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Nadi Astrology and Tamil Nadi Palm Leaf is a special branch of Vedic Astrology.
Nadi is 150th division of a zodiac house.
Recent research by eminent Astrologers had revealed that the ShodashVarga or 16 divisional charts of a horoscope, matches into the NadiAmsa or D-150.
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This is a continuation of my research two years back and was published as an answer in Quora Q2A as below. More on it now.
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What is Nadi Amsa? How is it made, and how do you read with the Lagna chart?
Nadi is 150th division of each Rashi in Lagna chart.
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Mundane - World Predictions The predictions are given on the transits of planets, with no fixed Ascendant (Lagna).
This applies to all countries, if otherwise specified to a country which has a Deccan (Drekkana).
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Ayanamsa - A Scientific Calculation Scientific data Data used is from scientific community and not from Vedic text books. But Vedic Seers have to be credited for noting this great scientific data namely Ayanamsa or Precession of Equinox, astronomically long back.
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Enrich and Optimize your life with Vedic Astrology Karma plays an important role in the destiny or fate of a person. Free Will has its part also.
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About Steve Hora I am a born astrologer, as per Sri Vaithiswara Agasthiya Koushiha Nadi Grantha in Tamil. In my palm-leaf reading, one of my profession is mentioned as below
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Graha Budha an enemy of Guru Consider the relationship of Guru and Budha from their houses in the zodiac
Guru → Budha
From Meena owned by Guru, Budha (Mithuna) is 4th and Budha (Kanya) is 7th.
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Ashtakavarga system Deals with transit or Gochara of Grahas (Planets) in Bhavas (Houses). It has less significance in natal chart interpretation and Mundane Predictions and timing of events.
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George Floyd Killing A Mundane Astrological Analysis using House and Nakshatra system of Vedic Astrology.
Astrological Analysis The time line of events that led to Mr.
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Using Hora Astrology in Daily life Hora as per Vedic Astrology is based on the sequence of the week days, namely Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc.
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Hora The full zodiac in a birth chart has 360 degrees. This The birth or lagna or rashi chart is divided into 12 houses with its significances.
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Karma and Vedic Astrology Question Can you analyze my horoscope? Most of the astrologer's predictions didn't come true for me.
Answer Maybe you had crossed your free quota limit for free prediction (aka accumulated good karma).
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Pushya-paksha Ayanamsa by Great Astrologer PVR Narasimha Rao, his free and best Jagannatha Hora software.
Jagannatha Hora PVR Narasimha Rao Garu had done a great exemplary service and Punya to Vedic Astrology.
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About Author I am a born astrologer, as per Sri Vaithiswara Agasthiya Koushiha Nadi Grantha in Tamil. In my palm-leaf reading, one of my profession is mentioned as below
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About Steve Hora A born astrologer, as per Sri Vaithiswara Agasthiya Koushiha Nadi Grantha in Tamil. In the palm-leaf reading, one of my professions are mentioned as below
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When the Corona virus Pandemic will end in USA and will solve it? Below is the Sidereal (Vedic) Horoscope of USA declaration of Independence.
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Astrology Temple secrets Refer below youtube for information about the Temple and its carvings which has Astrological significance.
I am going to analyze the youtube data from vedic astrology point of view.
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Bhrigu Bindu Bhrigu Bindu is the midpoint between Chandra (Moon) and Rahu (Dragon head).
How do I use Bhrigu Bindu and Tribhagi Vimshottari dasha together from a horoscope to delineate events in life?
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Birth Chart Prediction A birth chart reading or Lagna chart prediction is also called Reading the Horoscope. A Horoscope the mapping of planets from a Geo-centric point of view.
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What happened at Galwan on 15th June 2020, night An astrological analysis by Steve Hora - Vedic Astrologer, Researcher and Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Vedic, Naadi and Mundane Astrology.
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Parivarthana Yoga Definition Parivartana means mutual exchange. When two house lords exchange their places in a horoscope, it is called Parivartana Yoga. Unexpected and sudden events will happen in life.
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China Horoscope The data for China’s natal horoscope is taken from above authentic source.
Below is the vedic horoscope of China. Predictions will be continued, so followers can markup for more updates in this Q2A.
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What is the astrological significance of the CoronaVirus (COVID-19)? The first death of a person was reported in China on Jan 11th 2020. Below is the chart for the place Wuhan, China.
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Dasha systems are many in Vedic Astrology for timing events in one’s life from the horoscope. Each Dasha system has a purpose as enumerated in the samhitas.
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Question: Which sign is followed in western astrology? Answer: Sun sign is followed in Western astrology. Western astrology is tropical and uses Sun sign for prediction purposes.
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Nava Graha Nava means Nine. Graha means One which Pulls or affects.
A graha can be a Star (Sun) or a Satellite of Earth (Moon).
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Guru Dakshina - Payments If you are an international client, to pay in USD, click this link .
Please pay Guru Dakshina in INR, click on this link - stevehora at razorpay .
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A modern approach to Jaimini Astrology Postulation Only 7 karakas is valid. Rahu-Ketu is taken as one unit.
AtmaKaraka will denote soul s purpose in this life.
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How is your Janma Nakshatra or janma star determined? The Nakshatra in which moon is placed at the time of your birth is your Janma Nakshatra or birth star.
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Karana and their effects in Astrology Bav Karana Individuals born in Bav Karana in Astrology are spiritual and like to be involved in holy activities.
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Horoscope - Marriage Compatibility No. Poruttham Result 1 Dinam Good health 2 Ganam Pleasant and happy life with social and nice functions 3 Mahendram Good children 4 Sthree Deergam Financial prosperity 5 Yoni Good understanding, harmony and sexual compatibility 6 Rashi Good quality of life 7 Rashyaadhi Birth of children and their prosperity 8 Vashyam Mutual attraction and affection with inseparable temparament 9 Rajju Avoiding widowhood or widower-hood [see below] 10 Vedham Avoid evil affects arising out of marriage The minimum requirement is fixed as 18 points i.
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Nadi Astrology by Steve Hora, Vedic Astrology Expert. I had researched and found the secrets of Nadi Astrology of Tamil Palm leaf, its prediction technique and timing.
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Nadi Astrology (Tamil Palm Leaf Reading) Nadi - Tamil Palm Leaf horoscope reading is a mystery and one of Life wonders.
To know more read wikipedia link - Nadi Astrology.
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Nakshatras What are the names of the 27 Nakshatras or star constellations?
The names of the 27 Nakshatras and it lords are: Ketu, Shukra, Surya, Chandra, Kuja, Rahu, Guru, Shani and Budha rules the first below set Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Arudra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Ashlesha covering from Mesha till Karataka Rashi.
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What are the names of the 9 main Grahas or planets? The 9 planets are: Soorya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangala (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu.
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What is the effect of Saturn in the 7th house on a D9 chart in Capricorn? Effect of Saturn (Shani) in 7th house and that too in D9 chart.
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Rat Metal - Chinese Calendar Year 2020 - Astrological signify? The Chinese New Years are Lunar based starting from next lunar day after new moon.
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Quora - Astrological Question and Answers by Steve Hora AnswerQuestion: Are the horoscopes in the newspapers accurate?Content: No. As per Nadi Astrology, each individual is unique at the time of birth.
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Quora - Astrological Question and Answers by Steve Hora AnswerQuestion: What's the compatibility of a Libra Sun/Leo Moon man and a Leo Sun/Aries Moon woman?
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Quora - Astrological Question and Answers by Steve Hora AnswerQuestion: What does your ascendant mean?Content: In a day, from sunrise till next sunrise, the earth rotates on itself.
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Question and Answers Below is the vedic astrology chart of Republic of India.
In mundane astrology, when dealing with regions, it is very important to see, the 1st lord, its children 5th house (People), Relationship 7th house, 6th house of Conflict and Peace.
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Question and Answers by Steve Hora on Quora.
Most Valuable Writer on Quora Vedic Astrology (Jytoisha)
Rahu is in 9th house - Gemini (Mithuna).
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What are the names of the 12 zodiac or Rashi or signs? The 12 zodiac signs are: Mesha (Aries), Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karkataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha and Meena.
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How is your Rasi sign determined? The zodiac sign in which the planet Moon is situated at the time of your birth becomes your rasi or moon sign.
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Lagna (D1) and Navamsa chart (D9) From a person s lagna chart, the 7th lord denotes spouse and marriage. Its significance or amsa can be found in Navamsa chart (D9).
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Varma or Marma (Secret) points of Tamil Martial Arts Varma or Marma points are based on the movement of Prana Energy in a human body.
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Sahamas - Artha Sahamas Part of Fortune is part of Arabic Astrology, which was copied into western astrology before 13th century.
Part of Fortune is called as Punya Sahamas.
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Steve Hora – Jyotish Guru Vedic Astrologer, Researcher and Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Vedic, Naadi and Mundane Astrology.
Reach me at https://stevehora.substack.com/ and Vedic Astrology - Jyotish .
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Testimonials Testimonials from my clients are available at stevehora.substack.com.
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Mantra, Yantra and Tantra is customized for a particular horoscope for success.
Tithi Information Tithi plays an important role in knowing the strength of a graha and its occupied space or house in a horoscope.
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Books Astrology For Beginners How to Judge a Horoscope: I to VI Houses - Vol.1 How to Judge a Horoscope: 2 Hindu Predictive Astrology My Experiences in Astrology Three Hundred Important Combinations Graha and Bhava Balas Reach me at https://stevehora.
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What is Vedic Horoscope Vedic (Sidereal) horoscope is made according to Precession ( True Lahiri Ayanamsa - Chitra paksha), using sidereal solar years of 360.
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What is Vedic Astrology Vedic astrology is one of the vedangas of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The vedangas are the six sciences that are studied in order to practice and understand Vedic teachings.
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Vedic Astrology Software Recommended by Steve Hora – Jyotish Guru
Jagannatha Hora is the best Free Vedic Astrology software.
I use it for my research and accurate predictions.
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Mahatma Gandhi Chart Analysis and Mundane Predictions By Steve Hora.
Below is the horoscope of “Mahatma Gandhi”.
The Vedic horoscope is made according to Lahiri Ayanamsa (Chitra paksha), using sidereal solar years of 360, Vimshottari Dasha.
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In-Depth knowledge Vedic Astrology is a vast subject. Steve Hora and other astrologers on our website, have in-depth knowledge for horoscope predictions.
Privacy: We respect the privacy of yours and DO NOT DISCLOSE any private information to anyone.
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In-Depth knowledge Vedic Astrology is a vast subject. Steve Hora and other astrologers on our website, have in-depth knowledge for horoscope predictions.
Privacy We respect the privacy of yours and DO NOT DISCLOSE any private information to anyone.
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Birth chart or Horoscope Birth chart is based on your accurate Date of Birth, Time and Place of Birth.
If you want a very detailed and professional birth chart, reach us at https://stevehora.
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