sun signs, it is meaningless to predict the compatibility.
The blabber of both in their own way will match, such that both will be at wits end.
Which is your lagna, where Kuja is, and is he combust. Which degree.
Remedies cannot be given on here.
Astrology is true in principles, calculation and conclusion.
Then what is missing is algorithm, experienced and intuitive astrologers.
In India, more the problem, due to acceptance of the old with no new research.
If any research is done, it is not accepted and rejected, saying everything the old seers had written.
The present greatest challenge in Vedic astrology is TIMING.
It is true that differences in timing of Dasha is there using different softwares. The main reasons are the following
- Time of Birth
- Position of Chandra as per the ephemeris
- Ayanamsa used
- The type and duration of a year, used for Dasha calculation, namely tropical and sidereal
- Algorithm used to calculate the position of planets.
Many Astrologers differ on point 2, 3 and 4, due to which, it depends on the astrologer you consult.
Verifying with past events and fixing the dasha, is an approximate way. But timing the events with Dasha, accurately, is another question which most of the astrologers do not have a proper answer. Mostly it is reverse proofing.
It depends on your 7th, 10th and 11th house lords, its placement and timing of each event of these houses, to know what and when to start your business after marriage.
A spouse can be a good business partner provided your 7th is placed well in your horoscope.
Considering other houses from your horoscope, other aspects of business can be ascertained.
6th Lord Shani in 6th, does not create Vibareetha Raja yoga.
Nor 7th in 6th is good.
In which Navamsa and nakshatra matters, to give any prediction
D-9 chart is Navamsa chart derived from Lagna chart. Lagna chart is derived from the birth details namely DOB, TOB and POB data.
By changing birth details, one can rectify D-9 chart.
Yes, I believe in karma, because karma is above belief. So there no need to have belief at all.
Yes it is. To break this infinite loop, one should do No good or bad karma, which is called Nirvana.
Which is your lagna to ascertain the combination of Saturn and Moon.
BTW, your analysis is totally wrong.
The best way to find the yogas is to use astrology software tool, which will list down all yogas in your chart.
Parivartana in Navamsa is not possible, as Navamsa is another amsa of Lagna chart
Where is Mercury, you data is insufficient, without which accurate prediction cannot be given.
Gemini rising and sun sign is good but not moon sign.
It is not combinations. Instead looking at 1st and 7th of a horoscope and its position, Rahu and Ketu position one can answer your question.
Good marketing and personnel attraction are the benefits of gaja kesari yoga
Gun Milan is for mental, physical and psychological compatibility of a couple, based on nakshatra. This is static.
Nakshatra (Moon-abode) changes daily and influences both the couple’s nakshatra, in a different way. So the dynamic relationships changes by time. This is dynamic.
Moon is just one another graha in each horoscope and rules a house, so horoscope matching with other grahas and ascendant is a must.
Divorce is due to 7th house and its lords placements. So it is absurd to use Gun Milan to predict longevity of marriage.
So 36/36 can lead to divorce also, if horoscope is not matched.
This kind of matching is not correct nor recommended.
Which place of birth is not provided.
Assuming India as POB, your birth stone is Emerald in gold ring.
Emerald is for Mercury and your moon sign in Virgo.
Yellow Sapphire is for Guru and IF your moon sign in Meena. IT IS NOT.
7th lord in 6th for a Kanya lagna will have Guru affectations for the chart
Guru in 8th of which lagna is important.
Assuming it is 1st lord, it is adverse to body.
Assuming it is 6th lord,it is viparetha raja yoga and so on.
Be clear in your astrological question to experts on quora.
Shukra in 3rd of which lagna is important.
Assuming it is 1st lord, it is adverse to breast and so on.
Be clear in your astrological question to experts on quora.
Yoga is formed between Guru and Shani when in conjunction in a house. This depends on the lord of them and mutual relationship.
Budha, Guru, Shukra and Rahu when in conjunction in 9th house. This depends on the lord of them and mutual relationship and lagna.
Shani and Kuja combination is not a good one.
Which is your lagna?.
Be clear in your questions to experts on quora.
Each seeing each other is not good.
Also, as the question is not clear for astrologers on Quora, as Lord of houses is not mentioned.
It indicates failure of love
Karma means in Vedic lore Punya ( Good deeds) done in previous janma.
Punya sthana means Punya house which is represented by 5th house in a vedic horoscope. The lord and its placement denotes how much punya is brought by this person from previous birth.
In the karmic cycle, this is a balance sheet of karma, which is governed by Shani.
And so the karmic cycle goes on…
Astrologers can guarantee predictions.
Not Astrologists.
There are Vedic astrologers who predict accurately with accurate timing, with very less or no deviation.
Astrology is an art not an exacting subject, so it is prone to error according to the practitioner’s knowledge, experience, algorithm used and intuition.
It may be not good for the fourth house.
Before asking this kind of homework question, with less knowledge in astrology, check the lagna and find the houses owned by grahas and spell it out.
Ask sincere and crisp questions in astrology on quora, for expert astrologers like me, to answer. Or it will be passed.
I go by Vedic Astrology. As per the below data, here is the prediction for US
Declaration of Independence
United States Declaration of Independence
Event: July 4, 1776, 6:50 PM
In: Philadelphia (PA) (United States)
1st lord Jupiter is in 7th, giving rise to a powerful KendrathiPadya Dosha.
The political planet Sun is with Jupiter in 7th, aiding the above dosha, albeit luckily.
5th lord Mars (good karma done by its people), is in 7th, helps the country to stay powerful.
The democratic planet Saturn is in 10th, so a powerful democratic country. 10th lord mercury is retrograde in 8th, making other countries hate its superior power. Also Rahu in 8th helps in maintaining the power, by all means.
When analysing even with Western astrology, Sun sign is just not enough
As Shani not good as 12th, for Aquarius, being in 5th is not good
Gun Milan is for mental, physical and psychological compatibility of a couple, based on nakshatra. This is static.
Nakshatra (Moon-abode) changes daily and influences both the couple’s nakshatra, in a different way. So the dynamic relationships changes by time. This is dynamic.
Moon is just one another graha in each horoscope and rules a house, so horoscope matching with other grahas and ascendant is a must.
Divorce is due to 7th house and its lords placements. So it is absurd to use Gun Milan to predict longevity of marriage.
So 36/36 can lead to divorce also, if horoscope is not matched.
This kind of matching is not correct nor recommended.
It doesn't indicate anything, without mentioning the lagna.
More so Buddha-Aditjya yoga present, will depend on lagna and other lords.
Ketu in 1st, will just reflect 1st Lord.
The effect of Budha-Adithya yoga for Dhanur lagna depends on Guru’s placement.
Yes, you can.
Irrespective of your trust or belief, the balance sheet of karma, as imprinted in your horoscope, will govern you.
So it is immaterial, whether you have trust or not…
You can get accurate Predictions from me and others, on Quora.
Click on my profile for a real Prediction.
This world is in a cyclic existence.
For any cyclic form in nature, there is a need to create, maintain and destroy and re-create.This is true for the very universe, we are in.
Karma is the core principle of create, maintain and destroy and re-create.
So it is true and exists in our in-consequential life on earth.
After all humans or any life form is here to just burn energy on this planet, using their knowledge, money and what not.
Rahu in which house is important here, to delineate the effect of Rahu in Shani’s nakshatra.
Rahu in Shani nakshatra will depend also on Shani’s ownership of house.
Rahu as incendiary character being in Shani’s nakshatra can create havoc.
The result is 12th and 11th lord Shani occupies 1st with Ketu and with Rahu in 7th.
Shani and Ketu in 1st, but need to know where Guru is placed, also Budha.
Guru will be 9th lord placed in 8th is not good.
Are you an astrologer to predict?.
Prediction is an art, to make it a science, one should know
What it is now?
What it should be?
And how to achieve it?
Doing a SWOT analysis of yourself and your objective, will help in understanding the perspective.
Time of an event to happen in your life is governed by other factors like fate and destiny. Which can be delineated by accurate astrologers like me.
It is due to people who seek quick result and partly due to their bad karma.
No one can prevent such people from getting cheated.
I had given a way to choose the best astrologers in one of my Q&A.
Also, I had seen people who go for free predictions and then after sometime get cheated, by some other scrupulous person. This is due to the fact that vedic astrology is divine. Once it is accurately predicted, Guru Dakshina has to be given, even without asking. Or else karma will come back and take a toll, later.
It means there is no grahas in that house.
The 9th lord placement and grahas seeing 9th will decide 9th house benefits.
Ketu is in Makara, 7th house for Kataka Lagna, then Ketu will reflect Shani’s power.
As Dhanur lagna, Shani is 2nd and 3rd house lord placed in 3rd and placed in 3rd, Kumbha house and retrograde.
Retrograde as such, Shani is not bad only it slows down its action in 3rd.
Shani is powerful in 3rd, not bad, but slow.
Yes, I can justify Astrology to you.
For that you need not believe in astrology, because it is above belief.
Your horoscope can be read accurately with timing for free.
Take care of your head. 8th in 1st is not good.
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With time of birth approximate, one can decide the Nakshatra. From Nakshatra, the gana can ascertained.
Knowing the Nakshatra correctly is enough to ascertain Gana.
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Rahu and Ketu cannot be simultaneously in fifth house.
Rahu-Ketu is an axis separated by 180 degrees any time.
Your question is totally wrong.
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There is no need to believe in Astrology, as it is above belief systems.
Astrology is a geometrical analysis of Graha positions at time of birth. It is a science above the so-called material science.
You are destined and get affected in past, present and future, by Grahas.
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Fixed event happening is based on Dasha-Antara periods. This is 100% probability.
Transits are trigger points, for that house, provided the major influences like Guru and Shani’s aspect is powerful enough to influence the Rashi. This has a 60% probability.
In any case Fixed event happening overrides and decides the fate or destiny.
Transits effects is felt at the psychological level, due to which the stress.
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Current position of Grahas influences more the Rashi or Moon-abode.
The birth chart is referred from Lagna. The yogas are read based on lagna and other house lords.
The transit effect is felt by incessant movement of Grahas, as of now.
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Nakshatra is the abode of Chandra (Manas) in an arc spanning 13 degree 20 minutes.
Any Graha is read in a horoscope according to its placement in a nakshatra.
Chandra acts as a reflector graha for all other grahas and Chandra being the sister graha of earth, it is more apt and consider it for graha-charam.
So, being born in a particular moon-abode namely nakshatra has an overall significance. The Rashi, the Dasha calculation is all based on nakshatra.
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The Lord of Nakshatras exchange their Nakshatra position then parivartana occurs.
The mutual exchange has great significance and only few Indian Vedic astrologers can Predict using Nakshatra position. Mostly they go by yogas and house lordships and general nature of Grahas. E.g. Shani as a malefic Graham for any lagna and Guru beneficial for everything. Totally wrong.
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It is difficult for me, to predict your career and marriage from furnished horoscope data.
Why? No Dob details.
If you really want prediction from me, read my profile,
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There is quite a lot of information on Mangal Dosh on internet.
Mangal or Kuja is a male and fiery planet and He placed in 7th, clouds the lagna. So the Mangal Dosha creates anger, intolerance and not so easily satiable. 7th being Kalathra Sthana ( Spouse), this creates great tension in married life. This leads to separation both physically and mentally.
Other house placements of Kuja has a lesser effect as 8, 12, 1, 2 and 4, in this order. But its effects are pronounced in 7, 8 and 2.
Compatibility is to seen with both charts with all planets.
If given the ascendants of both the compatibility can be told.
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You can manipulate horoscope with fake astrologers, who can cater to you for a good sum.
It looks like you have a 1st house lord evil but friendly to 7th but a hidden enemy to 5th. But you will get into trouble when 5th lord time rules you.
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The blabber of a Libra woman.
Your question is incomplete. Which hora the planets occupy?
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It is difficult to give an answer.
Why?. The position of Budha is not given. More so of Rahu’s position also.
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The extrovert Gemini can be with an introvert Virgo, because both are rule by Budha.
Funnily one will complement each other in their own way. But Virgo will be jealous of Gemini.
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All the planets would influence the 7th house.
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Shani, Budha and Surya will affect the 11th house of profit.
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It is not bad or good for any Rasi.
Shani being a karmic Graha, has to uphold karma. Based on your balance sheet of karma, Shani will deliver your goods.
If the karma is bad Shani will inflict pain to himself (Makara Rasi). Such is the nature of the Great Karmic Graha Shani.
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It means 8th and 9th lord Shani in 7th,retrograde.
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Any combination can be ascertained based on their mutual friendship, which has to be got from lagna.
These kind of homework or inadequate data question, is not worth asking.
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Rahu in 6th and Ketu in 1st - totally wrong.
Both will have NO effects as per your stated positions.
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It can reliably predict your career.
For e.g. In my Nadi leaf, it is written in tamil the word “Kanani” which is a old word for a tool which calculates. Kanidha - is for math in tamil.
The leaf proclaimed that I would be working in Kanani field.
So it all depends on which source or astrologer you are consulting. With that it will be reliable and always correct.
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There is quite a lot of information on Mangal Dosh on internet.
Mangal or Kuja is a male and fiery planet and He placed in 7th, clouds the lagna. So the Mangal Dosha creates anger, intolerance and not so easily satiable. 7th being Kalathra Sthana ( Spouse), this creates great tension in married life. This leads to separation both physically and mentally.
Other house placements of Kuja has a lesser effect as 8, 12, 1, 2 and 4, in this order. But its effects are pronounced in 7, 8 and 2.
One cannot emerge out of it. Understanding oneself and their own self only, one can live with mangal dosh.
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Assuming your Time of Birth is accurate, and my casting of vedic horoscope according to Lahiri Ayanamsa (Chitra paksha) and using sidereal solar years of 360, using NadiAmsa timing technique, your bad time will end by July 28th 2020.
So qualifying before July 28th, would be a tough call. From March 2018 to July 28th 2020, injuries/accidents are indicated. So utter care is advised.
By invoking Mantra Prabhava, one can resolve this bad period.
Once July 28th 2020, is crossed,you have the best period till June 2023, to win at the games.
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There are many good astrologers on quora itself. For too many questions, it is advisable to go personally.
Follow me and at quora blogs - Jyotish, Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa.
Yes, Vedic Astrology of South India, has a system called Pancha Pakshi, which is based on the five time-segments of a day and night.
Each person from the horoscope, can ascertain their pakshi or segment, and find the best time in a day or night.
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There are good astrologers, who really guide.
But Alas…, it is your karma, that will not get you one, even when you know or in view.
If that is not the case, then life, would be planned and executed by each with pomp.
I guide, but only the few are destined, who have a good 5th house lord, and I don’t care about the others.
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Why not?.
Most of my timing research was analysed and corroborated with my own chart.
It is fine that Astrologer as a Life-Scientist to see his/her own chart.
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Use a good software like astrosage to know all your bad and good yoga in your horoscope.
BTW. All yogas present in lagna charts get modified based on divisional charts. Also the yoga may happen if you live 120 years of Vimshottari Dasa period.
Like eg. Saraswati yoga coming at your fag end around 70 will not help you.
So, knowing all yogas is one thing and knowing whether it will happen within 60 to 70 years of normal living, is another.
Only an experienced astrologer can tell with timing, not a software.
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There is no free astrological software for birth time rectification.
Only an experienced astrologer can do that.
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Astrology predates science, so it can prove itself.
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There are tons of FREE online software and websites to calculate divisional charts accurately. Astrosage is one.
Alas how many astrologers are there to accurately delineate from those divisional charts?.
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Malefic or Benefic applies to Grahas in generic terms, not for a particular lagna chart.
8th house is bad, in a sense, for any lagna chart.
Rahu is a malefic by nature, but for a lagna chart, he need not be.
Rahu does not own any house. Rahu in a house, reflects that house’s lord.
With above axioms, you need to infer whether Rahu is bad or not.
Your reading is not correct.
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Generic effects for Ketu AntaDasha in Shani MahaDasha is available as below.
The generic predictions are also available in cut-paste software predictions.
Instead check your Shani and Ketu, its placements, its drigbala and sthanabala, then the whole predictions will NOT be the same as the generic predictions.
Generic Predictions
The Ketu antardasha in the Saturn Mahadasha is perceived to be generally a negative period for a person as it would be a very much difficult path.
The presence of impediments all around in Saturn-Ketu dasha or Bhukti would make the native weaker from inside and would reduce his/her mental strength besides which it would effect the happiness and peace of the person. This period would require much of tough efforts and hard work from the person though most of them won't give worthy results due to Ketu. On the other part, the high presence of difficulties could take the person towards evil and immoral path.
The person in Saturn-Ketu dasha or Bhukti would become insincere and reckless in this period and would confront many conflicts & quarrels which altogether would lead towards differences and distances in professional and personal relations. The person would face downfall in professional and social stature besides which could also have financial crises if the planetary positions would be that adverse.
The negative impacts of Ketu would include fear from thieves, poison, fire & water, increasing foes, obstacles in education, accidents, unworthy traveling and losses in ventures. This would be a period of unhappiness which could lead till the extent of miseries and agonies in Shani-Ketu bhukti.
How do anybody know what happens after you or me die or anybody, to tell the story.
Is this an ignorant or innocent or troll question.
There is no scientific evidence for the accuracy of Astrology, as science is not that old and mature enough.
Rather science copied Astrology's law, for example, law of karma was copied by Newton.
I can read your whole life with accurate timing for proof and evidence for free. For that you should have a good 5th house lord, which denotes punya or good karma.
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Astrology as a life-science is divine. As such life events are unknown, so anyone tend to consult Astrologers. So a set of fake astrologers come into play to cheat the gullible. This is bad karma of the seeker and the fake astrologer accumulates bad karma.
I go by the Guru parambhara and dakshina way, predicting one’s life events accurately, so I accumulate good karma.
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Abhijit Nakshatra is not considered for Dasha calculation and predictions.
It is used in Muhurtha fixation only.
To interpret your own lagna chart, you should be an experienced astrologer.
- You should know all the grahas guna, drik and sthana bala, its mutual temporary and permanent friendship and enemity, by heart.
- Each grahas oucha and neecha places.
- Each graha as yogakaraka for each lagna.
- Each house characteristics and the influence it will undergo by grahas.
- All the above should be synthesised and read wholesomely and applied at the same time. This requires smart, quick thinking and enormous experience and then only intuition will come automatically, to predict.
- Then comes timing of the different events and yogas.
All the above cannot be got by JUST asking a simple quora question. You have to be born with destiny and fate to be an excellent astrologer.
Follow me and at quora blogs - Jyotish, Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa .
Grahas (poor english translation is Planets) are not gods. The grahas are controller of destiny and fate of an individual for different houses in a horoscope.
In a horoscope, grahas in 1st house will have effect on the characteristics of the first house. This depends on the graha guna, house lord and their relationship. Other aspects also to be taken into consideration and the modification there forth.
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Contact a professional astrologer for rectification of time of birth. It could be a long process, to delineate the events of your life, to fix lagna, if it's in cusp.
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Shukra becomes the 12th and 7th house lord in 6th house.
Guru being 2nd and 6th lord aspects Shukra.
Troublesome married life.
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NavaGraha means nine Grahas. Graha means one that affects.
Astrology is Astronomy + Logic. The position of Grahas are taken and geometrical interpretation (logic) is applied to it. By observation and inference, the logic is used for predictions.
Pluto is not listed in Indian (Vedic) Astrology, as it does not affect in a observed manner from a geo-centric point of view.
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There can be three professions one can choose or destined in one’s life.
- Career from Education (Job)
- By Heredity (Parent’s career or business)
- By one’s own effort (Business)
Each profession has its own houses and good and bad periods.
So an astrologer can know under which category, his astrology profession comes under.
When bad period is running, the astrologer will not be successful.
Good astrologers refrain from prediction when running bad periods, and do research in astrology in bad period, like me. I had found success in my astrology research in bad periods.
Addendum : So there is no such thing as bad period, as long as you use free will in bad periods and enjoy the fruits of destiny in good periods.
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If by birth the astrologer is destined to be an astrologer, he will predict all aspects of life of a horoscope.
Life as described in the 12 houses of a horoscope has the same grahas and timing calculations are the same, so there is no particularity for a person or horoscope.
Astrologer is a Life-Doctor and a specialist at it.
Do not view him as Ortho or Dentist to be only a specialist for that part of your body or life. It is absurd.
If the astrologer is not accurate, it means he is not the best, and something is lacking in him to predict. Thats it.
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Retrograde means, as observed from earth,the apparent movement of the said Graha, is backwards. This is due to the elliptical movement of earth and the graha. Actual Graha will be moving forward.
Debilitation is a point where the Graha had lost its power.
From astrological point of view, a power lost graha and moving backward, would have very less effect on the horoscope concerned.
It cannot become exalted. Some astrologer would have created this axiom and did a reverse-proof to prove his point.
Superstition is defined as “excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.”
Astrology is Astronomy + Logic, so it does not fall under superstition. Predicting from horoscope is true.
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Sure, who else.
Astrologers with good knowledge are available on quora.
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In a birth chart, a person’s 1st house and 5th house, if not well placed, then the inclination is towards evilness. To read in detail the amsa charts has to be looked into.
Also if 6th lord powerful, the person would indulge in unlawful activities which can be evil in nature.
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Rahu and Ketu as shadowy planets do not own a house,so they reflect the house they are in.
If the house is benefic, accordingly as per that house, a yoga is formed by Rahu and Ketu.
If Rahu and Ketu are in bad houses,they tend to form their own yoga.
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A good 10th house with Shani or Surya in it or aspects, can provide a government job.
With Kuja a job in the armed forces is possible.
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There is no debilitation of Grahas in a divisional chart . It is a old fallacy, and old and modern astrologers use it to reverse-proof to prove their predictions.
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Malefic is defined by the lordship of a house based on lagna, not on debilitation nor its position in a gandanta nakshatra quadrant.
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Check this quora blog url
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Check the above answer to use law of attraction.
Karma can be determined from Astrology.
Both are powerful enough according to your soul power and will power.
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Compatibility will be there at the mind level, as both are of the same nakshatra. But at Navamsa level, both may occupy the same navamsa, which will create a overlapping of personas.
At the least the boy should be one pada behind the girl pada, for no overlap at navamsa level.
Compatibility and Horoscope matching for marriage is seen, to live together and overcome karmic shortcomings, not to see before marriage, because destiny had decided your spouse ALREADY. :)
And funnily fate cannot be chosen or altered, as you think you can. :(
Read my profile at Jyotish for an answer and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
This is some fallacy of some astrologer, who want to prove his point using reverse proof.
Navamsa is your spouse and karmic indicator. How is that possible after a certain age, you change your gender.
Read my profile to know more about Vedic Astrology and me.
This is a debatable subject.
You would be better off by referring below urls
If you get confused, don’t. There is a easy way out. Follow just one which is the most popular - Parashara.
Read my profile at Jyotish for an answer and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Shukra as 11th and 4th lord of Rishabha and Thula, is in 12th house for Karkataka lagna.
Where is Chandra is placed. Your question is inadequate.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
The question is incomplete.
Where is your lagna lord in D9 and D1 is important.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
From Chandra sign, only transit effects of Shani, Budha and Guru can be ascertained. Your question is inadequate for a reading from a full horoscope.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Ask knowledge seeking questions on quora.
With good timing and analysis, an astrologer can predict till death.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
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Your question is not clear. Is that 4 planets in 5th house,or in 5 houses.
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There are many auspicious yoga or Graha combinations in Vedic Astrology.
You would be better of knowing them from books, other writers and below
Yogas | Auspicious Yogas | Yogas in Vedic Astrology
In a horoscope, the auspiciousness of the yoga is defined by your Lagna, the house this yoga is present and the strength of the grahas in divisional charts.
Many astrologers would lam blast that a horoscope contains any number of yogas, but when coming to ascertain its strength and when this yoga will happen, is the most important question, to be predicted.
It is not rarity of yoga that makes it happen, it is more of timing and strength and analysis.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Ask knowledge seeking questions on quora.
Vedic Astrology is sidereal (fixed) in nature and so it governs fate and destiny.
It is true in its predictions. The predictions are based on the 12 houses and uses timing technique like Vimshottari Dasa period, which is unique only to Vedic Astrology.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
There are many good Vedic astrologers on quora itself.
It is your good karma (5th house) and right time will connect to them for predictions.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at my quora blogs to know more about Vedic Astrology.
As a traditional Indian knowledge, Vedic Astrology is patronized by Indian govt both at central and state level.
Local Traditional astrologers are patronized by each Indian family.
On internet, people who seek free predictions, especially youngsters, patronize this science in a wrong way.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Color Therapy is an established science.
Each Graha is associated with a color. Each gemstone has a color.
In Vedic astrology, a gemstone is connected to a particular Moon sign. So each Moon sign is assigned a gemstone.
So Gemstone will affect a person’s moon sign through the color and provide benefits.
There is no such thing as balance. It is influence between Grahas will change, depending on their house lordship, relationship with lagna lord and strength.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
To interpret your D1 and D9 chart, you should be an experienced astrologer.
- You should know all the grahas guna, drik and sthana bala, its mutual temporary and permanent friendship and enemity, by heart.
- Each grahas oucha and neecha places.
- Each graha as yogakaraka for each lagna.
- D9 Amsa information and its karmic influence.
- Each house characteristics and the influence it will undergo by grahas.
- All the above should be synthesised and read wholesomely and applied at the same time. This requires smart, quick thinking and enormous experience and then only intuition will come automatically, to predict.
- Then comes timing of the different events and yogas.
All the above cannot be got by JUST asking a simple quora question. You have to be born with destiny and fate to be an excellent astrologer.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
To interpret your own birth chart, you should be an experienced astrologer.
- You should know all the grahas guna, drik and sthana bala, its mutual temporary and permanent friendship and enemity, by heart.
- Each grahas oucha and neecha places.
- Each graha as yogakaraka for each lagna.
- Each house characteristics and the influence it will undergo by grahas.
- All the above should be synthesised and read wholesomely and applied at the same time. This requires smart, quick thinking and enormous experience and then only intuition will come automatically, to predict.
- Then comes timing of the different events and yogas.
All the above cannot be got by JUST asking a simple quora question. You have to be born with destiny and fate to be an excellent astrologer.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
Yes. Good question.
When you know the way and plan, you can reach your destiny easily, without hurdles.
Horoscope is your chart to know your way and plan. With this, you can reduce UNNECESSARY problems created by the so called WILL POWER of yours.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
You can become one, by first analyzing your horoscope with an expert, if you are destined for that.
Then learn from a Guru. And then from books.
Self learn and do research.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
There are many ways to attain spirituality.
It might be due to good karma from previous birth - 5th house, planets in it and influence and strength.
It might due to your religiousness - 9th house and its analysis.
Other houses like 8th and 12th makes you suffer to attain spirituality in very curious and tough ways.
In all of the above, the inclination of 1st house lord to enjoy the good karma accrued OR to shed it to attain higher spiritual self can be ascertained from horoscope, environment and also due to the bad karma or accrued karma in this janma.
Read my profile at Jyotish and follow me at quora blogs at Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa to know more about Vedic Astrology.
I went proxy and tested Yodha App. The free prediction were flimsy and the timing was absurd. I do not know about the paid one, but may not be good.
Astrosage is just a computer based report with no meaning to it.
There is quite a lot of information on Mangal Dosh on internet.
Mangal or Kuja is a male and fiery planet and He placed in 7th, clouds the lagna. So the Mangal Dosha creates anger, intolerance and not so easily satiable. 7th being Kalathra Sthana ( Spouse), this creates great tension in married life. This leads to separation both physically and mentally.
Other house placements of Kuja has a lesser effect as 8, 12, 1, 2 and 4, in this order. But its effects are pronounced in 7, 8 and 2.
One cannot emerge out of it. Understanding oneself and one’s own self only, one can live with mangal dosh.
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In real life, every person thinks that all his/her life happenings are due to actions taken by him/her. As long as things go smoothly in life, there is nothing much for you to bother or worry about.
When an uneventful event strikes you in life, then you blame the stars, astrology and then consult astrologers. If at that time, if you run bad time, you will be invariably led to fake astrologers and get swindled.
The question is why all these things happen to you?.
Well, when you have good karma and good time, you are enjoying life and its fruits, and claim it is all your efforts.
When bad karma and bad time comes, you suffer.
So now you figure out how to use astrology as relevant to your life.
To know more read my quora profile and follow me.
Rashi chart is the wholesome representation of your karmas of all 12 houses, which is called Horoscope, Kundali or Jathaka.
One can ascertain the following from it.
- All the grahas guna, drik and sthana bala, its mutual temporary and permanent friendship and enemity.
- Each grahas oucha and neecha places.
- Each graha as yogakaraka for each lagna.
- Each house characteristics and the influence it will undergo by grahas.
- One can ascertain Vimshottari Dasha and NadiAmsa timing from it for the different events and yogas.
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To interpret your own lagna chart, you should be an experienced astrologer.
- You should know all the grahas guna, drik and sthana bala, its mutual temporary and permanent friendship and enemity, by heart.
- Each grahas oucha and neecha places.
- Each graha as yogakaraka for each lagna.
- Each house characteristics and the influence it will undergo by grahas.
- All the above should be synthesised and read wholesomely and applied at the same time. This requires smart, quick thinking and enormous experience and then only intuition will come automatically, to predict.
- Then comes timing of the different events and yogas.
All the above cannot be got by JUST asking a simple quora question. You have to be born with destiny and fate to be an excellent astrologer.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
Rashi or Lagna chart is the mapping of the grahas from geocentric point of view, as we see in the sky.
Navamsa is the divisional chart based on Lagna chart. Each house is divided into 9 equal parts call navamsa pada,and distributed in a particular fashion.
Both charts are very important in Vedic astrology.
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B. V Raman wrote books on all the three systems mentioned and used them.
These systems, each has axioms or rules, plenty, many contradictory and overlapping. That means all these systems are limited or approximate solutions only.
To summarize, all the Vedic astrology literature, till now, are just approximate NOT Accurate systems.
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Good question.
For fate or destiny related ones, you need astrology. For will power, you need to believe in oneself.
As far as fate is concerned, your horoscope is the way and plan to reach your destiny easily, without hurdles. With this, you can reduce UNNECESSARY problems created by the so called WILL POWER of yours.
For your question, you should know what is Existentialism and Essentialism , Essentialism vs. Existentialism - Fact / Myth and then understand fate and will power.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
Robert Kimball had answered it very well.
To be or not to be in Quora is every Answerer's birth right. Same goes with, to answer or not to.
And also Most learned astrologers would not like to throw their precious pearls (knowledge and predictions) to anybody. You have to earn that.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
Good question.
For fate or destiny related ones, you need astrology. For will power, you need to believe in oneself.
As far as fate is concerned, your horoscope is the way and plan to reach your destiny easily, without hurdles. With this, you can reduce UNNECESSARY problems created by the so called WILL POWER of yours.
For your question, you should know what is Existentialism and Essentialism , Essentialism vs. Existentialism - Fact / Myth and then understand fate and will power.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
There are many Dasha systems with different Dasha years allotted to different grahas.
For Vimshottari system years, samudrika lakshan book measures of a human body is used for arriving at the number of years.
The sequence in Vimshottari is based on inner and outer graha, measuring from Surya (Simha) and Chandra (Kataka).
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For normal predictions from a horoscope, it is needed.
There are other predictions for question asked (Prasana Marga), which does not require birth chart.
And for nadi leaf reading, just the thumb impression is enough to know your future.
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Pseudo science is not a word for anything which is anti-science or not following the scientific methodology. If that is the case, all religions believe in God without showing any proof of the same. So All Religions are pseudoscience, with a great following.
Astrology has predictive value and not pseudo science. If you want prediction ask for it…
Astrology which is Astronomy + Logic, which in a stable system (not choas, as it was at the formation of this universe), with observed facts of Grahas . In such a system, a geometrical interpretation with observed psychological behavior is scientific in the real sense.
As an after thought, Science is still not able to prove how this world got created in the first place, including the big-bang. So Science is the first Pseudoscience, with no predictive value and has great pseudo-followers like you, including the religious, atheists and iconoclasts.
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Lagna chart is more accurate than moon chart. The reason being Lagna based on Surya, changes faster than moon position, such that accuracy is more.
Chandra and Surya are another Grahas in a chart, so both cannot be assumed unique or compared with Lagna. These are just Chandra and Surya signs.
Lagna is based on Surya sign plus daily progression of lagna due to rotation of earth. Same analogy holds good for Chandra, which has also lagna based on earth rotation.
This Moon chart based from Chandra position is another fallacy of Vedic astrology, which some astrologer had invented to prove his point, albeit,may be in a reverse-proof way.
Charts can be read from each graha’s lagna point, which is altogether another dimension of analysis. Just by accepting old vedic lore without research is the greatest mistake of most Indians, without researching any Indian subjects. These guys are the real amateurs and jokers and clowns of astrology.
Just answering with reference with old books, is not going to make a point mathematically.
If something fails due to lagna reading, it is due to less knowledge of the guy who predicts. May be he is using different graha as karakas for life significations. This is the most funniest and crappy understanding and predictions based on that.
Generic functionality of Graha (eg. Shukra as spouse) is an understanding of the guna of the graha, not to assume that as karaka for any chart. Totally absurd.
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Surya and Chandra are Grahas in astrology. Planet is a poor translation of Graha.
Graha is an object which attracts or influences.
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Good question.
For fate or destiny related ones, you need astrology. For will power, you need to believe in oneself.
As far as fate is concerned, your horoscope is the way and plan to reach your destiny easily, without hurdles. With this, you can reduce UNNECESSARY problems created by the so called WILL POWER of yours.
For your question, you should know what is Existentialism and Essentialism , Essentialism vs. Existentialism - Fact / Myth and then understand fate and will power.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
Astrology which is Astronomy + Logic, which in a stable system (not choas, as it was at the formation of this universe), with observed facts of Grahas . In such a system, a geometrical interpretation with observed psychological behavior is scientific in the real sense.
As an after thought, Science is still not able to prove how this world got created in the first place, including the big-bang. So Science is the first Pseudoscience, with no predictive value and has great pseudo-followers like you, including the religious, atheists and iconoclasts.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me.
Clarify whether your data is based on western or vedic astrology.
To know more read my quora profile , upvote and follow me on Quora blogs - Jyotish, Pancha Pakshi & NadiAmsa .
Astrology which is Astronomy + Logic, which in a stable system (not choas, as it was at the formation of this universe), with observed facts of Grahas . In such a system, a geometrical interpretation with observed psychological behavior is scientific in the real sense.
As an after thought, Science is still not able to prove how this world got created in the first place, including the big-bang. So Science is the first Pseudoscience, with no predictive value and has great pseudo-followers .
I will predict your future and prove you wrong. Astrology is above belief. It does not need your belief or for that matter anybody’s.
Astrology which is Astronomy + Logic, which in a stable system (not choas, as it was at the formation of this universe), with observed facts of Grahas . In such a system, a geometrical interpretation with observed psychological behavior is scientific in the real sense.
As an after thought, Science is still not able to prove how this world got created in the first place, including the big-bang. So Science is the first Pseudoscience, with no predictive value and has great pseudo-followers including the religious, atheists and iconoclasts.
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Prashna chart predictions are based on the question asked at that point of time. The question being asked is out of free will, which can be any.
The fate based on your birth lagna chart decides the course of your life, for that question you are asking.
So there are two different things. If your fate and free-will is in congruent, then the prediction will be correct and right. If not, the prashna chart prediction will be different from your fate.
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Yes, there are many astrologers on quora MVW list, who give free services.
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Ashtakvarga points is a statistical measure of each grahas with respect to houses and other grahas. It indicates how your spouse would be, for a measure of 7th house.
It does not help to choose, which is based on the position of your 7th lord, its grahas and influence in Lagna and Navamsa chart, and also the time of ruling.
Astrology just creates a map (horoscope) of your birth. There is no need for faith or you to see this map before hand, to plan your life.
Destiny will take care according to the map, and your marriage and relationship will be as per that map.
To give an intuitive explanation, it is as follows, if you can understand.
Nakshatra is a name given to an arc of space in the zodiac, with its own lord. That space is converted to Time (Dasha period).
Dasha name is a name given to that time-period and it is in no way connected to your actual grahas in your chart.
Hope you can understand….
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Follow me on Quora blogs - NadiAmsa, Jyotish & Pancha Pakshi .
Kendra AdiPathi means one who owns a kendra namely 1,4,7 and 10, irrespective of the graha being natural benefic, as other answerer’s had told.
A kendra owner occupying a kendra creates a dosha, irrespective of Guru or any other graha. This dosha creates an over confidence which is a dosha, and brings about one’s own downfall in that house.
To mitigate, just be confident than being overboard in that aspect of life.
All other answers are without research and understanding.
7th house in Lagna chart should be checked. If any dosha is afflicting it marriage will get delayed or may not happen.
There is quite a lot of information on Mangal Dosh on internet.
Mangal or Kuja is a male and fiery planet and He placed in 7th, clouds the lagna. So the Mangal Dosha creates anger, intolerance and not so easily satiable. 7th being Kalathra Sthana ( Spouse), this creates great tension in married life. This leads to separation both physically and mentally.
Other house placements of Kuja has a lesser effect as 8, 12, 1, 2 and 4, in this order. But its effects are pronounced in 7, 8 and 2.
One cannot emerge out of it. Understanding oneself and one’s own self only, one can live with mangal dosh.
To know more read my quora profile and follow me .
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Follow me on Quora blogs - NadiAmsa, Jyotish & Pancha Pakshi .
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Follow me on Quora blogs - NadiAmsa, Jyotish & Pancha Pakshi .
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Follow me on Quora blogs - NadiAmsa, Jyotish & Pancha Pakshi .
Nadi astrology or Nadi (Palm leaf) reading originated all over India by many Rishis. But the King of Rishis - Sage Agasthya wrote a lot on it in Old Tamil and is followed or practiced in TamilNadu only.
Not much is available in North India or in sanskrit language. Sage Agasthya being a great disciple of Lord Shiva, as a Tamilian, wrote about a person’s future from the thumb impression. Nothing is known about its methodology.
With just thumb impression, one can find one’s nadi leaf, and in that the first tamil poem stanza will recite your horoscope and graha placement, with tamil month and year, the day and moon-day. And then proceeds to talk about your life and destiny. It will mention your mother, father’s name and number of co-borns. If married at that time, it will mention your spouse name and number of children
The nadi leaf reader is NOT an astrologer, and if he asks your birth details, then he may not be reading from genuine nadi leaf.
NadiAmsa is a house divided by 150, and each division is called a Nadi Amsa, which is 48 seconds in durations. The latest research in unequal division of a house into 150 divisions clearly divides into 16 vargas (amsas).
Based on NadiAmsa, the nadi leaf could have been written down.
Follow me on Quora blogs - NadiAmsa, Jyotish & Pancha Pakshi .
Good question.
For fate or destiny related ones, you need astrology. For will power, you need to believe in oneself.
As far as fate is concerned, your horoscope is the way and plan to reach your destiny easily, without hurdles. With this, you can reduce UNNECESSARY problems created by the so called WILL POWER of yours.
For your question, you should know what is Existentialism and Essentialism , Essentialism vs. Existentialism - Fact / Myth and then understand fate and will power.
Rashi or Lagna chart is the mapping of the grahas from geocentric point of view, as we see in the sky.
Navamsa is the divisional chart based on Lagna chart. Each house is divided into 9 equal parts call navamsa pada,and distributed in a particular fashion.
Both charts are very important in Vedic astrology.
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Nope. Provided 7th is not afflicted by other grahas.
It delays marriage.
This is a generic question, with no details, so only a generic answer can be given. 8th lord is bad, sitting in a good house, spoils it. Here it will spoil name, fame, love and children.
Astrology is so simple.
Most of the other astrologers on quora, answer questions in lengthy fashion without making it simple. This shows their bookish knowledge and quoting from old vedic lore without understanding or research.
No. Do not go by lagna. Go by your Moon sign.
Your fate and destiny is fixed from lagna, but your time is governed from Chandra, and to influence time Moon sign gemstone should be worn.
Others answer are without understanding or research.
Vedic Astrology predicts based on past-life karma. In this life, one has free will to do any action (karma). Based on this present karma, the older karmas are modified, nullified, suffered, enjoyed or carried-over.
All aspects of life are controlled, only the person is unaware. Astrology helps in revealing it. Once revealed, one can take control of it.
Some fixed karmas will manifest for one to enjoy or suffer. There is no escape from that.
Don’t believe. But Astrology is above belief.
Vedic Astrology predicts based on past-life karma. In this life, one has free will to do any action (karma). Based on this present karma, the older karmas are modified, nullified, suffered, enjoyed or carried-over.
All aspects of life are controlled, only the person is unaware. Astrology helps in revealing it. Once revealed, one can take control of it.
Some fixed karmas will manifest for one to enjoy or suffer. There is no escape from that.
Another fallacy of Vedic Astrology of applying yogas (combination of Grahas) in divisional charts. This is bookish knowledge without research.
Budha Adithya yoga being a combination of Surya and Budha is common in 99% of the charts, because both grahas do not normally go away by 28 degrees. So one will find this combination and would be present in any of the 12 houses.
Navamsa is a (harmonic) divisional chart, so mathematically it is NOT possible to have a yoga.
The answer to the question is just read from birth chart, according to the house in which this yoga is present. Reading in Navamsa chart is altogether a different way of approach.
NadiAmsa is one such which the secret key of Nadi Granthas of Tamil (South India).
Nadi is 150th division of a house of 12 minute arc and 48 second duration, which gives a bird-view of your current destiny and your horoscope embedded in it.
Check my answer on Nadi grantha for more explanations.
When we say Dasha, it means the starting Dasha was delineated using Chandra’s placement in a nakshatra, which has a lord. And that lord is a graha.
And all other Dasha is assigned as per the nakshatra lords. In that nakshatra lord series, Shani Dasha comes.
So a Dasha is basically ruled by nakshtra lord, NOT By the graha present in the birth chart.
With this in place, Shani’s placement should be ascertained accordingly and predictions be given.
Generic Dasha reading is useless.
Both are accurate in its own way. It depends on the astrologer, whose understanding and applying of the axioms properly and reading with intuition.
Vedic astrology is more accurate than western astrology as it has time-space conversion for delineation of an event with the help of NadiAmsa.
The questioner has some knowledge in astrology. Let me guide to analyse.
This is a generic question, with no divisional chart pertaining to 5th house is given. So only generic answer is only possible.
For Virgo Ascendant, Guru is 4th and 7th lord in 5th. 11th lord Chandra in fifth. So the 5th house is fortified with kendra lord and 11th lord. Good for name, fame and children.
Shani being 6th and 5th lord in 3rd is ok, not great. Not great for co-borns.
It is not possible to compare with other famous charts and predict, which is a statistical model of no accuracy. Other astrologers use this model to showcase their own expertise.
To predict accurately the full horoscope, with birth details is needed. Then accurate algorithms based on Amsa charts and NadiAmsa can be applied to delineate the effect.
Using Prashna Marga as practiced in Kerala.
This unique branch of astrology is found only in South India, Kerala. This is used for temple functions also.
It all depends on the methodology used by the astrologer. And also his understanding and application of the axioms.
If the same method is used on all horoscope, and if it yields accurate predictions, then that methodology can be said to be unique and accurate.
The astrologer should ascertain the dosha from Lagna chart and confirm it, in that corresponding amsa chart. Then segregate it in the NadiAmsa chart, because one house can represent many aspect of life ( eg. name or fame or children for 5th house).
After segregating the dosha to a particular aspect, find which graha is responsible for that.
When remedies like mantra, yantra and propitiation is done for that graha, then there will be relief from that dosha.
Vedic Astrology predicts based on past-life karma. In this life, one has free will to do any action (karma). Based on this present karma, the older karmas are modified, nullified, suffered, enjoyed or carried-over.
All aspects of life are controlled, only the person is unaware. Astrology helps in revealing it. Once revealed, one can take control of it.
Some fixed karmas will manifest for one to enjoy or suffer. There is no escape from that.
Vishnu Sahasranamam is in praise of Lord Vishnu. This is nowhere connected with Rahu Mahadasha.
All the grahas come under the control of the 3 Lords, and the grahas control your fate. There cannot be a by-pass of the powers.
Again another fallacy of Vedic Astrology and Hindu Religion.
If your Bakthi is great to Lord Vishnu, that will help in a way, to put up with the problems in Rahu Dasha.
Astrology is an art, not a science. That does not mean the predictions should be different. Only the astrologers are different in their methodology.
Some astrologers compare with other famous charts and predict, which is a statistical model of no accuracy. Other astrologers use this model to showcase their own expertise.
To predict accurately the full horoscope, with birth details is needed. Then accurate algorithms based on Amsa charts and NadiAmsa can be applied to delineate the effect. I use this same method to all horoscope, and it is accurate.
Lal Kitab is a poor and illiterate man’s astrology. It claims to be part of Vedic Astrology, but it is not.
Another Linda Goodman kind of astrology from mughul period, which is claimed in north India as real.
Placement of Surya and Shani is to be known to predict married life for a Simha Lagna.
Others houses are also to be considered for happiness, longevity, family and children etc.
Going by marriage Karaka is generic and NOT particular to a chart.
All grahas except Rahu-Ketu axis moving clockwise and Rahu Ketu axis moving anti-clockwise.
In a scenario Grahas will get locked inside Rahu-Ketu axis, including Lagna. Then it constitutes KS Dosha. Based on Rahu-Ketu position from Lagna, there are different names.
Vedic Astrology predicts based on past-life karma. In this life, one has free will to do any action (karma). Based on this present karma, the older karmas are modified, nullified, suffered, enjoyed or carried-over.
All aspects of life are controlled, only the person is unaware. Astrology helps in revealing it. Once revealed, one can take control of it.
Some fixed karmas will manifest for one to enjoy or suffer. There is no escape from that.
The nakshatra lord decides your fate for that aspect of life. Dasha is the measurement to deduce the time, of when that fate will fructify.
For eg. A graha in a nakshatra and the nakshatra lord has direct and indirect relationship with the current dasha, through NadiAmsa, where in, the accurate happening can be deduced and the timing.
There is no exaltation or debilitation in divisional charts, nor ownership, as mathematically only vargotamma is possible.
This divisional chart interpretation is the most misunderstood in Vedic astrology.
Navamsa is the 9th harmonic chart of the lagna chart.
The 360 zodiac and its houses can be divided into 9 equal parts and distributed again to the 12 houses. Each distribution is called a navamsa.
The Navamsa reflects the karmic-ness of each planet,and also used to delineate the spouse and the timing of marriage, as per NadiAmsa.
There are two sides for anything in this world.
For karmic, they are fixed (static) and dynamic ones.
The fixed or static which cannot be changed like your shape of your face, is written and can be predicted from your horoscope.
The dynamic one is your free will, which you can use to change the static and create newer karmas, in such a way to overcome astrological fixed predictions.
But the funny part is, how you will come to know of your fate ( the correct prediction) and at the right time, unless you have access to a great astrologer (albeit a free one, if not). That way at the right time a prediction can be overcome with your free will.
Alas it is in your static fate, which will not allow you to get the right advice at the right time, that way nature will see to that, that you enjoy or suffer that karma.
Shani as such being yogakaraka for Kanya lagna, is great.
Mahadasha effects are decided by the nakshatra lord in which Shani is in. Because dasha is nakshatra (time) based. Shani as a graha in a horoscope is space based.
Where is Shukra?
Hi Anonymous,
Vedic Astrology unanimously considers precession.
The question is not a legitimate one as an argument "against" Vedic astrology.
Anonymous and pseudo goes together.
Irrespective of where the mahadasha lord is placed in a nakshatra, the bhukti or antara period, is a period of introspectiveness and slow growth, if the dasha lord is a good one. If bad, you are in great trouble.
A swati nakshatra girl does not have any dosha. Rahu the nakshatra lord bestows such a virtue to swati girls ONLY. Swati nakshatra is one of the maha nakshatras.
That said, one can ignore nakshatra matching with any boy’s nakshatra.
Only the charts have to be matched for marriage.
Maha Dasha based on nakshatra is like you walking on the road.
There is NO transit dasha, only transits. Transit is like, it rains when you are walking on the road.
So your Maha Dasha has permanent and strong effect, with the rain affecting you temporary and a weak effect.
Rahu or Ketu does not have Drigh bala, directional strength. By position they get sthana bala, not of their own, rather of the dispositor, namely the house lord.
Rahu does not specially attach to any particular house, as you asked.
Rahu in 7th creates problem in marriage, if lagna and 7th lord can be taken into consideration and analysed.
In the case of a swati nakshatra girl, the bridegroom would prosper a lot.
Correction. Past karma is fixed, not the results of it.
Vedic astrology is just a science to tell, the karma. Thats it.
In no way it is asking you or anybody to get predictions or remedies done.
It is up to you to create a newer karma (action) to know about your past karma, and again believe (believing is also a karma) in remedial measures.
The point in knowing your karma, is knowing and understanding yourself. Thats it. Bye.
You need to know the house signification from lagna, how each graha placed affects that.
Apply the logic, axioms and graha guna simultaneously to read just one house. If it is a combination (yoga) or drishti is there, more intuition and graha relationships should be applied.
That said you need to be a born astrologer to have intuition, knowledge and keen understanding of human psyche.
Timing using maha dasha is altogether a different ball-game, to ascertain the event happening. Generic dasha is of no use, especially based on Chandra calculation.
Shani as 1st lord in first forms sasa yoga. But that would not be great as he being 12th also, so loss created by oneself is indicated.
More so Shani dasha has to be ascertained based on its placement in which nakshatra and its lordship. This would indicate whether this yoga will fructify in his dasha.
Mother and Father would be beneficial to you. Without knowing Shani and Surya, not much can be told about spouse and married life.
Co-borns would help the individual as needed.
Karma - bad or good is a form of memory, a subtle energy carried in your archaic plane to ethereal plane and back.
As all the creations of nature is one form of energy (which we call god or allah or whatever or atheistic), energy can be transformed into another form only.
That way one can tackle karma as an energy.
But at this energy level there is no bad or good to it. It is good or bad to you or anybody on the archaic plane, but not so in the ethereal plane.
One can break a karma (bad or good), at archaic plane but will face the consequence at ethereal plane. The reason being one looses ego in the ethereal plane.
If all the above is mumbo-jumbo to you, just live out your karma. That is the best, because it is YOUR karma and you should respect and love it, good or bad.
With vedic astrology and using nadiamsa technique, in your chart 8th lord (longevity) Moon in 8th . This is good for longevity. 1st lord (you) Jupiter is in 2nd house, seeing 8th lord. Again good for longevity.
The only problem is 6th is in 1st, this will create diseases in your body, which will bring down your longevity.
Moon and Guru are well placed in nadiamsa, but not Shukra (Venus), so Venus is destined to harm you with diseases. Take care.
I would prohibit myself to predict your longevity as per my Hindu tradition and culture.
If Kendradhipati dosha is in Lagna chart, then its strength can be ascertained for, in D10.
The strength ascertained in D10 will have accumulative effect on the dosha in lagna.
Reading divisional charts is altogether a different ball game. It becomes easy if used with NadiAmsa chart.
Naadi Shastra is based on NadiAmsa. In Naadi leaf reading, there is a Dasha-Bhukthi reading kandam (chapter), from that NadiAmsa can be derived. In a reverse way this can be derived from a particular horoscope, without reading the palm-leaf.
Newbie astrologers does not know or how to do research, to find that from nadi leaf.
Thumb impression in nadi leaf selection is used for classification of a group of charts ONLY.
I had answered many times on quora and on my website, about Naadi leaf and NadiAmsa briefly, without stating the proof, as that would open up, the Indian pandora box of me-too astrologers.
Addendum: I may write a book on Naadi and NadiAmsa, which will throw great light on the genius of Tamil Sage Agasthya (one of the SapthaRishi), the greatest exponent of Naadi writing and the second best Sishya of Lord Shiva. The first being Sage Rishabha. Sage Rishabha is known as Nandhi Deva also.
Take a FREE prediction, from an accurate astrologer like me and still claim that you disapprove, just for the fun of it or out of your silly ego or that silly free will of yours.
As a Pancha Pakshi expert, I would say that this is a mysterious science within astrology propounded by Tamil Sage Agasthya. Below is my research excel sheet.
There is a lot of data on internet, tamil panchang. Some data are erroneous as the tamil stanzas are misleading in some of the texts.
Sage Agasthya and his disciples were the exponents of this secret astrology practiced only in Tamil Nadu.
Some excerpts taken from internet
பட்சி பார்க்கிறவனிடம் பகைக்காதே” in tamil
The above proverb in Tamil which warns that one should not develop enmity with a man who knows this sastra ('Panjapakshi sastram').He cuts the roots of the generations and also he is a yogi and he had been crossed the generations of birth. A complete yogi knows the entire secrets of this sastra. Most of the panja pakshi sastra were written by disciples of Agasthiyar. It refer this sastra written by magamuni,romarishi,bogar,kagapusundar,matchamuni and others, they mostly refer agasthiyar’s verses and poems. All the eighteen siddhars refer only agasthiyar panja pakshi sastra.
Law of attraction is just energy. When you say “bad days”, it amounts to time.
Alas!, time cannot be attracted with energy. That is wishful superlative thinking. And a load of books and quora advice is available on positive thinking and other things.
Astrology deals with time and your karma.
Without knowing your right or good time, your law of attraction is just a waste.
So it boils down to know your right time, to attract.
For some, this happens naturally due to their good karma, from past birth. And others have to sweat it out.
Astrology helps to know your good karma and good time to harvest, what you had sown long back, in this birth or previous ones.
Within bad period or a day, there is another way to find your right time (capsule) to harvest. And that is pancha pakshi way.
… at the right time.
The question leads to another. How do you know what is your destiny ?.
If what you think and what you want to become can be assumed as your destiny, then that destiny can be changed by your free will. In this scenario, it is you, not astrology, that is dictating your destiny.
Don’t assume that astrology has a destiny for you and had been told to you accurately and that you don’t like it, so you want to change it. This assumption is that you are living in a fool’s paradise.
The answer to your question is Yes, it can be changed.
But funnily, how you will come to know, accurately your accurate destiny…..
Yuti or yoga or combination of Grahas are all the same. This affects the person taking into consideration the lagna Lord, the yoga's graha's ownership of house.
Degrees matter for accurate reading in amsa chart and delineating the NadiAmsa chart. And in mahadasha delineation.
Adding to Shukla’s answer and using his India chart for reference. 3rd lord Chandra is in Pushya star of Shani, who is in 3rd again. Chandra and Shani being inimical to each other, but placed together, will create a love-and-hate relationship between India and its close neighbors (3rd house).
As such Shani and Chandra go well with Shukra (India), so relationships will be overly praising and underneath scheming.
Ketu as a chaya graha, does not have Drigh bala, directional strength. By position they get sthana bala, not of their own, rather of the dispositor, namely the house lord.
Ketu does not specially attach to any particular house, as you asked.
Ketu being malefic in nature would harm 7th house based on its relationship of its dispositor.
Taking into this relationship, one can predict with Navamsa the prediction for 7th house.
One cannot generalize as the question had been asked.
Rather a bad placement can be changed, by harnessing the power of Ketu, being a Gnana karaka in 7th. This is what astrology is meant for. To use the accurate bad effect in a positive, by predicting, accurately the psychological advice that a astrologer can give.
Looking at the image of Ketu, one can find that he has human body and snake head. This shows the veeriya (energy or power) of Ketu. Ketu in 1st house, will give a person wisdom and sharp intellect, provided 1st lord is good. Ketu in 7th gives a imagery effect to the person but to his spouse, the same as 1st house, provided 7th is good, or otherwise.
Wow, Shukla. Good exposition of accelerator and break for 1st and 7th house.
Maraka word is misunderstood by many and you had debunked it as a brake, which is needed.
1st and 7th being kendras, their natural disposition creates Kendra-AdhiPathiya dosha, which by its opposing nature is needed for conjugal life.
Others giving lengthy explanation is not good.
Assuming 7th is maraka in the first place, is wrong. This is assumptive argument. If so 7th house should damage. No it does not. It acts as a BREAK. Break helps to save you, and “mar” (breaking) you as 1st lord, not “maraka” or breaks.
98% of astrologers anaylse wrongly in India. First they give a bad name like maraka and analyse the chart. Instead, for which house, this is a maraka is important, to analyse.
Going by bookish knowledge is one of the shoddiest way or claiming that they have experience, is just another opinion, RATHER not the truth.
When one says according to Vedic Astrology, with mundane information it is Surya.
According to a horoscope which is part of astrology, Surya is not the one.
So correct your question and ask, if need be.
Then your question can be answered in the right perspective and Why it is so?.
Addendum: To ask the right question is tough. But the answer will be there in the question, if one asks the right question? - Jiddu KrishnaMurthi.
Past karma is fixed, not the results of it.
There is a catch-22 situation or a egg-chicken problem in karma theory also. This cannot be called as an error, nor it can be used to prove false.
Because this situation is there for the very cosmic being, as we look at it or understand. This understanding is beyond our comprehension or knowledge.
As simple as asking yourself a question. Did you ask your parents to give birth to you or is that they asked for you as their child. Or. Is that you asked for this birth, if not so why?
पीड़ा - Peeda - affliction
klesha - root of affliction.
In tamil the word peedai is still used. This is used in a very bad way. Peedai - the nearest english meaning would be - A person’s ill-fate which does repeat and no solution to that. Like the Veedhal which caught King Vikramadithya and never goes away. A tormenting and pitiful situation.
In Astrology affliction can be due to many reasons of bad graha placement in houses,or mutual to another graha and Rahu-Ketu axis.
The affliction can be due to good planets also, which can put you in a situation, which cannot be shaken out.
Karma - bad or good is a form of memory, a subtle energy carried in your archaic plane to ethereal plane and back.
As all the creations of nature is one form of energy (which we call god or allah or whatever or atheistic), energy can be transformed into another form only.
That way one can tackle karma as an energy.
But at this energy level there is no bad or good to it. It is good or bad to you or anybody on the archaic plane, but not so in the ethereal plane.
One can break a karma (bad or good), at archaic plane but will face the consequence at ethereal plane. The reason being one looses ego in the ethereal plane.
If all the above is mumbo-jumbo to you, just live out your karma. That is the best, because it is YOUR karma and you should respect and love it, good or bad.
This need not be a complicated affair.
I am going to tell one of my research secrets.
At the time of sunrise for that place, where the remedy is done, the first 48 seconds is Brahma Nadi, which is of no affliction or affectation of the very graha or any graha (including Surya), for which you are doing remedy.
At that time, you do the remedy, properly. Then you need not take any precautions.
Time is the greatest equalizer and balancer. Use it effectively.
But how would you know which is the right graha for the problem. Because a house represents many things. g. 5th house represents children, fame and name. This can be segregated using NadiAmsa.
“kettavan kettidil kittidum rajayogam” is the dictum in tamil, when reading horoscopes which means “When a bad graha is in a bad house,it gives raja yoga”
So your Rahu in 6th will give raja yoga. If the placement of Rahu in which nakshatra, navamsa, nadiamsa is given, one can say about good and bad antardashas.
BTW there is film by this name “kettavan kettidil kittidum rajayogam” to be released. Simbu being the hero.
On youtube: https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=...
The question leads to another. How do you know what is your own destiny ?.
If what you think and what you want to become can be assumed as your destiny, then that destiny can be changed by your free will. In this scenario, it is you, that is dictating your destiny.
Don’t assume that your life has a destiny for you and that can be told to you accurately and that you don’t like it, so you want to change it. This assumption is that you are living in a fool’s paradise.
The answer to your question is Yes, it can be changed.
But funnily, how you will come to know, accurately your accurate destiny…..
This astrology question is like asking the way for New York, standing on Moon.
The data given is generic.
Self analysis and with an assumption and asking to an expert, is self-appeasing.
Let me frame a sample question properly, if you do not know how to ask.
This is my birth details. I have Budha, Surya and Rahu in 12th. My lagna is Thula. Please predict my wealth?. Will the above combination is good or bad for wealth?.
Addendum: In the above sample question, I had used vedic names for grahas. Asking an astrologer with respect ( Vedic and Indian culture). Asking in proper english, the problem statement, with no assumptive argument.
Most of the astrological questions on quora are like this. This puts me off, not to answer.
Refer below quora Q&A for your answer
On a space-time-scale a nadi is equal 12 min of an arc with 48 sec. Each birth or event is separated by this nadi and makes it unique. That way even if two births have the same lagna, the Nadi-lagna will be different, making the birth unique. This is true for twin or multiple births of the same womb, provided it is a natural birth.
Read my profile.
Astrologically Yours,
Steve Hora, India
1st and 8th house lord, their placement, relationship between them, any combustion, any bad drishti makes a person dysfunctional.
The question is not clear about the person’s parents or his/her offspring.
Horoscope Analysis & Prediction:
Casting your vedic horoscope according to Lahiri Ayanamsa (Chitra paksha) and using sidereal solar years of 360 and using NadiAmsa timing technique.
7th and 6th lord Shani is in 7th and retrograde will delay your marriage.
In Navamsa, Shani is not well placed.
In NadiAmsa, Shani is not again well placed.
Timing: Before Dec 2019, you will get married. From Dec 2019 to Dec 2020 is also good period for marriage. Dec 2020 to Feb 2021 is bad time for married life. This is as per Vimshottari Dasha and NadiAmsa technique.
Remedies: Remedial measure is to be done for Shani as per Navamsa...
Solutions: Mantra Prabhava for Marriage can be done.
Bhagya is there, but not there to …
Bookmark my Vedic Astrology Research to learn more about upcoming articles on NadiAmsa, Pancha Pakshi and accurate prediction techniques.
Vedic astrological science was created and told to us by our great Rishis for, to harness graha’s power.
No one can get rid of Rahu or for that matter any graha, by reciting something.
Below are some of the methods to harness a graha’s power.
Going to temple every week and on nakshatra day.
Recitation of mantra is one way.
Another way of harnessing is yantra.
Each methodology has that much power to last long for that much time you practice.
Using mantra at the right time is another way. This encompasses time, which is good.
Rahu power is a must for suddenness of an event to happen according to one’s horoscope. If he is good, then expect sudden good event to happen. If you think (pipe-dream) to get rid of him, that good thing will not happen.
Even if he is bad, he can be harnessed in a good way, by removing him from NadiAmsa based yantra, thereby making him NULL power, but not void of time.
NadiAmsa is the amsa where space (grahas) and time (dasha) meet, for a given birth chart.
In one of my answer to a question below, I had removed Rahu from my NadiAmsa yantra, as he is bad for me. Check out.
What is your superstition or lucky charm (for money, fame, relationships)?
Bookmark my Vedic Astrology Research to learn more about upcoming articles on NadiAmsa, Pancha Pakshi and accurate prediction techniques.
Atmakarka and Amatyakarka in same house can happen based on the degrees the said grahas occupy. Based on that Jaimini chara dasa can be used to predict.
In Jaimini system, Jaimini Chara Dasha SHOULD only be applied as that is house-based and jaimini karakas are house based. Jaimini chara dasa is NOT NAKSHATRA based.
I find here on this question and answer, answerers mixing Vimshottari dasha (nakshatra based) with Jaimini system of house based prediction.
Also some answerers use varshaphal, to delineate events that are to be read from birth chart. Totally absurd. And that person has high MVW ratings. Funny.
Questioners are getting free prediction with these wrong methodologies, reflects on the pathetic situation of the seeker and astrology.See comments.
Arsh Mishra was doing some (swach jyotish) intelligence cleaning at global vedic astrology level. He can take this up.
Bookmark my Vedic Astrology Research to learn more about upcoming articles on NadiAmsa, Pancha Pakshi and accurate prediction techniques.
Horoscope Analysis & Prediction:
Casting your vedic horoscope according to Lahiri Ayanamsa (Chitra paksha) and using sidereal solar years of 360 and using Vimshottari Dasha and NadiAmsa timing technique.
7th and 4th lord Guru is in 12th, spoiling and delaying your marriage.
In Navamsa, Guru is well placed, so no denial of it.
In NadiAmsa, Guru is again well placed, so no denial of it.
Timing: Between May 2022 to Jan 2025, you will get married. DO NOT get married from now till May 2022 or it will end in failure.
Remedies: Remedial measure is to be done for Guru as per Lagna chart...
Solutions: Mantra Prabhava for Marriage can be done.
Bhagya is there, but time will decide …
Atmakarka and Amatyakarka and Jaimini chara dasa can be used to predict.
In Jaimini system, Jaimini Chara Dasha SHOULD only be applied as that is house-based and jaimini karakas are house based. Jaimini chara dasa is NOT NAKSHATRA based.
I find here on this question and answer, answerers mixing Vimshottari dasha (nakshatra based) with Jaimini system of house based prediction.
Also some answerers use varshaphala, to delineate events that are to be read from birth chart. Totally absurd. And that person has high MVW ratings. Funny.
House % affectation and using Vimshottari Dasha (nakshatra based) is used by some answerers, which is absurd.
Free and funny.
Questioners are getting free prediction with these wrong methodologies, reflects on the pathetic situation of the seeker and astrology.
It is so, a pseudo science, if you go by the latest scientific pseudo-belief.
With proper research with no assumptions, it is a science with meta-physical meaning and beyond.
As astrology deals with life, it becomes too personnel, for one to argue / deny / accept as one may consider. Whereas science is impersonal, so it is accepted by common man without his own personnel proof.
Astrology is comprised of astronomical position of planets from a geocentric point of view. This is scientific data. On top o